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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国治安管理处罚条例          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

(3) Obtaining evidence. Active support and cooperation shall be rendered by the departments and citizens concerned to the public security organs in the course of obtaining evidence. Honest statements shall be given by witnesses during the inquiry, and written statements should be made which shall be signed or sealed by the witnesses after checking and finding no error.


(4) Ruling. A ruling shall be made according to relevant provisions of these Regulations if the facts of violating the administration of public security are obvious and evidence is confirmed after interrogation and investigation.


A written ruling on the punishment should be made and declared to the offender immediately. Three copies of such a ruling shall be made and distributed among the offender himself, his work unit and the local police station of his permanent abode. The enforcement of the ruling shall be assisted by his work unit and the local police station.


(5) After being summoned to the public security organ, the offender should be interrogated and investigated promptly.


The time of interrogation and investigation shall not exceed twenty-four hours in complicated cases subject to detainment according to these Regulations.

    第三十五条 受拘留处罚的人应当在限定的时间内,到指定的拘留所接受处罚。对抗拒执行的,强制执行。

Article 35. Whoever shall be detained should receive the penalty in a specified detention house over a specified time. Compulsory detainment shall be used against one who resists enforcement of the punishment.


During the time of detention the detainee's food costs shall be paid by himself.

    第三十六条 受罚款处罚的人应当将罚款当场交公安人员或者在接到罚款通知或者裁决书后五日内送交指定的公安机关。无正当理由逾期不交纳的,可以按日增加罚款一元至五元。拒绝交纳罚款的,可以处十五日以下拘留,罚款仍应执行。

Article 36. A fine shall be paid by the offender on the spot to the public security officials or paid to the appointed public security organs within five days after receiving the notice of fine or written ruling. Failure to pay a fine in time without good cause shall be punished by an addition of one to five yuan per day. Whoever refuses to pay a fine shall be detained for a maximum of fifteen days and shall still be subject to the fine.


Receipt for payment of a fine shall be given to the offender by the public security organ or officials as soon as the fine is received.


The entire fine shall be delivered to the state treasury.

    第三十七条 裁决机关没收财物,应当给被没收人开具收据。

Article 37. A receipt shall be given to the offender after the penalty of confiscation is enforced by the ruling organs.


All the property confiscated shall be delivered to the state treasury. Property stolen, robbed, defrauded or extorted, with the exception of contraband, shall be returned according to law to the original owners, to be located within six months.

    第三十八条 被裁决赔偿损失或者负担医疗费用的,应当在接到裁决书后五日内将费用交裁决机关代转;数额较大的,可以分期交纳。

Article 38. Whoever is required by a ruling to make reparations for loss or to bear medical cost shall deliver the cost to the organ making the ruling for transmission within five days after receiving the written ruling. Payments by instalments may be accepted if the amount is large.


In cases the offender denies responsibility, the organs making the ruling shall notify his work unit to deduct the reparations from his salary or retain his property to be converted into payment.

    第三十九条 被裁决受治安管理处罚的人或者被侵害人不服公安机关或者乡(镇)人民政府裁决的,在接到通知后五日内,可以向上一级公安机关提出申诉,由上一级公安机关在接到申诉后五日内作出裁决;不服上一级公安机关裁决的,可以在接到通知后五日内向当地人民法院提起诉讼。

Article 39. If an offender or victim protests the ruling of the public security organ or the people's governme

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