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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国气象法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     


Meteorology Law of the People's Republic of China

第一章 总则

Chapter I General Provisions

第一条 为了发展气象事业,规范气象工作,准确、 及时地发布气象预报。防御气象灾害,合理开发利用和保护气候资源,为经济建设、国防建设、社会发展和人民生活提供气象服务,制定本法。

Article 1 This Law is enacted for the purpose of developing meteorological service, standardizing meteorological activities, ensuring the accurate and timely issue of meteorological forecast, preventing meteorological disasters, properly exploiting and effectively protecting climatic resources, and providing meteorological services for economic development, national defense, social development and people's well-being.

第二条 在中华人民共和国领域和中华人民共和国管辖的其他海域从事气象探测、预报、服务和气象灾害防御、气候资源利用、气象科学技术研究等活动,应当遵守本法。

Article 2 This Law shall be observed by units and individuals that engage in meteorological observation, forecasting, services, prevention of meteorological disasters, exploitation of climatic resources and research in meteorological science and technology, which are carried out in the territory of the People's Republic of China and the sea areas under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China.

第三条 气象事业是经济建设、国防建设、社会发展和人民生活的基础性公益事业,气象工作应当把公益性气象服务放在首位。

Article 3 Meteorological service is a basic public welfare service for economic development, naPublic welfare meteorological services shall be the first priority in meteorological work.tional defense, social development and people's well being.


People's governments at or above the county level shall strengthen their leadership over and coordination of meteorological activities, and incorporate meteorological service into the national economic and social development plans and fiscal budgets of the central and local governments in order to ensure their full function in the service of the general public, in government decision making and in economic development.


Local meteorological projects initiated by local people's governments at or above the county level to meet the needs of local social and economic development shall mainly be financed by the said governments themselves.


On condition that unpaid public welfare meteorological services are guaranteed, meteorological offices and stations may provide paid meteorological services in accordance with law.

第四条 县、市气象主管机构所属的气象台站应当主要为农业生产服务,及时主动提供保障当地农业生产所需的公益性气象信息服务。

Article 4 Meteorological offices and stations subordinate to the competent meteorological departments of counties or cities shall chiefly serve agricultural production, providing, on their own initiative and in a timely manner, public welfare meteorological information services needed by local agricultural production.

第五条 国务院气象主管机构负责全国的气象工作。

Article 5 The competent meteorological department under the State Council is responsible for meteorological work nationwide.


Local competent meteorological departments at different levels are responsible for meteorological work in their own administrative regions under the leadership of the competent meteorological departments at a higher level and the people's governments at the corresponding level.


Meteorological offices and stations subordinate to the other relevant departments under the State Council or under the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be subject to guidance, supervision and professional management by the competent meteorological departments at the same level.

第六条 从事气象业务活动,应当遵守国家制定的气象技术标准、规范和规程。

Article 6 Units and individuals that engage in meteorological activities shall comply with the meteorological technical standards, rules and regulations formulated by the State.

第七条 国家鼓励和支持气象科学技术研究、气象科学知识普及,培养气象人才,推广先进的气象科学技术,保护气象科技成果,加强国际气象合作与交流,发展气象信息产业,提高气象工作水平。

Article 7 The State encourages and supports research in and popularization of meteorological science and technology, trains meteorological professionals, spreads the use of advanced meteorological science and technology, protects the achievements scored in meteorological science and technology, strengthens international cooperation and exchange in the field of meteorology and develops the meteorological information industry, all in order to improve meteorological work.


People's governments at various levels shall pay attention to and support the construction and operation of the meteorological offices and stations in areas inhabited by ethnic peoples, in outlying and poverty-stricken areas, in areas where life is hard, and on islands.


Units and individuals that make outstanding contributions in meteorological work shall be rewarded.

第八条 外国的组织和个人在中华人民共和国领域和中华人民共和国管辖的其他海域从事气象活动,必须经国务院气象主管机构会同有关部门批准。

Article 8 Meteorological activities that organizations and individuals of other countries wish to conduct in the territory of the People's Republic of China and the sea areas under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China shall be subject to approval by the competent meteorological department under the State Council in conjunction with relevant departments.

第二章 气象设施的建设与管理

Chapter II Construction and Management of Meteorological Facilities

第九条 国务院气象主管机构应当组织有关部门编制气象探测设施、气象信息专用传输设施、大型气象专用技术装备等重要气象设施的建设规划,报国务院批准后实施。

Article 9 The competent meteorological department under the State Council shall make arrangements for relevant departments to work out plans for the construction of key meteorological facilities including meteorological observation instrumentation, transmission devices dedicated to meteorological information and specialized large meteorological equipment.These plans shall be submitted to the State Council for approval before they are implemented.


Any readjustment or modification of the plans shall be submitted to the State Council for approval.


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