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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国职业病防治法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

第四十二条 职业病诊断,应当综合分析下列因素:

Article 42 The diagnosis of occupational diseases should take the following factors into consideration:


42.1 The patient’s work record;


42.2 Occupational-disease-inductive work record and the investigation/comment of the workplace harm;


42.3 Clinical symptoms and auxiliary examination results, etc.


Provided that there is no evidence denying the absolute relation between the occupational-disease-inductive factors and the patient’s clinical symptoms, it can be determined that the patient is suffering from occupational disease in case that other nosogenesises have been excluded.


The responsible healthcare agencies should arrange at least three medical practitioners certified for the qualification of occupational-disease diagnosis to diagnose the occupational diseases.


The occupational disease certificate should be jointly signed by all participating physicians and stamped by the responsible healthcare agency.

第四十三条 用人单位和医疗卫生机构发现职业病病人或者疑似职业病病人时,应当及时向所在地卫生行政部门报告。确诊为职业病的,用人单位还应当向所在地劳动保障行政部门报告。

Article 43 Upon identification of the patients suffering from occupational diseases or occupational-disease-like diseases, the Employer and healthcare agencies should report to the local public-health authority. The Employer should also report to the local labor & social security authority about the diagnosed occupational disease.


The public health authority and the labor & social security authority should resolve the problem according to applicable laws.

第四十四条 县级以上地方人民政府卫生行政部门负责本行政区域内的职业病统计报告的管理工作,并按照规定上报。

Article 44 The public health authority under the county-above people’s government is responsible for the administration of the occupational-disease statistics/report within its administrative jurisdiction and report to line authorities according to applicable regulations.

第四十五条 当事人对职业病诊断有异议的,可以向作出诊断的医疗卫生机构所在地地方人民政府卫生行政部门申请鉴定。

Article 45 In case of disagreement with the occupational-disease diagnosis, the party concerned can apply to the public health authority under the people’s government in the locus of the responsible healthcare agency.


Upon the request by the party concerned, the public health authority under the people’s government above the level of district-constituted municipalities should organize the occupational-disease-diagnosis appraisal committee to appraise the occupational disease in dispute.


In case of disagreement with the appraisal result made by the occupational-disease-diagnosis appraisal committee under the district-constituted municipalities, the party concerned can apply to the public health authority under the people’s government of provinces, autonomous regions and centrally administered municipalities for reappraisal.

第四十六条 职业病诊断鉴定委员会由相关专业的专家组成。

Article 46 The occupational-disease-diagnosis appraisal committee should consist of the experts in related study fields.


The public health authority under the people’s government of provinces, autonomous regions and centrally administered municipalities should set up related expert pool, which enables the party concerned or the public health authority entrusted by the party concerned to randomly choose the experts to constitute the appraisal committee.


The occupational-disease-diagnosis appraisal committee should comply with the occupational-disease-diagnosis standard/measures and occupational-disease appraisal measures promulgated by the public health authority under the State Council to appraise the diagnosis of occupational disease and grant the appraisal certificate for occupational-disease diagnosis to the party concerned. The Employer should bear the cost thereof.

第四十七条 职业病诊断鉴定委员会组成人员应当遵守职业道德,客观、公正地进行诊断鉴定,并承担相应的责任。职业病诊断鉴定委员会组成人员不得私下接触当事人,不得收受当事人的财物或者其他好处,与当事人有利害关系的,应当回避。

Article 47 The members of the occupational-disease-diagnosis appraisal committee should adhere to the professional ethics to ensure objective and just appraisal and bear the liability therein. The members of the occupational-disease-diagnosis appraisal committee are prohibited from contacting with the party concerned in private, accepting the bribery or other benefits of the party concerned. The committee members having interest relations with the party concerned should be excluded from the appraisal concerned.


For the appraisal of the occupational diseases involved with the cases handled by the people’s court should be undertaken by the experts randomly selected from the legally-established expert pool by the public health authority under the people’s government of provinces, autonomous regions and centrally administered municipalities.

第四十八条 职业病诊断、鉴定需要用人单位提供有关职业卫生和健康监护等资料时,用人单位应当如实提供,劳动者和有关机构也应当提供与职业病诊断、鉴定有关的资料。

Article 48 The Employer, laborers and related organizations should faithfully furnish any information in connection with occupational health and health custody needed for the diagnosis and appraisal of occupational diseases.

第四十九条 医疗卫生机构发现疑似职业病病人时,应当告知劳动者本人并及时通知用人单位。

Article 49 Any healthcare agency identifying the patient suffering from the occupational-disease-like diseases should promptly notify the laborer concerned and his (her) Employer.


The Employer should have the patient concerned diagnosed in time. It is not allowed to invalidate or terminate the labor contract with the said patient during the diagnosis and medical treatment period.

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