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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     


Article 66 When a public security organ wishes to arrest a criminal suspect, it shall submit a written request for approval of arrest together with the case file and evidence to the People's Procuratorate at the same level for examination and approval.


When necessary, the People's Procuratorate may send procurators to participate in the public security organ's discussion of a major case.

第六十七条  人民检察院审查批准逮捕犯罪嫌疑人由检察长决定。

Article 67 The chief procurator shall make the decision on a People's Procuratorate's examination and approval of the arrest of a criminal suspect.


Major cases shall be submitted to the procuratorial committee for discussion and decision.

第六十八条  人民检察院对于公安机关提请批准逮捕的案件进行审查后,应当根据情况分别作出批准逮捕或者不批准逮捕的决定。

Article 68 After a People's Procuratorate has examined a case with respect to which a public security organ has submitted a request for approval of arrest, it shall decide according to the circumstances of the case either to approve the arrest or disapprove the arrest.


If it decides to approve the arrest, the public security organ shall execute it immediately and inform the People's Procuratorate of the result without delay.


If the People's Procuratorate disapproves the arrest, it shall give its reasons therefor; and if it deems a supplementary investigation necessary, it shall at the same time notify the public security organ of the need.

第六十九条  公安机关对被拘留的人,认为需要逮捕的,应当在拘留后的三日以内,提请人民检察院审查批准。

Article 69 If the public security organ deems it necessary to arrest a detainee, it shall, within three days after the detention, submit a request to the People's Procuratorate for examination and approval.


Under special circumstances, the time limit for submitting a request for examination and approval may be extended by one to four days.


As to the arrest of a major suspect involved in crimes committed from one place to another, repeatedly, or in a gang, the time limit for submitting a request for examination and approval may be extended to 30 days.


The People's Procuratorate shall decide either to approve or disapprove the arrest within seven days from the date of receiving the written request for approval of arrest submitted by a public security organ.


If the People's Procuratorate disapproves the arrest, the public security organ shall, upon receiving notification, immediately release the detainee and inform the People's Procuratorate of the result without delay.


If further investigation is necessary, and if the released person meets the conditions for obtaining a guarantor pending trial or for residential surveillance, he shall be allowed to obtain a guarantor pending trial or subjected to residential surveillance according to law.

第七十条  公安机关对人民检察院不批准逮捕的决定,认为有错误的时候,可以要求复议,但是必须将被拘留的人立即释放。

Article 70 If the public security organ considers the People's Procuratorate's decision to disapprove an arrest to be incorrect, it may request a reconsideration but must immediately release the detainee.


 If the public security organ's opinion is not accepted, it may request a review by the People's Procuratorate at the next higher level.


The People's Procuratorate at the higher level shall immediately review the matter, decide whether or not to make a change and notify the People's Procuratorate at the lower level and the public security organ to implement its decision.

第七十一条 公安机关逮捕人的时候,必须出示逮捕证。

Article 71 When making an arrest, a public security organ must produce an arrest warrant.


Within 24 hours after an arrest, the family of the arrested person or the unit to which he belongs shall be notified of the reasons for arrest and the place of custody, except in circumstances where such notification would hinder the investigation or there is no way of notifying them.

第七十二条  人民法院、人民检察院对于各自决定逮捕的人,公安机关对于经人民检察院批准逮捕的人,都必须在逮捕后的二十四小时以内进行讯问。

Article 72 Interrogation must be conducted within 24 hours after the arrest, by a People's Court or People's Procuratorate with respect to a person it has decided to arrest, and by a public security organ with respect to a person it has arrested with the approval of the People's Procuratorate.


If it is found that the person should not have been arrested, he must be immediately released and issued a release certificate.

第七十三条  人民法院、人民检察院和公安机关如果发现对犯罪嫌疑人、被告人采取强制措施不当的,应当及时撤销或者变更。

Article 73 If a People's Court, a People's Procuratorate or a public security organ finds that the compulsory measures adopted against a criminal suspect or defendant are inappropriate, such measures shall be cancelled or modified without delay.


If a public security organ releases a person arrested or substitute the measure of arrest with a different measure, it shall notify the People's Procuratorate that approved the arrest.

第七十四条  犯罪嫌疑人、被告人被羁押的案件,不能在本法规定的侦查羁押、审查起诉、一审、二审期限内办结,需要继续查证、审理的,对犯罪嫌疑人、被告人可以取保候审或者监视居住。

Article 74 If a case involving a criminal suspect or defendant in custody cannot be closed within the time limit stipulated by this Law for keeping the criminal suspect or defendant under custody for the sake of investigation, for conducting examination before prosecution, or for the procedure of first or second instance and thus further investigation, verification and handling are neede

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