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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     


(4) statements and exculpations of criminal suspects or defendants;


(5) expert conclusions;


(6) records of inquests and examination; and


(7) audio-visual materials.


Any of the above evidence must be verified before it can be used as the basis for deciding cases.

第四十三条  审判人员、检察人员、侦查人员必须依照法定程序,收集能够证实犯罪嫌疑人、被告人有罪或者无罪、犯罪情节轻重的各种证据。

Article 43 Judges, procurators and investigators must, in accordance with the legally prescribed process, collect various kinds of evidence that can prove the criminal suspect's or defendant's guilt or innocence and the gravity of his crime.


It shall be strictly forbidden to extort confessions by torture and to collect evidence by threat, enticement, deceit or other unlawful means.


Conditions must be guaranteed for all citizens who are involved in a case or who have information about the circumstances of a case to objectively and fully furnish evidence and, except in special circumstances, they may be brought in to help the investigation.

第四十四条  公安机关提请批准逮捕书、人民检察院起诉书、人民法院判决书,必须忠实于事实真象。

Article 44 The public security organ's requests for approval of arrest, the People's Procuratorate's bills of prosecution and the People's Court's written judgments must be faithful to the facts.


The responsibility of anyone who intentionally conceals the facts shall be investigated.

第四十五条  人民法院、人民检察院和公安机关有权向有关单位和个人收集、调取证据。

Article 45 The People's Courts, the People's Procuratorates and the public security organs shall have the authority to collect or obtain evidence from the units and individuals concerned.


The units and individuals concerned shall provide truthful evidence.


Evidence involving State secrets shall be kept confidential.


Anyone that falsifies, conceals or destroys evidence, regardless of which side of a case he belongs to, must be investigated under law.

第四十六条  对一切案件的判处都要重证据,重调查研究,不轻信口供。

Article 46 In the decision of all cases, stress shall be laid on evidence, investigation and study; credence shall not be readily given to oral statements.


A defendant cannot be found guilty and sentenced to a criminal punishment if there is only his statement but no evidence; the defendant may be found guilty and sentenced to a criminal punishment if evidence is sufficient and reliable, even without his statement.

第四十七条  证人证言必须在法庭上经过公诉人、被害人和被告人、辩护人双方讯问、质证,听取各方证人的证言并且经过查实以后,才能作为定案的根据。

Article 47 The testimony of a witness may be used as a basis in deciding a case only after the witness has been questioned and cross-examined in the courtroom by both sides, that is, the public prosecutor and victim as well as the defendant and defenders, and after the testimonies of the witnesses on all sides have been heard and verified.


If a court discovers through investigation that a witness has intentionally given false testimony or concealed criminal evidence, it shall handle the matter in accordance with law.

第四十八条 凡是知道案件情况的人,都有作证的义务。

Article 48 All those who have information about a case shall have the duty to testify.


Physically or mentally handicapped persons or minors who cannot distinguish right from wrong or cannot properly express themselves shall not be qualified as witnesses.

第四十九条  人民法院、人民检察院和公安机关应当保障证人及其近亲属的安全。

Article 49 The People's Courts, the People's Procuratorates and the public security organs shall insure the safety of witnesses and their near relatives.


Anyone who intimidates, humiliates, beats or retaliates against a witness or his near relatives, if his act constitutes a crime, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law; if the case is not serious enough for criminal punishment, he shall be punished for violation of public security in accordance with law.

第五十条  人民法院、人民检察院和公安机关根据案件情况,对犯罪嫌疑人、被告人可以拘传、取保候审或者监视居住。

Article 50 The People's Courts, the People's Procuratorates and the public security organs may, according to the circumstances of a case, issue a warrant to compel the appearance of the criminal suspect or defendant, order him to obtain a guarantor pending trial or subject him to residential surveillance.

第五十一条  人民法院、人民检察院和公安机关对于有下列情形之一的犯罪嫌疑人、被告人,可以取保候审或者监视居住:

Article 51 The People's Courts, the People's Procuratorates and the public security organs may allow criminal suspects or defendants under any of the following conditions to obtain a guarantor pending trial or subject them to residential surveillance:


(1) They may be sentenced to public surveillance, criminal detention or simply imposed with supplementary punishments; or


(2) They may be imposed w

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