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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国地方各级人民代表大会和地方各级人民政府组织法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     


Nominations for the chairman, vice-chairmen and members of a special committee shall be made by the presidium from among the deputies and approved by the people's congress. When the people's congress is not in session, its standing committee may appoint additional individual vice- chairmen and some members of the special committees through nomination by its council of chairmen and approval by a meeting of the standing committee.


The special committees shall discuss, examine and draw up relevant bills and draft resolutions under the direction of the people's congresses and their standing committees at the corresponding levels; they shall make investigations and studies of, and put forward proposals on matters related to those committees and within the scope of functions and powers of the respective people's congresses and their standing committees.

  第三十一条 县级以上的地方各级人民代表大会可以组织关于特定问题的调查委员会。

Article 31 A local people's congress at or above the county level may appoint an investigation committee on specific questions.


The presidium or a group of at least one-tenth of the deputies may submit to the session of the people's congress a proposal for organizing an investigation committee on specific questions, which shall be submitted by the presidium to the plenary meeting for decision.


An investigation committee shall be composed of a chairman, vice- chairmen and members, who shall be nominated by the presidium from among the deputies and be submitted to the plenary meeting for approval.


An investigation committee shall present an investigation report to the people's congress at the corresponding level. And the people's congress may make an appropriate resolution on the basis of the report presented by the investigation committee. The people's congress may authorize its standing committee to listen to the investigation report of the investigation committee, and the standing committee may make an appropriate resolution and report to the next session of the people's congress for the record.

  第三十二条 乡、民族乡、镇的每届人民代表大会第一次会议通过的代表资格审查委员会,行使职权至本届人民代表大会任期届满为止。

Article 32 The credentials committee established at the first session of each people's congress of a township, nationality township, and town shall exercise its functions and powers until the term of office of that people's congress expires.

  第三十三条 地方各级人民代表大会代表任期,从每届本级人民代表大会举行第一次会议开始,到下届本级人民代表大会举行第一次会议为止。

Article 33 The term of office of the deputies to a local people's congress at any level shall begin with the first session of that people's congress and shall expire at the first session of the succeeding people's congress at the same level.

  第三十四条 地方各级人民代表大会代表、常务委员会组成人员,在人民代表大会和常务委员会会议上的发言和表决,不受法律追究。

Article 34 Deputies to local people's congresses at various levels and members of their standing committees may not be legally liable for their speeches and voting at sessions of the people's congresses or meetings of their standing committees.

  第三十五条 县级以上的地方各级人民代表大会代表,非经本级人民代表大会主席团许可,在大会闭会期间,非经本级人民代表大会常务委员会许可,不受逮捕或者刑事审判。如果因为是现行犯被拘留,执行拘留的公安机关应当立即向该级人民代表大会主席团或者常务委员会报告。

Article 35 No deputy to a local people's congress at or above the county level may be arrested or placed on criminal trial without the consent of the presidium of that people's congress or, when the people's congress is not in session, without the consent of its standing committee. If a deputy is caught in the act of crime and detained, the public security organ executing the detention shall immediately report the matter to the presidium or the standing committee of that people's congress.

  第三十六条 地方各级人民代表大会代表在出席人民代表大会会议和执行代表职务的时候,国家根据需要给予往返的旅费和必要的物质上的便利或者补贴。

Article 36 When deputies to local people's congresses at various levels attend people's congress sessions or perform their duties as deputies, the state shall, as necessary, provide them with round-trip travelling expenses and requisite material facilities or subsidies.

  第三十七条 地方各级人民代表大会代表应当和原选举单位或者选民保持密切联系,宣传法律和政策,协助本级人民政府推行工作,并且向人民代表大会及其常务委员会、人民政府反映群众的意见和要求。

Article 37 Deputies to local people's congresses at various levels shall maintain close contact with the units that elected them or with their constituencies; publicize laws and policies; assist the people's governments at the corresponding levels in their work; and relay the opinions and demands of the masses to the people's congresses, their standing committees and the people's governments.


Deputies to the people's congresses of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, autonomous prefectures and cities divided into districts may attend, as nonvoting delegates, sessions of the people's congresses of the units which elected them.


Deputies to the people's congresses of counties, autonomous counties, cities not divided into districts, municipal districts, townships, nationality townships, and towns shall apportion among themselves the task of maintaining contact with their constituencies; in residential areas or production units with three or more deputies, a deputies group may be set up to help promote the work of the people's government at the corresponding level.

  第三十八条 省、自治区、直辖市、自治州、设区的市的人民代表大会代表受原选举单位的监督;县、自治县、不设区的市、市辖区、乡、民族乡、镇的人民代表大会代表受选民的监督。

Article 38 Deputies to the people's congresses of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, autonomous prefectures and cities divided into districts shall be subject to supervision by the units which elected them; deputies to the people's congresses of counties, autonomous counties, cities not divided into districts, municipal districts, townships, nationality townships, and towns shall be subject to supervision by their constituencies.


Electoral units and voters shall have the power to remove from office at any time the deputies they elect to a local people's congress at any level. The removal from office of a deputy shall require a majority vote of all the deputies of the unit which elected him or of all the voters in his electoral district.

  第三十九条 地方各级人民代表大会代表因故不能担任代表职务的时候,由原选举单位或者由原选区选民补选。

Article 39 In the event that a deputy to a local people's congress is unable to perform his duties as deputy for any reason, the unit which elected hi

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