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中英对照法律资源--上海市燃气管理条例          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

Article 27 The prices of fuel gas and the items and rates of service charges shall follow the relevant provisions of the price control law and regulations. 用户应当按时支付燃气使用费。逾期不支付的,燃气销售企业可以按日加收应支付款额千分之三的滞纳金; <Westbank> Users shall pay fuel gas use fees on schedule. In case of no payment within the stipulated period of time, the fuel gas selling enterprise may impose fines for overdue payment per day equivalent to three per thousand of the bills payable. 逾期六个月仍不支付的,经市公用局或者县(区)燃气行政管理部门审核批准,燃气销售企业可以中止供气,但应当在中止供气的十五日以前书面通知用户。 <Westbank> In case of no payment six months after deadline, the fuel gas selling enterprise may stop gas supply after examination, verification and approval by the MPUA or the county / district fuel gas administrative department, but shall notify the user in writing 15 days before the stoppage of gas supply. 禁止燃气销售企业的下列收费行为: <Westbank> The following actions of fee collection by the fuel gas selling enterprise are forbidden: (一)不按照规定的价格标准向用户收取燃气使用费或者相关的服务费; <Westbank> 1. Collection of fuel gas use fees or related service charges from users not in accordance with the prescribed rates; (二)向用户收取未经物价部门批准的费用; <Westbank> 2. Collection of fees from users which have not been approved by the price control department; and  (三)未受用户委托,自行提供服务并收费。 <Westbank> 3. Arbitrary offer of services and collection of fees without engagement of users. 第二十八条市燃气管理处、县(区)燃气行政管理部门、新闻单位及燃气销售企业,应当定期进行安全和节约使用燃气的公益性宣传。 <Westbank> Article 28 The MFGMO, county / district fuel gas administrative departments, press agencies and fuel gas selling enterprises shall make regular public-good propaganda on safe and economical use of fuel gas. 第五章燃气器具管理 <Westbank> Chapter V Management of Fuel Gas Appliances 第二十九条本市推广使用安全节能型的燃气器具。凡不具有安全保护装置的燃气器具,在规定的期限满后,应当停止销售。 <Westbank> Article 29 This municipality shall promote the use of safe and energy-saving fuel gas appliances. The sales of fuel gas appliances without safety protection devices shall be stopped after the prescribed deadline. 第三十条本市生产燃气器具,应当取得产品生产许可证或者准产证。 <Westbank> Article 30 Fuel gas appliances produced in this municipality shall have production licenses or permits for products. 第三十一条在本市销售的燃气器具,应当经市燃气管理处审核后,列入《上海市燃气器具产品准许销售目录》(以下简称《准许销售目录》)。 <Westbank> Article 31 Fuel gas appliances sold in this municipality shall be listed in the Shanghai Municipality’s Permitted Sales Catalogue of Fuel Gas Appliances Products (hereinafter called the Permitted Sales Catalogue) after examination and verification by the MFGMO.  《准许销售目录》由市燃气管理处每年公布一次。 <Westbank> The Permitted Sales Catalogue shall be publicized once a year by the MFGMO. 列入《准许销售目录》的燃气器具,应当贴置准许销售标志。 <Westbank> The fuel gas appliances listed in the Permitted Sales Catalogue shall be marked with permitted sales labels. 未列入《准许销售目录》或者未贴置准许销售标志的燃气器具,不得在本市销售或者为销售而陈列。 <Westbank> The fuel gas appliances that have not been listed in the Permitted Sales Catalogue or marked with permitted sales labels shall not be sold or exhibited for sale in this municipality. 第三十二条燃气器具的安装单位和安装人员应当经市燃气管理处审核合格后,方可从事安装业务。 <Westbank> Article 32 The installation units and installers of fuel gas appliances shall pass the examination of the MFGMO before having permission to engage in installation business. 市燃气管理处对燃气器具安装单位的资质每年复审一次,并予以公布。 <Westbank> The MFGMO shall review the qualification of fuel gas appliance installation units once a year and announce the result of the review. 用户应当委托具有资质的安装单位安装燃气器具。市燃气管理处应当向用户提供相关的咨询服务。 <Westbank> Users shall entrust the qualified installation unit to install fuel gas appliances. The MFGMO shall provide users with related consultancy service. 燃气器具的安装单位对未列入《准许销售目录》的燃气器具应当拒绝安装。 <Westbank> The installation unit of fuel gas appliances shall refuse to install fuel gas appliances not listed in the Permitted Sales Catalogue. 第三十三条燃气销售企业应当根据用户要求,对已经安装的燃气器具的安全使用性能进行检测,在检测过程中发现燃气器具安装质量不符合规定要求的,应当及时检修。 <Westbank> Article 33 The fuel gas selling enterprise shall test the safe use property of the fuel gas appliances already installed at the user’s request, and shall make timely repairs upon discovering the installation quality of fuel gas appliances below the set requirements in the course of test. 有关的检修费用由用户承担,用户可以要求其委托的安装单位承担。 <Westbank> The user shall bear the relevant service fees and the user may ask the entrusted installation unit to bear the fees. 第三十四条燃气器具的生产企业、销售企业应当设立或者指定产品维修站点,向用户提供维修服务。 <Westbank> Article 34 The fuel gas producing and selling enterprises shall set up or designate product service stations to provide users with maintenance service. 燃气器具的维修站点和维修人员应当经市燃气管理处审核合格后,方可从事维修业务。 <Westbank> The service stations and servicemen of fuel gas appliances must pass the examination of the MFGMO before they are permitted to engage in service work. 市燃气管理处对燃气器具维修站点的资质每年复审一次,并予以公布。 <Westbank> The MFGMO shall review the qualification of service stations of fuel gas appliances once a year and announce the result of the review. 第六章设施安全保护事故处理 <Westbank> Chapter VI Safety Protection of Facilities and Handling of Accidents 第三十五条燃气销售企业应当在重要的燃气设施所在地,设置醒目、统一的安全识别标志。 <Westbank> Article 35 The fuel gas selling enterprise shall place conspicuous and uniform safety signs at the site of important fuel gas facilities. 禁止单位和个人擅自移动、覆盖、拆除或者损坏燃气设施的安全识别标志。 <Westbank> No unit or individual person shall be allowed to remove, cover , dismantle or damage the safety signs of fuel gas facilities. 第三十六条在燃气设施的安全保护范围内,禁止从事下列活动: <Westbank> Article 36 The following activities in the safety protection range of fuel gas facilities are forbidden: (一)建造建筑物或者构筑物; <Westbank> 1. Construction of buildings or structures; (二)堆放物品或者排放腐蚀性液体、气体; <Westbank> 2. Pile-up of goods or discharge of caustic liquid or gas; (三)未经批准开挖沟渠、挖坑取土或者种植深根作物; <Westbank> 3. Excavation of canals and ditches, digging for earth or growing deep-rooted crops without authorization; (四)未经批准打桩或者顶进作业; <Westbank> 4. Piling or pushing operations without authorization; or  (五)其他损坏燃气设施或者危害燃气设施安全的活动。 <Westbank> 5. Other activities damaging fuel gas facilities or endangering safety of fuel gas facilities. 燃气设施的安全保护范围,由市公用局会同市规划、公安、市政等管理部门确定。 <Westbank> The MPUA, jointly with the municipal planning, public security and public works administrative departments, shall determine the safety protection range of fuel gas facilities. 对占压燃气输配管道的建筑物或者构筑物,区、县人民政府可以组织规划管理部门、市燃气管理处或者县(区)燃气行政管理部门拆除,所需费用由违法建设的单位或者个人负担。 <Westbank> The district or county people’s government may organize the planning administrative department, the MFGMO or the county / district fuel gas administrative department in dismantling the buildings or structures lying on the transmission and distribution pipelines of

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