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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国地方各级人民代表大会和地方各级人民政府组织法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

s, criticisms and complaints on any aspect of work put forward by deputies to the people's congress of a township, nationality township, or town to that people's congress shall be referred by its presidium to the departments and organizations concerned for consideration, disposition and reply.

  第二十条 地方各级人民代表大会进行选举和通过决议,以全体代表的过半数通过。

Article 20 When a local people's congress conducts an election or adopts a resolution, a majority vote of all the deputies shall be required.

  第二十一条 县级以上的地方各级人民代表大会常务委员会的组成人员,乡、民族乡、镇的人民代表大会主席、副主席,省长、副省长,自治区主席、副主席,市长、副市长,州长、副州长,县长、副县长,区长、副区长,乡长、副乡长,镇长、副镇长,人民法院院长,人民检察院检察长的人选,由本级人民代表大会主席团或者代表依照本法规定联合提名。

Article 21 Members of the standing committee of local people's congresses at or above the county level, choices for chairmen and vice- chairmen of the people's congresses of townships, nationality townships or towns, governors and deputy governors, chairmen and vice-chairmen of autonomous regions, mayors and deputy mayors, heads and deputy heads of prefectures, heads and deputy heads of counties, districts, townships and towns, presidents of the People's Courts and chief procurators of the People's Procuratorates shall be nominated by the presidiums of the people's congresses at the corresponding levels or jointly nominated by deputies in accordance with the provisions of this Law.


Thirty or more deputies to the people's congress of a province, autonomous regions or municipality directly under the Central Government, or twenty or more deputies to the people's congress of a city divided into districts or of an autonomous prefecture, or ten or more deputies to the people's congress at the county level may nominate, with joint signatures, the candidates for members of the standing committee of the people's congress at the corresponding level, leading persons of the people's government, the president of the People's Court and the chief procurator of the People's Procuratorate at the same level. Ten or more deputies to the people's congress of a township, nationality township or town may nominate, with joint signatures, candidates for the chairman and vice-chairmen of the people's congress at the corresponding level and leading persons of the people's government at the same level. Deputies elected from different electoral districts or electoral units may deliberate on and jointly nominate candidates.


The number of candidates nominated by a presidium or jointly nominated by each deputy together with other deputies shall not exceed the number of persons to be elected.


Nominators shall make a trustful introduction of their nominees.

  第二十二条 人民代表大会常务委员会主任、秘书长,乡、民族乡、镇的人民代表大会主席,人民政府正职领导人员,人民法院院长,人民检察院检察长的候选人数一般应多一人,进行差额选举;如果提名的候选人只有一人,也可以等额选举。人民代表大会常务委员会副主任,乡、民族乡、镇的人民代表大会副主席,人民政府副职领导人员的候选人数应比应选人数多一人至三人,人民代表大会常务委员会委员的候选人数应比应选人数多十分之一至五分之一,由本级人民代表大会根据应选人数在选举办法中规定具体差额数,进行差额选举。如果提名的候选人数符合选举办法规定的差额数,由主席团提交代表酝酿、讨论后,进行选举。如果提名的候选人数超过选举办法规定的差额数,由主席团提交代表酝酿、讨论后,进行预选,根据在预选中得票多少的顺序,按照选举办法规定的差额数,确定正式候选人名单,进行选举。

Article 22 In elections for chairmen and secretaries-general of the standing committees of the people's congresses, chairmen of the people's congresses of townships, nationality townships or towns, heads of people's governments, presidents of the People's Courts and chief procurators of the People's Procuratorates, there shall generally be one more candidate than the number of persons to be elected, and a competitive election shall be conducted. If only one candidate is nominated, a non-competitive election may be conducted. In elections for vice-chairmen of the standing committees of the people's congresses, deputy chairmen of the people's congresses of townships, nationality townships or towns, and deputy heads of the people's governments, there shall be one to three more candidates than the number of persons to be elected; in elections for members of the standing committees of the people's congresses, there shall be one-tenth to one-fifth more candidates than the number of persons to be elected. The specific differential number shall be prescribed by the people's congresses at the corresponding levels in the electoral measures on the basis of the number of persons to be elected. And the competitive election shall be conducted. If the number of candidates nominated is the same as the differential number prescribed in the electoral measures, the presidium of a people's congress shall submit the list of candidates to the deputies for deliberation and discussion, before election is conducted. If the number of candidates nominated exceeds the differential number prescribed in the electoral measures, a preliminary election shall be conducted after the deputies deliberate and discuss the list of candidates submitted by the presidium, and an official list of candidates shall, in accordance with the differential number prescribed in the electoral measures, be determined by order of the votes that the candidates obtain in the preliminary election, and then election shall be conducted.


When leading persons of State organs at the corresponding levels are to be elected by local people's congresses at or above the county level, the time for nomination and consideration of candidates shall be not less than two days.

  第二十三条 选举采用无记名投票方式。代表对于确定的候选人,可以投赞成票,可以投反对票,可以另选其他任何代表或者选民,也可以弃权。

Article 23 Elections shall be conducted by secret ballot. The deputies may vote for or against any of the candidates that have been determined, or may instead elect any other deputies or voters or abstain from voting.

  第二十四条 地方各级人民代表大会选举本级国家机关领导人员,获得过半数选票的候选人人数超过应选名额时,以得票多的当选。如遇票数相等不能确定当选人时,应当就票数相等的人再次投票,以得票多的当选。

Article 24 In elections for leading persons of State organs conducted by local people's congresses at the corresponding levels, when the number of candidates who obtain more than half of the votes exceeds the number of leading persons to be elected, those who obtain more votes shall be elected. If the number of votes for some candidates is tied, thus making it impossible to determine the elected, another balloting shall be conducted for those candidates to resolve the tie, and those who obtain more votes shall be elected.


If the number of the elected persons who obtain more than half of the votes is less than the number of persons needed to be elected, another election shall be held to make up the difference, the candidates for another election may be determined by order of the votes they obtain in the first balloting, or may be nominated and determined in accordance with the procedures provided by this Law. Another election for making up the difference may be held at the current session or the next session of the people's congress upon decision by the people's congress at the corresponding level.


When another election is held to elect the vice-chairmen and members of the standing committee of a people's congress, the vice-chairmen of the people's congress of a township, nationality township or town, and the deputy heads of a people's government, competitive election shall be conducted after the differential number is determined in accordance with the provisions in the first paragraph of Article 22 of this Law.

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