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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国招标投标法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

the illegal gains therefrom, if any, shall be confiscated of concurrently; if the circumstance is serious, his qualifications to take part in bidding of projects subject to tender shall be cancelled for one to two years and the cancellation shall be announced or even his business license shall be revoked by the administrative department for industry and commerce; and if a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be demanded for according to law.


If any loss is caused to other persons, the said bidder shall be liable therefor according to law.

第五十四条 投标人以他人名义投标或者以其他方式弄虚作假,骗取中标的,中标无效,给招标人造成损失的,依法承担赔偿责任;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

Article 54 If a bidder submits his bid in the name of another person or resorts to deception to win the bid, his winning of the bid shall be void and invalid, if a loss is caused to the tenderer, the said bidder shall be liable therefor according to law; and if a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be demanded for according to law.


If a bidder of a project subject to tender according to law commits an act set forth in the preceding paragraph and does not commits a crime, the said bidder shall be imposed a fine exceeding 0.5 per cent and not exceeding 1 per cent of the sum of the winning project, the person-in-charge directly responsible and other persons directly responsible of the bidder shall be imposed a fine exceeding 5 per cent and not exceeding 10 per cent of the fine imposed on the bidder;


 the illegal gains therefrom, if any, shall be confiscated of concurrently; and if the circumstance is serious, his qualifications for taking part in bidding for projects subject to tender according to law for one to three years shall be cancelled and the cancellation shall be announced, or even his business license shall be revoked by the administrative department for industry and commerce.

第五十五条 依法必须进行招标的项目,招标人违反本法规定,与投标人就投标价格、投标方案等实质性内容进行谈判的,给予警告,对单位直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分。

Article 55 If a tenderer for a project subject to tender according to law, in violation of the provisions of this Law, negotiates with a bidder on such substantial contents as the bid price or bidding plan, the said tenderer shall be given a warning and the person-in-charge directly responsible and other persons directly responsible of the said tenderer shall be given sanctions according to law.


If an act set forth in the preceding paragraph affects the bidding result, the result shall be void and invalid.

第五十六条 评标委员会成员收受投标人的财物或者其他好处的,评标委员会成员或者参加评标的有关工作人员向他人透露对投标文件的评审和比较、中标候选人的推荐以及与评标有关的其他情况的,给予警告,没收收受的财物,可以并处三千元以上五万元以下的罚款,对有所列违法行为的评标委员会成员取消担任评标委员会成员的资格,不得再参加任何依法必须进行招标的项目的评标;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

Article 56 If a member of a bid assessment committee accepts property or other benefits from a bidder or if a member of a bid assessment committee or a  working personnel taking part in the bid assessment discloses to another person the assessment and comparison of bid documents, recommendation of candidate winning bidders or any other information related to bid assessment, the member or the personnel shall be given a warning, be confiscated of the property accepted and may concurrently be imposed a fine exceeding 3,000 yuan and not exceeding 50,000 yuan, the member of the bid assessment committee committing any of the illegal acts set forth shall be revoked his qualifications as a member of the committee and may no longer take part in bid assessment of projects subject to tender according to law; and if a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be demanded for according to law.

第五十七条 招标人在评标委员会依法推荐的中标候选人以外确定中标人的,依法必须进行招标的项目在所有投标被评标委员会否决后自行确定中标人的,中标无效。

Article 57 If a tenderer determines the winning bidder outside the candidate winning bidders recommended according to law by the bid assessment committee or determines on his own the winning bidder after all the bids for the project subject to tender according to law were denied by the bid assessment committee, the determination shall be void and invalid.


The said tenderer shall be ordered to make corrections and may be imposed a fine exceeding 0.5 per cent and not exceeding 1 per cent of the sum of the winning project and;


the person-in-charge directly responsible and other persons directly responsible of the said tenderer shall be given sanctions according to law.

第五十八条 中标人将中标项目转让给他人的,将中标项目肢解后分别转让给他人的,违反本法规定将中标项目的部分主体、关键性工作分包给他人的,

Article 58 If a winning bidder transfers his winning project to another person, breaks the winning project into parts and subcontracts them separately to other persons or, in violation of the provisions of this Law, subcontracts the main structure or critical work of the winning project to other persons,


or if a subcontractor subcontracts his project again, the transfer or subcontract shall be void and invalid, the winning bidder or the subcontractor shall be imposed a fine exceeding 0.5 per cent and not exceeding 1 per cent of the sum of the transferred or subcontracted project and concurrently;


 be confiscated of the illegal gains therefrom, if any; and may be ordered to stop his business for rectification; and if the circumstance is serious, the administrative department for industry and commerce shall revoke his business license.

第五十九条 招标人与中标人不按照招标文件和中标人的投标文件订立合同的,或者招标人、中标人订立背离合同实质性内容的协议的,责令改正;可以处中标项目金额千分之五以上千分之十以下的罚款。

Article 59 If a tenderer and a winning bidder fail to enter into a contract in accordance with the tender documents and the bid documents of the winning bidder, or a tenderer and a winning bidder conclude an agreement contrary to the substantial contents of the contract, they shall be ordered to make corrections; and may be imposed a fine exceeding 0.5 per cent and not exceeding 1 per cent of the sum of the winning project.

第六十条 中标人不履行与招标人订立的合同的,履约保证金不予退还,给招标人造成的损失超过履约保证金数额的,还应当对超过部分予以赔偿;没有提交履约保证金的,应当对招标人的损失承担赔偿责任。

Article 60 If a winning bidder fails to perform the contract signed with the tenderer, his earnest for performance of contract shall not be refunded, if a loss caused to the tenderer is larger than the amount of earnest, the winning bidder shall compensate the part in excess of the earnest; and if no earnest for performance of contract is provided, the winning bidder shall be liable for any loss of the tenderer.


If a winning bidder fails to fulfil his obligations according to the contract signed with the tenderer and the circumstance is serious, his qualifications to take part in bidding for projects subject to tender according to law shall be cancelled for two to five years and the can

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