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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国职业病防治法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

Chapter 3 Prevention and Management of Occupational Diseases in the Work

第十九条 用人单位应当采取下列职业病防治管理措施:

Article 19 The Employer shall take the following measures for prevention and management of occupational diseases.


19.1 Set up or appoint the occupational health management organizations or agencies staffed with full-time or part-time medical professionals for the in-house occupational disease prevention;


19.2 Provide for the occupational-disease-prevention plan and the enforcement plan;


19.3 Establish/improve the occupational health management system and operating rules;


19.4 Establish/maintain occupational health archives and laborer health records;


19.5 Establish/improve the system for supervision and assessment of the workplace occupational-disease-inductive factors;


19.6 Establish/improve contingency plan for occupational-disease-inductive accidents.

第二十条 用人单位必须采用有效的职业病防护设施,并为劳动者提供个人使用的职业病防护用品。

Article 20 The Employer should deploy effective occupational-disease-prevention facilities and provide the laborers with the individual-used occupational-disease-prevention articles.


Any occupational-disease-prevention article provided to the laborer by the Employer should comply with the applicable regulations of occupational disease prevention. It is not allowed to use any occupational-disease-prevention article failing the applicable regulations.

第二十一条 用人单位应当优先采用有利于防治职业病和保护劳动者健康的新技术、新工艺、新材料,逐步替代职业病危害严重的技术、工艺、材料。

Article 21 The Employer should give priority to the new technologies, new processes and new materials beneficial to the occupational disease prevention and the laborers’ health in place of the occupational-disease-inductive technologies, processes and materials step by step.

第二十二条 产生职业病危害的用人单位,应当在醒目位置设置公告栏,公布有关职业病防治的规章制度、操作规程、职业病危害事故应急救援措施和工作场所职业病危害因素检测结果。

Article 22 The occupational-disease-inductive Employer shall publicize the regulations, operating rules, contingency measures upon occupational-disease-inductive accidents and the testing results of the workplace occupational-disease-inductive factors in the conspicuous bulletin board.


It is also required to post conspicuous warning mark and the warning message in Chinese at the workplace severely harming the occupational health. The warning message should indicate the type, aftereffect, prevention and contingency measures of the occupational-disease-inductive factors.

第二十三条 对可能发生急性职业损伤的有毒、有害工作场所,用人单位应当设置报警装置,配置现场急救用品、冲洗设备、应急撤离通道和必要的泄险区。

Article 23 At the poisonous and harmful workplace prone to contingent occupational injuries, the Employer is required to install alarm units, on-site first-aid articles, rinsing facility, emergency exit and necessary risk-elimination area.


For radioactive workplace and the transportation and storage of radioactive isotope, the Employer should equip risk-prevention equipment and alarm devices, and ensure the employees exposed to radiation equipped with dose meter.


The Employer should make regular maintenance, overhaul and test of the occupational-disease-prevention equipment, first-aid facilities and individual-used occupational-disease-prevention articles to ensure their smooth operation. It is not allowed to remove or stop the above occupational-disease-prevention facilities without the approval of competent authorities.

第二十四条 用人单位应当实施由专人负责的职业病危害因素日常监测,并确保监测系统处于正常运行状态。

Article 24 The Employer should appoint respective employee to make routine supervision over occupational-disease-inductive factors and ensure the normal operation of the monitoring systems.


The Employer should make regular test and assessment on the occupational-disease-inductive factors in the workplace according to the regulation of the public health authority under the State Council. The assessment result shall be logged into the Employer’s occupational health archive for regular submission to local public-health authority and for release to the laborers.


The test and assessment of occupational-disease-inductive factors should be undertaken by occupational-health technical service organizations who are approved by the public health authorities under province-above people’s governments. The assessing organization should be objective and justified in the test and assessment.


In the event that the occupational-disease-inductive factors in the workplace fail to comply with the national standard and requirement of occupational health, the Employer should take immediate countermeasures, which, if failing to eradicate the problem, should necessitate immediate discontinuation of the operation concerned. The discontinued operation should not be restored unless the occupational-disease-inductive factor is accredited consistent with the national standard and requirement of occupational health.

第二十五条 向用人单位提供可能产生职业病危害的设备的,应当提供中文说明书,并在设备的醒目位置设置警示标识和中文警示说明。警示说明应当载明设备性能、可能产生的职业病危害、安全操作和维护注意事项、职业病防护以及应急救治措施等内容。

Article 25 Any occupational-disease-inductive equipment supplied to the Employer shall be accompanied with a user manual in Chinese as well as the conspicuous warning mark and warning message in Chinese. The warning message should indicate the performance, the occupational-disease-inductive factors, precautions for safe operation and maintenance, occupational disease prevention and contingency measures, etc.

第二十六条 向用人单位提供可能产生职业病危害的化学品、放射性同位素和含有放射性物质的材料的,应当提供中文说明书。说明书应当载明产品特性、主要成份、存在的有害因素、可能产生的危害后果、安全使用注意事项、职业病防护以及应急救治措施等内容。产品包装应当有醒目的警示标识和中文警示说明。贮存上述材料的场所应当在规定的部位设置危险物品标识或者放射性

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