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上海市教学成果奖励办法<山西县新绛县>Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on Incentives for Teaching Achievements1998423日上海市人民政府发布) 颁布日期:19980423 实施日期:19980423 颁布单位:上海市人民政府<山西县新绛县>(Promulgated by the Shanghai Municipal People's Government on April 23, 1998)第一条(目的和依据)为了奖励取得教学成果的单位和个人,鼓励单位和个人进行教育教学的研究和改革,提高教学水平和教育质量,根据国务院《教学成果奖励条例》第十二条的规定,结合本市实际,制定本办法。<山西县新绛县>Article 1 (Purpose and Basis) With a view to rewarding the units and individuals with teaching achievements, encouraging units and individuals to carry on research and reform on education and teaching, and enhancing teaching standards and education quality, the present Procedures are formulated in accordance with Article 12 of the Regulations on Incentives for Teaching Achievements stipulated by the State Council and in light of the actual situations in this Municipality.第二条(定义)本办法所称的教学成果,是指反映教育教学规律,具有独创性、新颖性、实用性,对提高教学水平和教育质量、实现培养目标产生明显效果的教育教学方案。<山西县新绛县>Article 2 (Definition) In the present Procedures, teaching achievements mean those educational and teaching schemes that reflect educational and teaching laws, embody creativity, originality and applicability, and generate obvious effects in raising teaching standards, improving education quality and realizing training targets.第三条(奖励等级)市级教学成果奖分为特等奖、一等奖、二等奖和三等奖4个等级。<山西县新绛县>Article 3 (Incentive Grades) Teaching achievements at the municipal level shall be classified into four grades, they are: special prize, first prize, second prize and third prize.第四条(适用范围)本市各级各类学校、学术团体和其他社会组织、教师及其他人员,均可以依照本办法的规定,申请市级教学成果奖。<山西县新绛县>Article 4 (Scope of Application) Schools, academic associations and other social organizations of various kinds at different level in this Municipality, teachers and other individuals can apply for teaching achievement prize at the municipal level in compliance with the stipulations of the present Procedures.第五条(管理部门)市级教学成果奖的评审、批准和授予,由上海市教育行政管理部门(以下简称市教育行政部门)组织实施。<山西县新绛县>Article 5 (Competent Authorities) The Shanghai municipal educational administrative departments (hereinafter referred to as Shanghai educational administrative departments) shall be responsible for organizing and implementing the evaluation, examination, approval and conferment of teaching achievement prizes at the municipal level.第六条(申请条件)具备下列条件的教学成果项目,其持有单位或者持有人可以申请市级教学成果奖:<山西县新绛县>Article 6 (Requirements for Application) Unit or individual with teaching achievement project that meets the following requirements may apply for teaching achievement prizes at the municipal level:(一)在全国首创或者在本市属先进的;<山西县新绛县>1. That has been initiated in the country or is advanced in this Municipality;(二)经过2年以上教育教学实践检验,效果明显的;<山西县新绛县>2. That has been tried and tested for more than two years of educational and teaching practice and has evident effect; and (三)在本市或者全国产生一定影响的。<山西县新绛县>3. That creates municipal or nationwide influence to a certain degree.第七条(申请程序)申请市级教学成果奖,应当遵循下列程序:<山西县新绛县>Article 7 (Application Procedures) The procedures of applying for teaching achievement prizes at the municipal level are as follows:(一)普通高等学校教学成果项目,向市教育行政部门申请。<山西县新绛县>1. Universities and colleges of general education with teaching achievement projects shall apply to the municipal educational administrative departments.(二)中、小学校(含幼儿园)教学成果项目,向所在地的区、县教育行政管理部门(以下简称区、县教育行政部门)申请;<山西县新绛县>2. Middle schools and primary schools (including kindergartens) with teaching achievement projects shall apply to their corresponding district or county educational administrative departments (hereinafter referred to as district or county educational administrative departments). 区、县教育行政部门进行审查后,择优向市教育行政部门推荐。<山西县新绛县>District or county educational administrative departments shall recommend to the municipal educational administrative departments on a selective basis after reviewing.(三)其他学校和学术团体以及其他社会组织、个人教学成果项目,向其主管的委、办、局或者所在地的区、县教育行政部门申请;<山西县新绛县>3. Other schools, academic associations, other social organizations and individuals with teaching achievement projects shall apply to their corresponding competent committees, offices or bureaus or corresponding district or county educational administrative departments. 主管的委、办、局或者区、县教育行政部门进行审查后,择优向市教育行政部门推荐。<山西县新绛县>Their corresponding competent committees, offices or bureaus or corresponding district or county educational administrative departments shall recommend to the municipal educational administrative departments on a selective basis after reviewing.第八条(提交材料)单位或者个人申请市级教学成果奖,应当提交下列材料:<山西县新绛县>Article 8 (Materials to be Submitted) While applying for teaching achievement prizes at the municipal level the unit or individual shall submit the following documents:(一)上海市教学成果奖申请书;<山西县新绛县>1. An application for Shanghai teaching achievement prize;(二)上海市教学成果奖申请简表;<山西县新绛县>2. An application form of Shanghai teaching achievement prize;(三)反映教学成果的学术总结材料,或者在省、自治区、直辖市以上新闻出版行政管理部门批准的报刊上发表的相关论文;<山西县新绛县>3. Academic summaries on teaching achievements or relevant theses published in the newspapers and periodicals approved by the press publishing administrative departments at or above the province, autonomous region or municipality level;(四)教学成果取得实践效果的学校的证明。<山西县新绛县>and 4. Certificate issued by the school where the teaching achievements are reflected in teaching practice.第九条(市评审委员会)市级教学成果奖由上海市教学成果奖评审委员会(以下简称市评审委)负责评审。<山西县新绛县>Article 9 (Municipal Prize-Jury) The Shanghai Municipal Teaching Achievement Prize-Jury (hereinafter referred to as the Municipal Prize-Jury) shall be responsible for deciding teaching achievement prizes at the municipal level.市评审委由若干名具有高级专业技术职称的人员在每次评选工作开始前组成。其组成人选由市教育行政部门提名,报市人民政府批准。<山西县新绛县>The Municipal Prize-Jury consists of several persons with senior professional and technical titles before the start of each evaluation. The members of the Municipal Prize-Jury shall be nominated by the municipal educational administrative departments and approved by the Shanghai Municipal People's Government.市教育行政部门收到市级教学成果奖申请后,应当提交市评审委评审。<山西县新绛县>The municipal educational administrative departments shall submit all the applications for teaching achievement prizes to the Municipal Prize-Jury for evaluation and examination after the receipt of these applications.第十条(回避制度)市评审委的成员应当客观、公正地进行评审。<山西县新绛县>Article 10 (Challenge System) The members of the Municipal Prize-Jury shall give an objective and impartial evaluation and examination. 在评审本人、本人所在单位的教学成果项目,或者在评审与本人有亲属、师生等利害关系人员的教学成果项目时,市评审委的成员应当回避。<山西县新绛县>The member of Municipal Prize-Jury shall not pa

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