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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国治安管理处罚条例          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

) deliberately blocking the passing of fire engines or fire boats, or disturbing order at the scene of a fire, when circumstances are not serious enough for criminal punishment;


(3) refusing to follow the instructions of the commander at the scene of a fire and hindering fire fighting and rescue work;


(4) causing fire by negligence, but not having caused serious damages or injury;


(5) instigating or coercing others to work at risk of causing fire in violation of safety measures against fire, but not having resulted in serious consequences;


(6) occupying fire prevention belts, putting up shelters, building houses, digging trenches or building walls blocking the passage of fire engines in violation of the safety measures against fire;


(7) burying, enclosing or damaging and destroying fire-fighting facilities such as fire hydrants, water pumps, water towers, cisterns, or using such instruments and equipment for other purposes, and refusing to correct such acts after being informed by the public security organs;


(8) being in serious potential danger of fire, but refusing to take corrective measures after notification by the public security organs.

    第二十七条 违反交通管理,有下列第一项至第六项行为之一的,处十五日以下拘留、二百元以下罚款或者警告;有第七项至第十一项行为之一的,处五十元以下罚款或者警告:

Article 27. Whoever commits one of the following acts, from item one to item six, in violation of traffic regulations shall be detained for a maximum of fifteen days, fined a maximum of two hundred yuan or given a warning; anyone committing acts in items seven to eleven shall be fined a maximum of fifty yuan or given a warning:


(1) misappropriating, borrowing or lending vehicle license plates or a driver's license;


(2) driving a motor vehicle without a license or in an intoxicated condition, or lending a vehicle to a person who drives without a driving license;


(3) blocking traffic by rallying or demonstrating in cities, violating relevant regulations in disregard of police directions;


(4) deliberately intercepting or boarding vehicles by force or impeding the normal operation of vehicles in disregard of dissuasion;


(5) deliberately passing through an area when passage is forbidden in express terms by public security organs at or above the county level, in disregard of dissuasion;


(6) violating traffic regulations so as to cause traffic accidents, when circumstances are not serious enough for criminal punishment;


(7) driving motor vehicles not examined or sanctioned by traffic administration organs;


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