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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国职业病防治法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

The occupational health record should include the laborer’s employment history, occupational-disease-inductive work record, occupational health examination result and occupational-disease medical treatment among other individual health records.


Upon leaving the Employer, the laborer is entitled to claim for the copy of his (her) own occupational health record. Upon the request, the Employer should faithfully furnish the stamped record for no charge.

第三十四条 发生或者可能发生急性职业病危害事故时,用人单位应当立即采取应急救援和控制措施,并及时报告所在地卫生行政部门和有关部门。卫生行政部门接到报告后,应当及时会同有关部门组织调查处理;必要时,可以采取临时控制措施。

Article 34 The Employer should undertake prompt contingency and control measures upon the actual (or potential) contingent occupational-disease-inductive accidents and promptly report to the local public-health authority and related organizations, which, upon the receipt of the report, should join with related organizations for investigation and treatment and take interim control measures when necessary.


The Employer shall, at its own cost, promptly rescue/cure the laborers suffering from the contingent occupational diseases or exposed to the possibility of contingent occupational diseases, and arrange physical examination and medical treatment therefor.

第三十五条 用人单位不得安排未成年工从事接触职业病危害的作业;不得安排孕期、哺乳期的女职工从事对本人和胎儿、婴儿有危害的作业。

Article 35 The Employer is prohibited from assigning child labor to the occupational-disease-inductive operation or assigning the female laborers in pregnancy or lactation period to the operation harmful to the health of the embryos or babies.

第三十六条 劳动者享有下列职业卫生保护权利:

Article 36 The laborers are entitled to the following occupational-health-protection rights:


36.1 The opportunity of occupational health education and training;


36.2 The occupational-disease-prevention services like occupational health examination, occupational disease diagnosis and rehabilitation;


36.3 Understand the actual (or possible) occupational-disease-inductive factors, their harmful effect and necessary occupational-disease-prevention measures in the workplace;


36.4 Ask the Employer to provide the occupational-disease-prevention equipment and individual-used occupational-disease-prevention articles to improve the working conditions;


36.5 Criticize, impeach and accuse the practices that violate occupational-disease-prevention laws and regulations and harm human health;


36.6 Deny the illegal orders and commands to undertake the operation without the safeguard of occupational-disease-prevention measures;


36.7 Participate in the democratic management of the Employer’s occupational health work, and bring forward comments and suggestions with regard to the occupational-disease-prevention operation.


The Employer should ensure that the laborers may exercise the above rights. Such practices as reducing remuneration package, invalidating or terminating the labor contract due to the laborer’s exercise of legal rights are deemed invalid.

第三十七条 工会组织应当督促并协助用人单位开展职业卫生宣传教育和培训,对用人单位的职业病防治工作提出意见和建议,与用人单位就劳动者反映的有关职业病防治的问题进行协调并督促解决。

Article 37 The labor union should urge and assist the Employer to carry out the occupational health education and training, bring forward comments and suggestions for the Employer’s occupational-disease-prevention operation, coordinate with the Employer to solve the problems echoed by the laborers with regard to the occupational disease prevention.


The labor union is entitled to: demand rectification of the Employer’s practices in violation of the occupational-disease-prevention laws and regulations or infringing against the laborers’ legal rights; require the Employer to take prevention measures or suggest the competent government agencies to take compulsive measures upon the occurrence of severe occupational-disease harm; get involved in the investigation and settlement of the occupational-disease-inductive accidents; suggest the Employer to remove the laborers from the hazardous site upon the occurrence that endangers the life and health of the laborers. Upon the request of the labor union, the Employer should adopt prompt measures therefor.

第三十八条 用人单位按照职业病防治要求,用于预防和治理职业病危害、工作场所卫生检测、健康监护和职业卫生培训等费用,按照国家有关规定,在生产成本中据实列支。

Article 38 The Employer can include the occupational-disease-prevention expenses in the production costs according to applicable regulations, including the expenses for prevention/treatment of occupational-disease-inductive factors, workplace hygiene inspection, health custody and occupational health training, etc.

第四章 职业病诊断与职业病病人保障

Chapter 4 Occupational Disease Diagnosis and Safeguard for Occupational Disease Victim

第三十九条 职业病诊断应当由省级以上人民政府卫生行政部门批准的医疗卫生机构承担。

Article 39 The diagnosis of occupational disease should be undertaken by the medial organizations approved by the public health authority under the province-above people’s government.

第四十条 劳动者可以在用人单位所在地或者本人居住地依法承担职业病诊断的医疗卫生机构进行职业病诊断。

Article 40 The laborer can have the occupational disease diagnosed by the occupational-disease-specific healthcare agency at the location of the Employer or at the residential place of the laborer.

第四十一条 职业病诊断标准和职业病诊断、鉴定办法由国务院卫生行政部门制定。职业病伤残等级的鉴定办法由国务院劳动保障行政部门会同国务院卫生行政部门制定。

Article 41 The public health authority under the State Council will provide for the occupational-disease diagnosis standard/measures and occupational-disease appraisal measures. The measures for the appraisal of occupational-disease-related disability classes should be provided for by the labor and social security authority under the State Council.

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