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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国建筑法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

its undertaking projects shall go through application and approval procedures for following matters:


(1) Need to temporarily occupy areas not covered by approved construction programs;


(2) Likely to damage roads, pipes and electric wires, power supply and post and telecommunication equipment and other public facilities;


(3) Need to temporarily cut off water and power supply or hold up traffic;


(4) Need to conduct blasting operations;


(5) Other matters for which application and approval procedures are required in accordance with the stipulations of laws and regulations.

  第四十三条  建设行政主管部门负责建筑安全生产的管理,并依法接受劳动行政主管部门对建筑安全生产的指导和监督。

Article 43 Administrative authorities on construction are responsible for the administration of safety in construction operation and shall, according to law, subject themselves to the instruction and supervision on safety in construction operation by administrative authorities on labor.

  第四十四条  建筑施工企业必须依法加强对建筑安全生产的管理,执行安全生产责任制度,采取有效措施,防止伤亡和其他安全生产事故的发生。

Article 44 Construction enterprises shall, according to law, strengthen the safety in construction operation, enforce the safe operation responsibility system, and prevent casualties and other operation accidents by adopting effective measures.


The legal representative of a construction enterprise is responsible for the safety in operation of this enterprise.

  第四十五条  施工现场安全由建筑施工企业负责。实行施工总承包的,由总承包单位负责。分包单位向总承包单位负责,服从总承包单位对施工现场的安全生产管理。

Article 45 Construction enterprises are responsible for the safety at construction sites.  As to a construction project under an overall contract, the overall contractor is responsible for the safety at construction sites. Subcontractors shall hold themselves responsible to the overall contractor and be subject to the administration of the overall contractor concerning safe operation at construction sites.

  第四十六条  建筑施工企业应当建立健全劳动安全生产教育培训制度,加强对职工安全生产的教育培训;未经安全生产教育培训的人员,不得上岗作业。

Article 46 Construction enterprises shall establish a sound system of education and training in safe operation, strengthen the education and training of their staff members in safe operation.  Those without receiving a training in safe operation are prohibited from going on duty.

  第四十七条  建筑施工企业和作业人员在施工过程中,应当遵守有关安全生产的法律、法规和建筑行业安全规章、规程,不得违章指挥或者违章作业。作业人员有权对影响人身健康的作业程序和作业条件提出改进意见,有权获得安全生产所需的防护用品。作业人员对危及生命安全和人身健康的行为有权提出批评、检举和控告。

Article 47 In the course of construction operation, construction enterprises and working personnel shall observe laws and regulations concerning safe operation as well as safety rules of the construction industry.  They shall not command or operate in violation of relevant regulations.  Working personnel are entitled to forward proposals for improving the operating programs and conditions which adversely affect health and to obtain protective equipment as required for safe operation. They are entitled to criticize, report and accuse of actions endangering vital safety and personal health.

  第四十八条  建筑施工企业必须为从事危险作业的职工办理意外伤害保险,支付保险费。

Article 48 Construction enterprises must give accident and casualty insurance to workers engaged in dangerous operations and pay insurance premium for them.

  第四十九条  涉及建筑主体和承重结构变动的装修工程,建设单位应当在施工前委托原设计单位或者具有相应资质条件的设计单位提出设计方案;没有设计方案的,不得施工。

Article 49 As to a decoration project involving the change of the main part and bearing structure of the building, the unit undertaking the project shall entrust the original designing institution or other designing institutions of equivalent capability with the responsibility for drawing up the design scheme before the start of construction operation. The project shall not be started without a design scheme.

  第五十条  房屋拆除应当由具备保证安全条件的建筑施工单位承担,由建筑施工单位负责人对安全负责。

Article 50 Demolition shall be taken by the construction enterprises being able to ensure safety. The heads of those enterprises are responsible for safety.

  第五十一条  施工中发生事故时,建筑施工企业应当采取紧急措施减少人员伤亡和事故损失,并按照国家有关规定及时向有关部门报告。

Article 51 If an accident occurred in the course of construction operation, construction enterprises shall take emergency measures to reduce casualties and losses resulting from the accident and immediately report to the departments concerned in accordance with relevant state regulations.

第六章  建筑工程质量管理


  第五十二条  建筑工程勘察、设计、施工的质量必须符合国家有关建筑工程安全标准的要求,具体管理办法由国务院规定。

Article 52 The survey, design and construction of a project must meet the requirement of relevant state safety standards on construction projects.  The specific administrative measures shall be stipulated by the State Council.


The state safety standards on construction projects which can not ensure the safety of buildings shall be amended without delay.

  第五十三条  国家对从事建筑活动的单位推行质量体系认证制度。从事建筑活动的单位根据自愿原则可以向国务院产品质量监督管理部门或者国务院产品质量监督管理部门授权的部门认可的认证机构申请质量体系认证。经认证合格的,由认证机构颁发质量体系认证证书。

Article 53 The state shall establish the quality certification system for units engaged in construction. On a voluntary basis, units engaged in construction may, when applying for quality certification, submit their applications to the certification institutions approved by the product quality control departments under the State Council and by other departments authorized by the product quality control departments under the State Council. If certified, the units engaged in construction shall be granted with Quality Certificates by the certification institutions.

  第五十四条  建设单位不得以任何理由,要求建筑设计单位或者建筑施工企业在工程设计或者施工作业中,违反法律、行政法规和建筑工程质量、安全标准,降低工程质量。

Article 54 Units whic

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