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中英对照法律资源--中国加入工作组报告书          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     


{0>Documentation Provided<}0{>提供的文件<0}

{0>"The Working Party had before it, to serve as a basis for its discussion, a Memorandum on China's Foreign Trade Regime (L/6125) and questions posed by members of the Working Party on the foreign trade regime of China, together with replies of the Chinese authorities thereto. "<}0{>3.工作组收到作为其讨论基础的《中国对外贸易制度备忘录》(文件号L/6125)  工作组成员就中国对外贸易制度提出的问题以及中国主管机关对此所作答复。<0}

{0>" In addition, the Government of China made available to the Working Party a substantial amount of documentation, which is listed in document WT/ACC/CHN/23/Rev.1. "<}0{>此外,中国政府还向工作组提供了大量的文件,这些文件列在WT/ACC/CHN/23/Rev.1号文件中。<0}

{0>Introductory Statements<}0{>2.介绍性说明<0}

{0>"In statements to the GATT 1947 Working Party and subsequently to the Working Party on the Accession of China, the representative of China stated that China's consistent efforts to resume its status as a contracting party to GATT and accession to the WTO Agreement were in line with its objective of economic reform to establish a socialist market economy as well as its basic national policy of opening to the outside world.  "<}0{>4.在向GATT 1947 工作组及后来的中国加入工作组所作说明中,中国代表表示,中国为恢复其 GATT 缔约方地位和加入《WTO协定》所作的一贯努力符合其通过经济改革建立社会主义市场经济的目标及对外开放的基本国策。<0}

{0>China's WTO accession would increase its economic growth and enhance its economic and trade relations with WTO Members.<}0{>中国加入WTO将促进其经济增长,并加强其与WTO成员的经贸关系。<0}

{0>"Members of the Working Party welcomed China's accession to the WTO Agreement and considered that its accession would contribute to a strengthening of the multilateral trading system, enhancing the universality of the WTO, bringing mutual benefits to China and to the other Members of the WTO, and ensuring the steady development of the world economy."<}0{>5.工作组成员欢迎中国加入《WTO协定》, 认为中国的加入将有助于多边贸易体制的加强,增加WTO的普遍性,为中国和其他WTO 成员带来共同利益,保证世界经济的稳步发展。<0}

{0>"The representative of China said that China had a territory of 9.6 million square kilometres and, at the end of 1998 a population of 1.25 billion.  Since 1979, China had been progressively reforming its economic system, with the objective of establishing and improving the socialist market economy.  "<}0{>6.中国代表表示,中国拥有960万平方公里的国土面积,1998年年末全国总人口为12.5亿。自1979年以来,中国以建立和完善社会主义市场经济为目标,逐步改革其经济体制。<0}

{0>"The reform package introduced in 1994, covering the banking, finance, taxation, investment, foreign exchange (""forex"") and foreign trade sectors, had brought about major breakthroughs in China's socialist market economy.  "<}0{>1994年采取的一揽子改革措施涵盖银行、金融、税收、投资、外汇(“forex”)和对外贸易等部门,使中国的社会主义市场经济取得了重大突破。<0}

{0>"State-owned enterprises had been reformed by a clear definition of property rights and responsibilities, a separation of government from enterprise, and scientific management.  A modern enterprise system had been created for the state-owned sector, and the latter was gradually getting on the track of growth through independent operation, responsible for its own profits and losses. "<}0{>国有企业按照“产权清晰、权责明确、政企分开、管理科学”的原则进行改革,现代企业制度在国有部门得以建立,国有企业逐步走上自主经营、自负盈亏的轨道。<0}

{0> A nation-wide unified and open market system had been developed.  An improved macroeconomic regulatory system used indirect means and market forces to play a central role in economic management and the allocation of resources.  <}0{>全国统一开放的市场体系已经形成,以间接手段为主的宏观调控体系进一步完善,市场在经济管理和资源配置中发挥基础性作用。<0}

{0>"A new tax and financial system was functioning effectively.  Financial policy had been separated from commercial operations of the central bank, which now focussed on financial regulation and supervision.  "<}0{>新的财税体制有效运行。中央银行的政策性金融和商业金融已经分开,目前的重点在于调控和监管。<0}

{0>"The exchange rate of the Chinese currency Renminbi (also ""RMB"") had been unified and remained stable.  The Renminbi had been made convertible on current account.  Further liberalization of pricing policy had resulted in the majority of consumer and producer products being subject to market prices.  The market now played a much more significant role in boosting supply and meeting demand. "<}0{>人民币(“RMB”)汇率顺利并轨,汇价保持稳定,实现了在经常项目下的可兑换。市场价格进一步放开,大多数消费品和生产资料的价格已经由市场决定,市场机制在增加供给、满足需求方面的作用更加明显。<0}

{0>"The representative of China further noted that as a result, in 1999, the Gross Domestic Product (""GDP"") of China totaled RMB 8.2054 trillion yuan (approximately US$?990 billion).  In 1998, the net per capita income for rural residents was RMB 2,160 yuan (approximately US$?260), and the per capita dispensable income for urban dwellers was RMB 5,425 yuan (approximately US$?655).  "<}0{>7.中国代表进一步指出,上述改革的结果是,1999年国内生产总值(“GDP”)达82054亿元(约合9900亿美元)1998年农村居民人均纯收入达2160(约合260美元),城镇居民人均可支配收入达5425(约合655美元)<0}

{0>"In recent years, foreign trade had grown substantially.  In 1999, total imports and exports of goods reached US$?360.65 billion, of which exports stood at US$ 194.93 billion, and imports, US$?165.72 billion. Exports from China in 1998 accounted for 3.4 per cent of the world's total. "<}0{>近年来,对外贸易发展迅速,1999年货物进出口总额3606.5亿美元,出口额1949.3亿美元,进口额1657.2亿美元。1998年中国出口额占世界出口总额的3.4%<0}

{0>"The representative of China stated that although important achievements have been made in its economic development, China was still a developing country and therefore should have the right to enjoy all the differential and more favourable treatment accorded to developing country Members pursuant to the WTO Agreement."<}0{>8.中国代表表示,虽然经济发展取得了重要成就,但是中国仍然是一个发展中国家,因此应有权根据《WTO协定》享受给予发展中

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