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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国预备役军官法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

heir posts or the increase in their wages. Reserve officers who have been awarded citations for merit or conferred honourable titles shall enjoy the same rewards and preferential treatment as granted by the State or local authorities to persons who have been awarded such citations for merit or conferred such honourable titles.

第四十三条 预备役军官参加军事训练、执行军事勤务期间,应当按照规定着装;参加国庆节、建军节或者其他重大庆典活动的,可以着预备役军官制式服装,并佩带预备役军官军衔肩章、符号标志。

Article 43 Reserve officers shall be dressed as required when they participate in military training or carry out military duties. On the occasion of taking part in important celebration activities such as on the National Day and the Army Day, they may wear reserve officers uniforms with epaulets and insignias indicating their reserve ranks.

第四十四条 预备役军官参加军事训练、执行军事勤务期间,其工作单位是国家机关、社会团体、企业事业单位的,由其所在单位照发工资和奖金,其享受的福利待遇不变。

Article 44 During the period when reserve officers working in State organs, public organizations, enterprises or institutions are participating in military training or carrying out military duties, their wages and bonuses shall be paid in full by their work units, and the benefits and treatment they are entitled to shall not be affected.


Reserve officers other than those referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be given subsidies for their loss of working time during the period when they are participating in military training or carrying out military duties. Specific measures and standards therefor shall be stipulated by the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government.


When reserve officers participate in military training or carry out military duties, food allowances shall be provided and their to-and-fro traveling expenses reimbursed in accordance with the regulations of the State.

第四十五条 对按照规定参加军事训练并完成训练任务的预备役军官,按照其职务等级发给适当补贴。补贴标准由财政部和人民解放军总参谋部、总政治部、总后勤部制定,所需经费由中央财政保障。

Article 45 Reserve officers who participate in military training and accomplish training tasks as required shall be given appropriate subsidies on the basis of their post grades. Standards of subsidies shall be formulated by the Ministry of Finance jointly with the General Staff, the General Political Department and the General Logistics Department of the People's Liberation Army, and the funds thus needed shall be guaranteed by the Central Government.

第四十六条 预备役军官在参加军事训练、执行军事勤务等军事活动中牺牲、伤残的,参照国家关于军人抚恤优待的规定办理。

Article 46 Where reserve officers have died or become disabled in the course of their performance of military activities such as military training and military duties, the relevant affairs shall be handled with reference to the regulations of the State in respect of pensions and preferential treatment granted to the families of the deceased servicemen or to the disabled servicemen.

第八章 预备役军官的退役


第四十七条 预备役军官达到平时服预备役最高年龄时,应当退出预备役。

Article 47 Reserve officers shall be retired from reserve service when they have attained the maximum age for reserve service in peacetime.

第四十八条 预备役军事、政治、后勤军官平时服预备役的最高年龄:

Article 48 The maximum age for reserve service of operational, political and logistics reserve officers in peacetime shall be:


55 for reserve officers at the divisional level;


55 for reserve officers at the regimental level;


50 for reserve officers at the battalion level;


45 for reserve officers at the company level; and


40 for reserve officers at the platoon level.

少数预备役军官确因工作需要,经过批准,平时服预务的,五十岁;担任连级职务的,四十五岁;担任排级职务的,四十岁。  少数预备役军官确因工作需要,经过批准,平时服预备役的最高年龄可以适当延长,但是延长的年龄不得超过五岁。

The maximum age for reserve service in peacetime may be appropriately extended for a small number of reserve officers, provided this is necessitated by work and duly approved, however, the maximum age shall not be extended for more than 5 years.

第四十九条 预备役专业技术军官平时服预备役的最高年龄:

Article 49 The maximum age for reserve service of specialized technical officers in peacetime shall be:


60 for specialized technical reserve officers at the senior level;


55 for specialized technical reserve officers at the intermediate level; and


50 for specialized technical reserve officers at the junior level.

第五十条 未达到平时服预备役最高年龄的预备役军官,由于伤病残或者其他原因不能继续服预备役的,应当退出预备役。

Article 50 Reserve officers who have not reached the maximum age for reserve service in peacetime shall be retired from reserve service when they are unable to continue to perform reserve service due to their injuries, sickness, disability or other reasons.


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