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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国招标投标法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

cellation shall be announced, or even the administrative department for industry and commerce shall revoke his business license.


If a contract is unable to be performed due to force majeure, the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs shall not apply.

第六十一条 本章规定的行政处罚,由国务院规定的有关行政监督部门决定。本法已对实施行政处罚的机关作出规定的除外。

Article 61 Administrative sanctions set forth in this Chapter shall be decided by the relevant departments for administrative supervision designated by the State Council, excluding those laid down by this Law to execute administrative sanctions.

第六十二条 任何单位违反本法规定,限制或者排斥本地区、本系统以外的法人或者其他组织参加投标的,为招标人指定招标代理机构的,强制招标人委托招标代理机构办理招标事宜的,或者以其他方式干涉招标投标活动的,责令改正;

Article 62  If any unit, in violation of the provisions of this Law, restricts or excludes a legal person or any other organization from another place or system to take part in bidding, designates a procuratorial agency for a tenderer, compels a tenderer to authorize a procuratorial agency to carry out the tender, or interferes the tender and bid activity in any other form, the unit shall be ordered to make corrections;


the person-in-charge directly responsible and other persons directly responsible of the unit shall be given such sanctions as warning, recording of demerit or recording of serious demerit according to law, and if the circumstance is fairly serious, be given such sanctions as demotion, removal from office or expulsion according to law.


A person who commits any of the acts set forth in the preceding paragraph by taking advantage of his power shall be demanded for his responsibility in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

第六十三条 对招标投标活动依法负有行政监督职责的国家机关工作人员徇私舞弊、滥用职权或者玩忽职守,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;不构成犯罪的,依法给予行政处分。

Article 63 A public servant of a State organ obligated for exercising administrative supervision according to law over tender and bid activities, who practices favoritism or irregularity, abuses his power or neglects his duty of office, shall be demanded for criminal responsibility according to law if a crime is constituted and; if no crime is constituted, be given administrative sanctions according to law.

第六十四条 依法必须进行招标的项目违反本法规定,中标无效的,应当依照本法规定的中标条件从其余投标人中重新确定中标人或者依照本法重新进行招标。

Article 64 If the bidding result of a project subject to tender according to law is void and invalid due to violation of the provisions of this Law, a new  winning bidder shall be determined from among other bidders according to the bidding terms laid down in this Law or a new tender shall be carried out according to this Law.


Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions

第六十五条 投标人和其他利害关系人认为招标投标活动不符合本法有关规定的,有权向招标人提出异议或者依法向有关行政监督部门投诉。

Article 65 A bidder or any other interested person who believes that a tender and bid activity does not conform to the provisions of this Law shall be entitled  to raise his objection to the tenderer or to file a complaint with the relevant department for administrative supervision according to law.

第六十六条 涉及国家安全、国家秘密、抢险救灾或者属于利用扶贫资金实行以工代赈、需要使用农民工等特殊情况,不适宜进行招标的项目,按照国家有关规定可以不进行招标。

Article 66 Projects not suitable for carrying out tenders because of involving in State security, State secrets, emergency rescue and disaster relief or other special circumstances involving the use of relief fund for providing work as a form of relief or requiring to employ farmers as workers, may not be subject to tender in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State.

第六十七条 使用国际组织或者外国政府贷款、援助资金的项目进行招标,贷款方、资金提供方对招标投标的具体条件和程序有不同规定的,可以适用其规定,但违背中华人民共和国的社会公共利益的除外。

Article 67 If the loan or fund provider of a project subject to tender using a loan or aid fund from an international organization or a foreign government has different provisions on specific requirements and procedures for the tender and bid, his provisions may apply, with the exception of those contrary to the social and public interests of the People's Republic of China.

第六十八条 本法自2000年1月1日起施行。

Article 68 This Law shall enter into force on January 1, 2000.

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