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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国传染病防治法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     


When medical care and health personnel or anti-epidemic personnel on duty find patients, pathogen carriers or suspected patients of A Class or B Class infectious diseases, or if they find in a monitored area patients, pathogen carriers or suspected patients of C Class infectious diseases, they must report the epidemic situation to the local health and anti-epidemic agency within the time limit prescribed by the health administration department under the State Council.


 When a health and anti-epidemic agency finds the prevalence of infectious diseases or receives a report on the epidemic situation of A Class infectious diseases or of AIDS or pulmonary anthrax as a type of anthrax among B Class infectious diseases, it shall immediately report to the local health administration department, which shall immediately report to the local government and also to the health administration department at a higher level and the health administration department under the State Council.

    第二十二条 各级政府有关主管人员和从事传染病的医疗保健、卫生防疫、监督管理的人员,不得隐瞒、谎报或者授意他人隐瞒、谎报疫情。

Article 22. The responsible persons concerned of governments at various levels and the persons engaged in the medical care, epidemic prevention, surveillance and control of infectious diseases shall not withhold the truth about or make a false report on the epidemic situation or inspire others to do so.

    第二十三条 国务院卫生行政部门应当及时地如实通报和公布疫情,并可以授权省、自治区、直辖市政府卫生行政部门及时地如实通报和公布本行政区域的疫情。

Article 23. The health administration department under the State Council shall promptly release information on and publicly announce the true epidemic situation and may authorize the health administration departments of provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the Central Government to release information on and publicly announce the true epidemic situation in their respective administrative areas.

第四章 控 制


    第二十四条 医疗保健机构、卫生防疫机构发现传染病时,应当及时采取下列控制措施:

Article 24. When medical care and health institutions and anti-epidemic agencies find infectious diseases, they shall promptly take the following control measures:


(1) Patients and pathogen carriers of A Class infectious diseases and patients of AIDS and of pulmonary anthrax as a type of anthrax among B Class infectious diseases shall be isolated for treatment. The period of isolation shall be determined according to the results of medical examination. For those who refuse treatment in isolation or break away from treatment in isolation before the expiration of the isolation period, the public security department may assist medical care institutions in taking measures to enforce the treatment in isolation;


(2) For patients of B Class infectious diseases other than AIDS and pulmonary anthrax as a type of anthrax and patients of C Class infectious diseases, necessary treatment and control measures shall be taken according to the patients' conditions;


(3) Suspected patients of A Class infectious diseases shall be kept under medical observation in designated places until a definite diagnosis is made; and


(4) Necessary sanitary disposal and preventive measures shall be applied to places and objects contaminated by patients, pathogen carriers and suspected patients of infectious diseases and persons in close contact with them.


Patients of infectious diseases,their relations and the related units as well as the local organizations of residents or villagers shall cooperate in executing the measures specified in the preceding paragraphs.

    第二十五条 传染病暴发、流行时,当地政府当立即组织力量进行防治,切断传染病的传播途径;必要时,报经上一级地方政府决定,可以采取下列紧急措施:

Article 25. In the event of an outbreak or a prevalence of an infectious disease, the local government shall immediately get people organized to control them and cut off the route of transmission; when necessary, it may take the following emergency measures, subject to reporting to and decision by the local government at the next higher level:


(1) restricting or suspending fairs, assemblies, cinema shows, theatrical performances and other types of mass congregation;


(2) suspension of work, business and school classes;


(3) provisional requisition of houses and means of transport; and


(4) closing public drinking water sources contaminated with the pathogen of infectious diseases.


When a local government at or above the county level receives a report from a government at the next lower level proposing the adoption of the above-mentioned emergency measures, it shall make a decision within the prescribed time limit.


The termination of emergency measures shall be announced by the authorities that originally made the decision.

    第二十六条 甲类、乙类传染病暴发、流行时,县级以上地方政府报经上一级地方政府决定,可以宣布疫区,在疫区内采取本法第二十五条规定的紧急措施,并可以对出入疫区的人员、物资和交通工具实施卫生检疫。

Article 26. In the event of an outbreak or a prevalence of an A Class or a B Class infectious disease, a local government at or above the county level may, subject to reporting to and decision by the local government at the next higher level, announce the designation of an epidemic area, take emergency measures in the epidemic area as specified in Article 25 of this Law and carry out quar

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