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中英对照法律资源--上海市空调设备安装使用管理规定          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     


<Seg L=EN-US>Provisions of Shanghai Municipality for the Administration of Installation and Use of Air-conditioning Equipment

<Seg L=ZH-CN> 上海市空调设备安装使用管理规定



<Seg L=EN-US>(Promulgated by Decree No. 2 of the Shanghai Municipal People''s Government on April 26, 1995)

<Seg L=ZH-CN> 上海市政府令1995年第2号颁布日期:19950426实施日期:19950601颁布单位:上海市政府



<Seg L=EN-US>Article 1 Purpose and Basis With a view to protecting the living environment, maintaining the city appearance, and ensuring smooth traffic, public security and human health, these Provisions are formulated in accordance with the Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on Environmental Protection and other relevant laws and regulations, and in light of the actual circumstances of this Municipality.

<Seg L=ZH-CN> 第一条(制定目的和依据)为了保护生活环境,维护城市市容,保障交通畅通、公共安全和人体健康,根据《上海市环境保护条例》和其他有关法律、法规,结合本市实际情况,制定本规定。



<Seg L=EN-US>Article 2 Definition Air-conditioning equipment as defined in these Provisions refer to window-type air-conditioners, outdoor units of separate-bodied air-conditioners, outdoor units of cabinet-type air-conditioners, outdoor units of central air-conditioning systems, cooling heating water units and other auxiliary equipment and fixing racks.

<Seg L=ZH-CN> 第二条(定义)本规定所称空调设备,系指窗式空调机、分体式空调室外机、柜式空调室外机、集中式空调系统的室外机组、冷(热)水机组以及其他辅助设施和固定支撑架。



<Seg L=EN-US>Article 3 Scope of Application These Provisions shall be applicable to the installation and use of air-conditioning equipment and the supervision and administration in this Municipality.

<Seg L=ZH-CN> 第三条(适用范围)本规定适用于本市范围内空调设备的安装、使用及其监督管理活动。



<Seg L=EN-US>Article 4 Principles of Installation and Use The installation and use of air-conditioning equipment shall help maintain the city appearance, ensure smooth traffic, and avoid disturbing the normal work and life of others.

<Seg L=ZH-CN> 第四条(安装使用原则)安装、使用空调设备应当维护市容整洁,保障交通畅通,避免妨碍他人的正常工作、生活。



<Seg L=EN-US>Article 5 Competent Department and Assisting Departments The Environmental Protection Bureau of Shanghai Municipality (hereinafter referred to as the Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau) shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of the installation and use of air-conditioning equipment in this Municipality.

<Seg L=ZH-CN> 第五条(主管部门和协管部门)上海市环境保护局(以下简称市环保局)对全市空调设备的安装、使用实施监督管理。



<Seg L=EN-US>The district/county environmental protection departments shall take charge of the supervision and administration of the installation and use of air-conditioning equipment within their jurisdiction.

<Seg L=ZH-CN> 各区、县环境保护部门具体负责本辖区内空调设备安装、使用的监督管理。



<Seg L=EN-US>Administrative departments at all levels of planning, municipal administration, real estate, public security, industry and commerce, and electric power shall, in accordance with their respective functions, cooperate with the environmental protection departments in the implementation of these Provisions.

<Seg L=ZH-CN> 各级规划、市政、房地、公安、工商和电力管理部门应当根据各自的职责,协同环境保护部门实施本规定。



<Seg L=EN-US>Subdistrict office, the people''s governments of townships (towns) and the residents'' committees shall do a good job of mediation when disputes arise out of the installation and use of air-conditioning equipment in their localities.

<Seg L=ZH-CN> 街道办事处、乡(镇)人民政府以及居民委员会应当做好本地区内因安装、使用空调设备引起纠纷的调解工作。



<Seg L=EN-US>Article 6 Height of Installation of Air-conditioning Equipment The installation of air-conditioning equipment shall not take up the space of sidewalks.

<Seg L=ZH-CN> 第六条(空调设备的安装高度)安装空调设备不得占用人行道。



<Seg L=EN-US>The air-conditioning equipment installed by units or self-employed workers in the buildings along the streets (including the public passageways in the neighborhoods, lanes and alleys) shall be no less than 2.5 meters high from the ground outside to the bottom of the racks.  

<Seg L=ZH-CN> 单位和个体经营者沿道路两侧(包括街坊、里弄内的公共通道两侧)建筑物安装的空调设备,其托架底端距室外地面的高度不得低于2.5米



<Seg L=EN-US>In case of the real limitations given by the objective circumstances where the requirement of 2.5 meters in height can by no means be met, the height of installation may be appropriately lowered with the examination and approval of the district/co

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