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中英对照法律资源--上海市燃气管理条例          【字体:


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or county people’s government where the accident happens.  调解不成的,可以向人民法院提起民事诉讼; <Westbank> If no settlement can be reached through mediation, the party involved may file a civil lawsuit in the people’s court. 有关当事人也可以直接向人民法院提起民事诉讼。 <Westbank> The party involved may also file a civil lawsuit directly to the people’s court. 第四十三条违反本条例规定,有下列情形之一的,由市公用局责令限期改正,并可予以处罚: <Westbank> Article 43 Any of the following acts in violation of the provisions of these Regulations shall be rectified within the time limit by order of the MPUA and may be subject to punishments: (一)违反第八条规定,未经市公用局审核同意,新建、改建、扩建燃气工程项目的,处以五千元以上五万元以下罚款; <Westbank> 1. Violation of the provisions of Article 8, any new construction , conversion or expansion of fuel gas projects without examination, verification and approval of the MPUA shall be imposed a fine of not-less than RMB 5,000 yuan and not more than RMB 50,000 yuan; (二)违反第九条第二款、第十条、第十一条第二款、第十五条第二款规定的,处以五千元以上五万元以下罚款; <Westbank> 2. Violation of the provisions of Article 9 , Section 2, Article 10, Article 11 , Section 2 and Article 15 , Section 2 shall be imposed a fine of not less than RMB 5,000 yuan and not more than RMB 50,000 yuan; or  (三)违反第十二条第一款、第十五条第一款规定的,没收违法所得和非法财物,并处五千元以上五万元以下罚款。 <Westbank> 3. Violation of the provisions of Article 12 , Section 1 and Article 15 , Section 1 shall carry confiscation of illicit gains and illegal property and be imposed a fine of not less than RMB 5,000 yuan and not more than RMB 50,000 yuan. 第四十四条违反本条例第十七条第三款,第十八条第一款、第二款,第十九条第一款,第二十三条,第二十六条第二款,第四十条第二款规定的,由市公用局或者县(区)燃气行政管理部门责令限期改正,并可处以一千元以上五万元以下罚款; <Westbank> Article 44 Violation of the provisions of Article 17 , Section 3, Article 18 , Section 1,2, Article 19 , Section 1, Article 23, Article 26 , Section 2, and Article 40 , Section 2 of these Regulations shall be rectified within the time limit by order of the MPUA or county / district fuel gas administrative department and may be imposed a fine of not less than RMB 1,000 yuan and not more than RMB 50,000 yuan.  情节严重的,经市或者县(区)人民政府批准,可以责令停业整顿或者吊销资质证书。 <Westbank> If the case is serious, the operations may be ordered to be stopped for rectification or the qualification certificates may be revoked with approval of the municipal or county / district people’s government. 第四十五条违反本条例规定,有下列行为之一的,由市燃气管理处责令限期改正,并可予以处罚: <Westbank> Article 45 Any of the following acts in violation of provisions of these Regulations shall be rectified within the time limit by order of the MFGMO and may be subject to punishments: (一)违反第二十二条规定的,处以一千元以上五万元以下罚款; <Westbank> 1. Violation of the provisions of Article 22 shall be imposed a fine of not less than RMB 1,000 yuan and not more than RMB 50,000 yuan; or  (二)违反第三十二条第一款、第三十四条第二款规定的,没收违法所得,并处一千元以上五万元以下罚款。 <Westbank> 2. Violation of the provisions of Article 32 , Section 1, and Article 34 , Section 2 shall lead to the confiscation of illicit gains and be imposed a fine of not less than RMB 1,000 yuan and not more than RMB 50,000 yuan. 违反第三十四条第一款规定的,由市燃气管理处责令限期改正,并可处以一千元以上五万元以下罚款;情节严重的,可以将生产或者销售的燃气器具从《准许销售目录》中除名。 <Westbank> Violation of the provisions of Article 34 , Section 1 shall be rectified within the time limit by order of the MFGMO and may be imposed a fine of not less than RMB 1,000 yuan and not more than RMB 50,000 yuan. If the case is serious, the name of fuel gas appliance produced or sold may be removed from the Permitted Sales Catalogue. 第四十六条违反本条例规定,有下列行为之一的,由市燃气管理处或者县(区)燃气行政管理部门责令限期改正,并可予以处罚: <Westbank> Article 46 Any of the following acts in violation of provisions of these Regulations shall be rectified within the time limit by order of the MFGMO or the county / district fuel gas administrative department and may be subject to punishments: (一)违反第十三条第一款、第三十一条第三款规定的,没收违法所得和非法财物,并处一千元以上五万元以下罚款。 <Westbank> 1. Violation of the provisions of Article 13 , Section 1, Article 31 , Section 3 shall lead to the confiscation of illicit gains and illegal property, and be imposed a fine of not less than RMB 1,000 yuan and not more than RMB 50,000 yuan; (二)违反第十七条第二款规定的,处以一千元以上五万元以下罚款。 <Westbank> 2. Violation of the provisions of Article 17 , Section 2 shall be imposed a fine of not less than RMB 1,000 yuan and not more than RMB 50,000 yuan; (三)违反第二十四条第二款,第二十五条第二款、第三款,第三十六条第一款,第三十七条第三款,第三十八条第二款规定的,处以五百元以上五万元以下罚款。 <Westbank> 3. Violation of the provisions of Article 24 , Section 2, Article 25 , Section 2,3, Article 36 , Section 1, Article 37 , Section 3 and Article 38 , Section 2 shall be imposed a fine of not less than RMB 500 yuan and not more than RMB 50,000 yuan; (四)违反第二十一条规定的,没收违法所得,并处一千元以上五万元以下罚款;情节严重的,经市或者县(区)人民政府批准,可以责令停业整顿或者吊销供气许可证。 <Westbank> 4. Violation of the provisions of Article 21 shall lead to the confiscation of illicit gains and be imposed a fine of not less than RMB 1,000 yuan and not more than RMB 50,000 yuan. If the case is serious, operations may be ordered to be stopped for rectification or gas supply licenses may be revoked with approval of the municipal or county / district people’s government; (五)违反第二十六条第一款、第三十二条第四款、第三十三条第一款、第三十五条第二款、第四十条第三款规定的,处以五百元以上五千元以下罚款。 <Westbank> 5. Violation of the provisions under Article 26 , Section 1, Article 32 , Section 4, Article 33 , Section 1, Article 35 , Section 2 and Article 40 , Section 3 shall be imposed a fine of not less than RMB 500 yuan and not more than RMB 5,000 yuan; or  (六)违反第三十九条第一款、第二款、第三款、第四款规定的,处以五百元以上五万元以下罚款; <Westbank> 6. Violation of the provisions under Article 39 , Section 1,2,3,4, shall be imposed a fine of not less than RMB 500 yuan and not more than RMB 50,000 yuan. 情节严重的,经市或者县(区)人民政府批准,可以责令停业整顿,或者吊销供气许可证。 <Westbank> If the case is serious, operations may be ordered to be stopped or gas supply licenses revoked with approval of the municipal or county / district people’s government. 第四十七条对违反燃气管理的行为,除本条例已规定处罚的外,其他有关法律、法规规定应当予以处罚的,由有关行政管理部门依法予以处罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 <Westbank> Article 47 In addition to the punishments stipulated by these Regulations for any violation of fuel gas management, there are other punishments stipulated by relevant laws and regulations, the relevant administrative department shall enforce the punishments according to law . If the wrong constitutes a crime, the party involved shall be prosecuted for his/her criminal liability according to law. 第四十八条市公用局、市燃气管理处或者县(区)燃气行政管理部门违反本条例规定,越权审批或者违法审批的,由上级主管机关责令纠正或者予以撤销; <Westbank> Article 48 If the MPUA, the MFGMO or the county / district fuel gas administrative department violates the provisions of these Regulations, giving examination and approval illegally or beyond its jurisdiction, the superior competent organ shall order correction or revocation.  造成当事人经济损失的,应当依法承担赔偿责任。 <Westbank> If economic losses are caused to the party involved, the wrongdoer shall be liable to pay damages according to law. 第四十九条市公用局、市燃气管理处或者县(区)燃气行政管理部门的工作人员玩忽职守、滥用职权、徇私舞弊的,由其所在单位或者上级主管部门给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 <Westbank> Article 49 The working staff of the MPUA, the MFGMO, or the county / district fuel gas administrative department that commit dereliction, abuse power and malpractice shall be given disciplinary sanction by their work unit or the superior competent department. If the irregularities constitute a crime, the wrong- doer shall be prosecuted for his/her criminal liability according to law. 第五十条当事人对市公用局、市燃气管理处或者县(区)燃气行政管理部门的具体行政行为不服的,可以依照《行政复议条例》或者《中华人民共和国行政诉讼法》的规定,申请复议或者提起诉讼。 <Westbank> Article 50 The party concerned, who disagrees with the specific administrative act of the MPUA, the MFGMO or the county / district fuel gas administrative department, may apply for review or take legal action according to

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