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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国地方各级人民代表大会和地方各级人民政府组织法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

A session of a local people's congress may be convened at any time upon the proposal of one-fifth of its deputies.

  第十二条 县级以上的地方各级人民代表大会会议由本级人民代表大会常务委员会召集。

Article 12 Sessions of local people's congresses at or above the county level shall be convened by their standing committees.

  第十三条 县级以上的地方各级人民代表大会每次会议举行预备会议,选举本次会议的主席团和秘书长,通过本次会议的议程和其他准备事项的决定。

Article 13 A preliminary meeting shall be held for each session of a local people's congress at or above the county level to elect the presidium and secretary-general of that session, adopt the agenda for the session and decide on other preparations.


The preliminary meeting shall be presided over by the standing committee of the people's congress. The preliminary meeting for the first session of a people's congress shall be presided over by the standing committee of the preceding people's congress at the corresponding level.


When a local people's congress at or above the county level meets, its session shall be conducted by the presidium.


When a local people's congress at or above the county level meets, it shall propose a number of deputy secretaries-general; the choice of deputy secretaries-general shall be decided by the presidium.

  第十四条 乡、民族乡、镇的人民代表大会设主席,并可以设副主席一人至二人。主席、副主席由本级人民代表大会从代表中选出,任期同本级人民代表大会每届任期相同。

Article 14 The people's congress of a township, nationality township or town shall have a chairman, and may have one or two vice-chairmen. The chairman and vice-chairmen shall be elected from among the deputies to the people's congress at the corresponding level, and their term of office shall be the same as that of each people's congress at that level.


The chairman or vice-chairmen of the people's congress of a township, nationality township or town shall not concurrently hold office in an administrative organ of the State; if they hold office in an administrative organ of the State, they must resign from the post of the chairman or vice-chairmen of the people's congress at that level.


The chairman or vice-chairmen of the people's congress of a township, nationality township or town shall, during the period when the people's congress at the corresponding level is not in session, be responsible for keeping in touch with the deputies to the people's congress at that level, organizing the deputies to conduct activities, and conveying the suggestions, criticisms and opinions of the deputies and the masses regarding the work of the people's government at the same level.

  第十五条 乡、民族乡、镇的人民代表大会举行会议的时候,选举主席团。由主席团主持会议,并负责召集下一次的本级人民代表大会会议。乡、民族乡、镇的人民代表大会主席、副主席为主席团的成员。

Article 15 When the people's congress of a township, nationality township, or town holds a session, it shall elect a presidium, which shall preside over the session and be responsible for convening the next session of that people's congress. The chairman and vice-chairmen of the people's congress of a township, nationality township or town shall be the members of the presidium. The chairman and vice-chairmen of the people's congress of a township, nationality township or town shall be the members of the presidium.

  第十六条 地方各级人民代表大会每届第一次会议,在本届人民代表大会代表选举完成后的两个月内,由上届本级人民代表大会常务委员会或者乡、民族乡、镇的上次人民代表大会主席团召集。

Article 16 The first session of each local people's congress at any level shall be convened, within two months after the election of its deputies, by the standing committee of the preceding people's congress at the corresponding level or by the presidium of the preceding session of the people's congress of the township, nationality township, or town.

  第十七条 县级以上的地方各级人民政府组成人员和人民法院院长、人民检察院检察长,乡级的人民政府领导人员,列席本级人民代表大会会议;县级以上的其他有关机关、团体负责人,经本级人民代表大会常务委员会决定,可以列席本级人民代表大会会议。

Article 17 Members of the local people's governments at or above the county level, the presidents of the People's Courts, the chief procurators of the People's Procuratorates, and the leading persons of the people's governments at the township level shall attend sessions of the people's congresses at the corresponding levels as nonvoting delegates; leading members of the other relevant government departments and public organizations at or above the county level may, by decision of the standing committees of the people's congresses at the corresponding levels, attend sessions of the people's congresses at the corresponding levels as nonvoting delegates.

  第十八条 地方各级人民代表大会举行会议的时候,主席团、常务委员会、各专门委员会、本级人民政府,可以向本级人民代表大会提出属于本级人民代表大会职权范围内的议案,由主席团决定提交人民代表大会会议审议,或者并交有关的专门委员会审议、提出报告,再由主席团审议决定提交大会表决。

Article 18 When a local people's congress holds its sessions, its presidium, standing committee and special committees and the people's government at the corresponding level may submit bills and proposals to that people's congress within the scope of its functions and powers. The presidium shall decide to refer such bills and proposals to a session of the people's congress for deliberation, or to simultaneously refer them to relevant special committees for deliberation and reports before the presidium decides, upon examination of such reports, to submit them to the people's congress for a vote.


Ten or more deputies to a local people's congress at or above the county level, or five or more deputies to the people's congress of a township, nationality township, or town may jointly submit a bill or proposal to the people's congress at the corresponding level within the scope of its functions and powers. The presidium shall decide whether to place the bill or proposal on the agenda of the people's congress or to first refer it to a relevant special committee for deliberation and a recommendation on whether to place it on the agenda before the presidium makes such a decision.


With agreement of the presidium, deliberation shall be terminated on a bill or proposal placed on the agenda of a session, if the party that submitted the bill or proposal requests its withdrawal before it is referred to the congress for a vote.

  第十九条 县级以上的地方各级人民代表大会代表向本级人民代表大会及其常务委员会提出的对各方面工作的建议、批评和意见,由本级人民代表大会常务委员会的办事机构交有关机关和组织研究处理并负责答复。

Article 19 Suggestions, criticisms and complaints on any aspect of work put forward by deputies to a local people's congress at or above the county level to that people's congress and its standing committee shall be referred by the administrative office of the standing committee to the departments and organizations concerned for consideration, disposition and reply.



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