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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国招标投标法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

s governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, or from the name list of experts in related fields in the expert bank of the procuratorial agency;


for an ordinary project subject to tender, the experts may be chosen randomly, and for a special project subject to tender, the experts may be directly chosen by the tenderer.


A person having an interest with a bidder may not join the bid assessment committee of the related project and; if already joined, shall be replaced.


The name list of members of the bid assessment committee shall be kept secret and confidential before the bidding result is made.

第三十八条 招标人应当采取必要的措施,保证评标在严格保密的情况下进行。

Article 38 A tenderer shall take necessary measures to guarantee that bid assessment is carried out in a strictly secret and confidential situation.


No unit or person may illegally interfere or affect the bid assessment procedure or result.

第三十九条 评标委员会可以要求投标人对投标文件中含义不明确的内容作必要的澄清或者说明,但是澄清或者说明不得超出投标文件的范围或者改变投标文件的实质性内容。

Article 39 The bid assessment committee may demand a bidder to make necessary clarifications or explanations on the contents with ambiguous denotation of his bid documents, however, such clarifications or explanations may not exceed the scope of his bid documents or alter any substantial contents of his bid documents.

第四十条 评标委员会应当按照招标文件确定的评标标准和方法,对投标文件进行评审和比较;设有标底的,应当参考标底。

Article 40 The bid assessment committee shall assess and compare all bid documents in accordance with the bid assessment standards and methods set in the tender documents and; if there is a base bid price, shall take it as reference.


After finishing the assessment, the bid assessment committee shall give a written report thereon to the tenderer and recommend the qualified candidate winning bidders.


The tenderer shall, pursuant to the written report on bid assessment given by the bid assessment committee, determine the winning bidder from among the candidate winning bidders recommended by the bid assessment committee.


The tenderer may also authorize the bid assessment committee to directly determine the winning bidder.


If the State Council has the special provisions on bid assessment of specified projects subject to tender, such provisions shall govern.

第四十一条 中标人的投标应当符合下列条件之一:

Article 41 The bid of a winning bidder shall satisfy any of the following requirements:


1. to be able to satisfy the maximum various comprehensive assessment standards set in the tender documents; or


2. to be able to satisfy the substantial requirements set in the tender documents and to have the lowest bid price quotation upon assessment, with the exception of the bid price quotation which is below cost.

第四十二条 评标委员会经评审,认为所有投标都不符合招标文件要求的,可以否决所有投标。

Article 42 The bid assessment committee may deny all the bids if, after the assessment, believes that they fail to satisfy the requirements set forth in the tender documents.


If all the bids on a project subject to tender according to law are denied, the tenderer shall start the tender anew in accordance with this Law.

第四十三条 在确定中标人前,招标人不得与投标人就投标价格、投标方案等实质性内容进行谈判。

Article 43 Before the winning bidder is determined, the tenderer may not negotiate with any bidder on such substantial contents as bid price or bidding plan.

第四十四条 评标委员会成员应当客观、公正地履行职务,遵守职业道德,对所提出的评审意见承担个人责任。

Article 44 Members of the bid assessment committees shall objectively and impartially perform their duties, comply with the code of ethics and be personally liable for their assessment opinions.


A member of a bid assessment committee may not contact any bidder privately and may not accept property or other benefits from any bidder.


Members of the bid assessment committees and working personnel taking part in bid assessment may not disclose their bid assessment and comparison of bid documents, recommendation information about candidate winning bidders and other information related to bid assessment.

第四十五条 中标人确定后,招标人应当向中标人发出中标通知书,并同时将中标结果通知所有未中标的投标人。

Article 45 When the winning bidder is determined, the tenderer shall issue a bid-winning notice to the former and concurrently, notify all bidders who do not win the bid about the result.


The bid-winning notice is legally binding on both the tenderer and the winning bidder.


If, after the bid-winning notice is issued, the tenderer alters the bidding result or the winning bidder waives the winning project, the said tenderer or the said winning bidder shall bear legal liabilities according to law.

第四十六条 招标人和中标人应当自中标通知书发出之日起三十日内,按照招标文件和中标人的投标文件订立书面合同。

Article 46 Within 30 days following the date of issuance of the bid-winning notice, the tenderer and the winning bidder shall enter into a written contract in accordance with the tender documents and the bid documents of the winning bidder.


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