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中英对照法律资源--中国海事仲裁委员会仲裁规则          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

arties may agree to jointly appoint or jointly authorize the Chairman of the Arbitration Commission to appoint an arbitrator from the arbitrators on the Panel as the sole arbitrator to form an arbitration tribunal to hear the case alone. <0}

{0>  双方当事人约定由一名独任仲裁员审理案件,但在被申请人收到仲裁通知之日起15天内,以第二十六条中的方式未能就独任仲裁员的人选达成一致意见的,由仲裁委员会主任指定。<}0{>If both parties have agreed on a sole arbitrator to hear their case alone but have failed to agree on the choice of such a sole arbitrator within 15 days from the date of receipt by the Respondent of the Notice of Arbitration in the way provided in Article 26, the Chairman of the Arbitration Commission shall make the appointment.<0}

{0>第二十八条 仲裁案件有两个或者两个以上申请人及/或被申请人时,申请人之间或被申请人之间应当经过协商, 在仲裁委员会提供的仲裁员名册中各自共同选定或者各自共同委托仲裁委员会主任指定一名仲裁员。<}0{>Article 28 When there are two or more Claimants and/or Respondents in an arbitration case, the Claimants' side or the Respondents' side each shall, through consultation, appoint or entrust the Chairman of the Arbitration Commission to appoint one arbitrator from among the Panel of Arbitrators of the Arbitration Commission.<0}

{0>  申请人之间及/或被申请人之间在收到仲裁通知之日起15天内,未能共同选定也未共同委托仲裁委员会主任指定一名仲裁员的,该仲裁员由仲裁委员会主任指定。<}0{>If the Claimants' side or the Respondents' side fails to make such appointment or entrustment within 15 days as from the date on which the Respondents' side receives the Notice of Arbitration, the appointment shall be made by the Chairman of the Arbitration Commission.<0}

{0>第二十九条 仲裁员接受当事人选定或仲裁委员会主任指定的,应当签署仲裁员声明书。声明书应当转交各方当事人。<}0{>Article 29 The arbitrators shall sign the Arbitrator's Declaration if they accept the appointment by the parties or the Chairman of the Arbitration Commission. The Declaration shall be delivered to the parties.<0}

{0>第三十条 被选定或者指定的仲裁员有下列情形之一的,应自行向仲裁委员会披露并请求回避:<}0{>Article 30 If one of the following circumstances happened to the arbitrators, the appointed arbitrator shall himself disclose such circumstances to the Arbitration Commission and request a withdrawal from his office:<0}

{0>(一)是本案当事人或者当事人、代理人的近亲属;<}0{>a. The arbitrator is one of the parties or relative or attorney of the party;<0}

{0>(二)与本案有利害关系;<}0{>b. The arbitrator has any interests related to the case;<0}

{0>(三)与本案当事人、代理人有其他关系,可能影响公正仲裁的;<}0{>c. The arbitrator has other relationship with the party or the attorney which may affect the impartiality of the arbitration; <0}

{0>(四)私自会见当事人、代理人,或者接受当事人、代理人的请客送礼的。<}0{>d. The arbitrator has met the party or the attorney privately, or accepted invitation or gifts from the party or the attorney.<0}

{0>第三十一条 当事人对仲裁员的公正性和独立性产生合理怀疑时,可以书面向仲裁委员会提出要求该仲裁员回避的请求,但应说明提出回避请求所依据的具体事实和理由,并提供必要的证据。<}0{>Article 31 Any party who has justified reasons to suspect the impartiality and independence of an arbitrator may make request in writing to the Arbitration Commission for that arbitrator's withdrawal. In the request, the facts and reasons on which the request is based shall be stated with the supporting evidence provided.<0}

{0>  对仲裁员的回避请求应以书面形式在第一次开庭之前提出,但所主张之回避事由的发生或得知是在第一次开庭审理之后的,不在此限。<}0{>A challenge against an arbitrator must be put forward in writing no later than the first oral hearing. If the grounds for the challenge comes out or are made known after the first oral hearing, the time of raising challenge is not subject to such restriction.<0}

{0>不开庭审理的案件,对仲裁员的回避请求应在第一次实体答辩前以书面形式提出,但所主张之回避事由的发生或得知是在第一次实体答辩之后的,不在此限。<}0{>In cases without oral hearing, the challenge against an arbitrator must be put forward in writing no later than the first submission of written statement of substantive defense. If the grounds for the challenge comes out or are made known thereafter, the time of raising challenge is not subject to such restriction.<0}

{0>第三十二条 仲裁员是否回避,由仲裁委员会主任作出决定。<}0{>Article 32 The Chairman of the Arbitration Commission shall decide on the withdrawal of the challenged arbitrator.<0}

{0>  在仲裁委员会主任就仲裁员是否回避作出决定前,被请求回避的仲裁员应当继续履行职责。<}0{>Before the Chairman of the Arbitration Commission makes a decision on whether the challenged arbitrator should be withdrawn, the arbitrator shall proceed with his function.<0}

{0>第三十三条 仲裁员因回避或者由于死亡、除名或其他原因不能履行职责时,应按照原选定或者指定该仲裁员的程序,选定或者指定替代的仲裁员。<}0{>Article 33 If an arbitrator cannot perform his duty owing to withdrawal, demise, removal or other reasons, a substitute arbitrator shall be appointed in accordance with the procedure whereby the replaced arbitrator was appointed.<0}

{0>  替代的仲裁员选定或者指定后,由仲裁庭决定以前进行过的全部或部分审理是否需要重新进行。<}0{>After the appointment of the substitute arbitrator, the arbitration tribunal has discretion to decide whether the whole or part of the previous hearings shall be repeated. <0}

{0>第三节 举证责任和举证期限<}0{>Section 3 Burden of Proof and Time limits<0}

{0>第三十四条 当事人应当对其申请、答辩和反请求所依据的事实提供证据加以证明。<}0{>Article 34 The parties shall submit evidence to prove the facts on which their claim, defense and counter-claim are based.<0}

{0>   没有证据或者证据不足以证明当事人的事实主张的,由负有举证责任的当事人承担不利后果。<}0{>If any party fails to submit the evidence, or, if the evidence submitted by the party is not sufficient to prove the allegation, the party having the burden of proof shall bear the ensuing adverse consequence.<0}

{0>第三十五条 根据案件需要,仲裁庭可以向当事人发出举证通知书,告知当事人举证责任的分配原则与要求,举证期限,逾期提交证据、不提交证据以及举证不能的法律后果。举证期限可以由当事人协商一致,并经仲裁庭认可。<}0{>Article 35 As the case may require, the arbitration tribunal may send Notice of Proof to the parties, informing the proof allocation principle, the requirement of proof, the time limits, the legal consequence of delayed submission of evidence, the non-submission of evidence and non-persuasion. Subject to the confirmation of the arbitration tribunal, the time limits may be scheduled by the agreement of the parties.<0}

{0>  当事人应当在举证期限内提交证据材料,当事人在举证期限内不提交的,视为放弃举证权利。逾期提交的证据材料,仲裁庭可不予采纳。当事人在举证期限内提交证据材料确有困难的,可以在期限届满前申请延长。

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