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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国气象法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     


Part of the revenues from the distribution of meteorological information shall be drawn to support the development of meteorological service.

第二十六条 信息产业部门应当与气象主管机构密切配合。确保气象通信通畅,准确、及时地传递气象情报、气象预报和灾害性天气警报。

Article 26 Information industry departments shall work closely with the competent meteorological departments to ensure unblocked meteorological telecommunication for the accurate and timely dissemination of meteorological information, forecast and severe weather warning.


Wireless frequencies and channels specified for meteorological use are protected by the State.No organizations or individuals may occupy or interfere with them.

第五章 气象灾害防御

Chapter V Prevention of Meteorological Disasters

第二十七条 县级以上人民政府应当加强气象灾害监测、预警系统建设,组织有关部门编制气象灾害防御规划,并采取有效措施,提高防御气象灾害的能力。

Article 27 People's governments at or above the county level shall improve their monitoring and warning systems for meteorological disasters, make arrangements for relevant departments to work out plans for prevention of meteorological disasters, and take effective measures to increase the capability of preventing such disasters.


Relevant organizations and individuals shall comply with the directions given and arrangements made by the people's governments, and shall make a success of prevention of meteorological disasters.

第二十八条 各级气象主管机构应当组织对重大灾害性天气的跨地区、跨部门的联合监测、预报工作,及时提出气象灾害防御措施,并对重大气象灾害作出评估,为本级人民政府组织防御气象灾害提供决策依据。

Article 28 Competent meteorological departments at all levels shall make arrangements for joint monitoring and forecast of significant weather events among regions or departments, propose timely measures for preventing meteorological disasters and make assessment of severe weather disasters, which shall serve as the decision making basis for the people's governments at the corresponding levels to arrange prevention of meteorological disasters.


Meteorological offices and stations subordinate to the competent meteorological departments at different levels shall improve their monitoring and forecast of severe weather which may adversely affect the local community, and promptly report to the competent meteorological departments concerned.


The meteorological offices and stations subordinate to other departments and the units related to the monitoring and forecast of severe weather shall, without delay, provide the competent meteorological departments with the observed meteorological information and the monitored information on hydrological conditions, storm surge, etc.that are needed for the monitoring and forecast of severe weather.

第二十九条 县级以上地方人民政府应当根据防御气象灾害的需要,制定气象灾害防御方案,并根据气象主管机构提供的气象信息,组织实施气象灾害防御方案,避免或者减轻气象灾害。

Article 29 Local people's governments at or above the county level shall, in light of the need for preventing meteorological disasters, work out plans for the purpose and, on the basis of the meteorological information provided by the competent meteorological departments, make arrangements for carrying out such plans, in order to avert or mitigate meteorological disasters.

第三十条 县级以上人民政府应当加强对人工影响天气工作的领导,并根据实际情况,有组织、有计划地开展人工影响天气工作。

Article 30 People's governments at or above the county level shall enhance their leadership over weather modification and, in light of actual conditions, carry out work in this field in an organized and planned way.


The competent meteorological department under the State Council shall more efficiently administer and guide weather modification throughout the country.


Local competent meteorological departments at all levels shall make plans for weather modification operations and, under the leadership and coordination of the people's governments at the corresponding levels, administer, guide and arrange for such operations.


Relevant departments shall, in compliance with their functions and duties and division of responsibilities, cooperate with the competent meteorological departments in weather modification.


Organizations engaging in weather modification operations shall meet the qualifications prescribed by the competent meteorological departments of provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government, use the operational equipment which meets the specifications set by the competent meteorological department under the State Council, and conform to the operational rules.

第三十一条 各级气象主管机构应当加强对雷电灾害防御工作的组织管理,并会同有关部门指导对可能遭受雷击的建筑物,构筑物和其他设施安装的雷电灾害防护装置的检测工作。

Article 31 Competent meteorological departments at various levels shall strengthen the organization and management of preventive efforts against disasters caused by thunderstorm and lightning and, together with other relevant authorities, inspect the lightning protection devices installed on the buildings, structures and other facilities likely to be struck by lightning.


The installed lightning protection devices shall meet the operational specifications set by the competent meteorological department under the State Council.

第六章 气候资源开发利用和保护

Chapter VI Exploitation and Protection of Climatic Resources

第三十二条 国务院气象主管机构负责全国气候资源的综合调查、区划工作,组织进行气候监测、分析、评价,并对可能引起气候恶化的大气成分进行监测,定期发布全国气候状况公报。

Article 32 The competent meteorological department under the State Council is in charge of the overall survey and zoning of climatic resources nationwide, coordinates efforts in climate monitoring, analysis and assessment and in the monitoring of the atmosphere composition that may cause climate deterioration, and issues, at regular intervals, bulletins on climatic status.

第三十三条 县级以上地方人民政府应当根据本地区气候资源的特点,对气候资源开发利用的方向和保护的重点作出规划。

Article 33 Local people's governments at or above the county level shall, in light of the characteristics of the local climatic resources, draw up plans for the fields of endeavor in which to exploit the climatic resources and for the key climatic resources to be protected.


Local competent meteorological departments shall, on the basis of the plans drawn up by the people's governments at the corresponding levels, make proposal

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