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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国预备役军官法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

be conducted by the people's armed forces departments at the county level.


Persons who have been released from active service and assigned to be transferred to the reserve of officers shall be registered as reserve officers at the time when they checked in at the local departments in charge of their resettlement affairs; other persons shall be registered as reserve officers at the same time when they have been assigned to serve in the reserve of officers.


Persons who work in State organs, public organizations, enterprises or institutions and have been assigned to serve in the reserve of officers shall register as reserve officers with the people's armed forces departments at the county level in the regions where their work units are located; other persons who have been assigned to serve in the reserve of officers shall register as reserve officers with the people's armed forces departments at the county level in the regions where they made household registration.

第三十三条 预备役军官因工作调动或者迁居需要变更预备役军官登记地的,应当办理转出手续,并自到达新的工作单位或者居住地之日起三十日内,到所在地的县人民武装部办理转入手续。

Article 33 Reserve officers who need to change the places of their registration as reserve officers due to the transfer of their work or the change of their residence shall go through the procedures of transferring their registration of reserve service out from the original places, and shall, within 30 days from their arrival at the new work units or the new residence, go through the procedures of transferring their registration in at the people's armed forces departments at the county level in the regions where they work or reside.

第三十四条 预备役军官有下列情形之一的,应当由县人民武装部注销其预备役军官登记:

Article 34 Where reserve officers fall into one of the following circumstances, their registration as reserve officers shall be cancelled by the people's armed forces departments at the county level:


(1) having been retired from reserve service;


(2) having settled down abroad;


(3) having been dead; or


(4) having been deprived of the status as a reserve officer.

第三十五条 县人民武装部必须按照规定对在本行政区域内登记的预备役军官,每年进行一次核对,并逐级统计上报。

Article 35 The people's armed forces departments at the county level shall make annual checks on the registered reserve officers in their respective administrative regions in accordance with the relevant regulations, and the statistics so obtained shall be reported to higher authorities level by level.

第三十六条 预备役军官接到征召的通知后,必须按照规定时间到指定地点报到;由于伤病等原因暂时不能应召的,经县人民武装部核实,并报上一级兵役机关批准,可以暂缓应召。

Article 36 Reserve officers shall report for duty at the designated places within the prescribed time after they have received the notice for call-up; in cases anyone is unable for the time being to respond to the call because of injury, sickness or other reasons, his call-up may be postponed, provided the case has been verified by the people's armed forces department at the county level and approved by the organ of military service at the next higher level.

第六章 预备役军官的培训


第三十七条 未服过现役或者未接受过军事专业培训的人员,被选拔为预备役军官的,在确定预备役军官职务等级前,应当接受军事专业培训。

Article 37 Where persons who have never served in active service nor received military professional training have been selected to be reserve officers, they shall take such training before their post grades for reserve officers are determined.

第三十八条 预备役军官在服预备役期间,应当依照兵役法和本法的规定接受军事训练和政治教育。

Article 38 Reserve officers shall receive military training and political education during their term of reserve service in compliance with the provisions of the Military Service Law and the present Law.

第三十九条 国务院和中央军事委员会在必要的时候,可以决定对预备役军官实施应急训练。预备役军官必须按照规定接受应急训练。

Article 39 The State Council and the Central Military Commission may, when necessary, decide that emergency training shall be conducted with respect to reserve officers. Reserve officers must receive such emergency training as prescribed.

第四十条 预备役军官的军事训练大纲和政治教育计划,由人民解放军总参谋部、总政治部、总后勤部制定。

Article 40 Programs for military training and plans for political education for reserve officers shall be formulated by the General Staff, the General Political Department and the General Logistics Department of the People's Liberation Army.

第四十一条 在预备役部队或者预编到现役部队任职的预备役军官的培训,由其所在部队组织实施;其他预备役军官的培训,由兵役机关组织实施。预备役军官所在工作单位和当地人民政府有关部门应当予以协助。

Article 41 The training of reserve officers who hold posts in reserve components or are pre-listed as officers for active components shall be organized and conducted by the units in which they serve; the training of other reserve officers shall be organized and conducted by the organs of military service. The work units of reserve officers and the departments concerned of the local people's governments shall provide assistance in this connection.

第七章 预备役军官的待遇


第四十二条 预备役军官履行兵役义务的工作实绩,应当作为所在单位晋升其职务、工资等级的依据之一;立功或者被授予荣誉称号的,享受国家和地方给予同等立功受奖者的奖励和优待。

Article 42 The actual achievements made by reserve officers in their performance of military duties shall be taken as one of the criteria by their work units in the promotion of t

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