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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

Article 58 The period granted by a People's Court, People's Procuratorate or public security organ to a criminal suspect or defendant for awaiting trial after obtaining a guarantor shall not exceed twelve months; the period for residential surveillance shall not exceed six months.


During the period when the criminal suspect or defendant is awaiting trial after obtaining a guarantor or when he is under residential surveillance, investigation, prosecution and handling of the case shall not be suspended.


If it is discovered that the criminal suspect or the defendant should not be investigated for criminal responsibility or when the period for awaiting trial after obtaining a guarantor or the period of residential surveillance has expired, such period shall be terminated without delay.


 The person who has obtained a guarantor pending trial or who is under residential surveillance and the units concerned shall be notified of the termination immediately.

第五十九条  逮捕犯罪嫌疑人、被告人,必须经过人民检察院批准或者人民法院决定,由公安机关执行。

Article 59 Arrests of criminal suspects or defendants shall be subject to approval by a People's Procuratorate or decision by a People's Court and shall be executed by a public security organ.

第六十条  对有证据证明有犯罪事实,可能判处徒刑以上刑罚的犯罪嫌疑人、被告人,采取取保候审、监视居住等方法,尚不足以防止发生社会危险性,而有逮捕必要的,应即依法逮捕。

Article 60 When there is evidence to support the facts of a crime and the criminal suspect or defendant could be sentenced to a punishment of not less than imprisonment, and if such measures as allowing him to obtain a guarantor pending trial or placing him under residential surveillance would be insufficient to prevent the occurrence of danger to society, thus necessitating his arrest, the criminal suspect or defendant shall be immediately arrested according to law.


If a criminal suspect or defendant who should be arrested is seriously ill or is a pregnant woman or a woman breast-feeding her own baby, he or she may be allowed to obtain a guarantor pending trial or be placed under residential surveillance.

第六十一条  公安机关对于现行犯或者重大嫌疑分子,如果有下列情形之一的,可以先行拘留:

Article 61 Public security organs may initially detain an active criminal or a major suspect under any of the following conditions:


(1) if he is preparing to commit a crime, is in the process of committing a crime or is discovered immediately after committing a crime;


(2) if he is identified as having committed a crime by a victim or an eyewitness;


(3) if criminal evidence is found on his body or at his residence;


(4) if he attempts to commit suicide or escape after committing a crime, or he is a fugitive;


(5) if there is likelihood of his destroying or falsifying evidence or tallying confessions;


(6) if he does not tell his true name and address and his identity is unknown; and


(7) if he is strongly suspected of committing crimes from one place to another, repeatedly, or in a gang.

第六十二条  公安机关在异地执行拘留、逮捕的时候,应当通知被拘留、逮捕人所在地的公安机关,被拘留、逮捕人所在地的公安机关应当予以配合。

Article 62 When a public security organ is to detain or arrest a person in another place, it shall inform the public security organ in the place where the person to be detained or arrested stays, and the public security organ there shall cooperate in the action.

第六十三条  对于有下列情形的人,任何公民都可以立即扭送公安机关、人民检察院或者人民法院处理:

Article 63 The persons listed below may be seized outright by any citizen and delivered to a public security organ, a People's Procuratorate or a People's Court for handling:


(1) any person who is committing a crime or is discovered immediately after committing a crime;


(2) any person who is wanted for arrest;


(3) any person who has escaped from prison; and


(4) any person who is being pursued for arrest.

第六十四条 公安机关拘留人的时候,必须出示拘留证。

Article 64 When detaining a person, a public security organ must produce a detention warrant.


Within 24 hours after a person has been detained, his family or the unit to which he belongs shall be notified of the reasons for detention and the place of custody, except in circumstances where such notification would hinder the investigation or there is no way of notifying them.

第六十五条  公安机关对于被拘留的人,应当在拘留后的二十四小时以内进行讯问。

Article 65 A public security organ shall interrogate a detainee within 24 hours after detention.


 If it is found that the person should not have been detained, he must be immediately released and issued a release certificate.


If the public security organ finds it necessary to arrest a detainee when sufficient evidence is still lacking, it may allow the detainee to obtain a guarantor pending trial or place him under residential surveillance.


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