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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国传染病防治法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     


Law of the PRC on the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases

    第一条 为了预防、控制和消除传染病的发生与流行,保障人体健康,制定本法。

Article 1. This Law is enacted in order to prevent, control and eliminate the occurrence and epidemic of infectious diseases and to ensure the health of the people.

    第二条 国家对传染病实行预防为主的方针,防治结合,分类管理。

Article 2. The state shall implement a policy of putting the emphasis on prevention, combining prevention with treatment and classified management with respect to infectious diseases.

    第三条 本法规定管理的传染病分为甲类、乙类和丙类。

Article 3. The infectious diseases governed by this Law shall be divided into Classes A, B, and C.


A Class infectious diseases shall include plague and cholera.


B Class infectious diseases shall include viral hepatitis, bacillary and amebic dysentery, typhoid and paratyphoid, AIDS, gonorrhea, syphilis, poliomyelitis, measles, pertussis, diphtheria, epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis, scarlet fever, epidemic hemorrhagic fever, rabies, leptospirosis, brucellosis, anthrax, epidemic and endemic typhus, epidemic encephalitis B, kala-azar, malaria, and dengue fever.


C Class infectious diseases shall include pulmonary tuberculosis, schistosomiasis, filariasis, echinococcosis, leprosy, influenza, epidemic parotitis, rubella, tetanus neonatorum, acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis and infectious diarrhea other than cholera, dysentery, typhoid and paratyphoid.


The State Council may, according to circumstances, increase or decrease the number of A Class infectious diseases and make corresponding announcements; the health administration department under the State Council may, according to circumstances, increase or decrease the number of B Class and C Class infectious diseases and make corresponding announcements.

    第四条 各级政府领导传染病防治工作,制定传染病防治规划,并组织实施。

Article 4. Governments at various levels shall direct the work of preventing and treating infectious diseases, draw up programmes for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases and be responsible for their implementation.

    第五条 各级政府卫生行政部门对传染病防治工作实施统一监督管理。

Article 5. The health administration departments of governments at various levels shall exercise uniform supervision over and control of the work of preventing and treating infectious diseases.


Anti-epidemic agencies at various levels and of different types shall, according to the division of professional work, undertake the monitoring and control of infectious diseases within their respective spheres of responsibilities.


Medical care and health institutions at various levels and of different types shall undertake the tasks of preventing, treating and controlling infectious diseases within their respective spheres of responsibilities and receive professional guidance from the anti-epidemic agencies concerned.


The prevention and treatment of infectious diseases in the People 's Liberation Army shall be carried out in compliance with this Law and other relevant provisions of the state and shall be supervised and controlled by the departments in charge of health in the Army.

    第六条 同防治传染病有关的食品、药品和水的管理以及国境卫生检疫,分别依照有关法律规定办理。

Article 6. The management of food, pharmaceuticals and water which is related to the prevention and control of infectious diseases as well as frontier quarantine shall be carried out according to the relevant provisions of the law.

    第七条 在中华人民共和国领域内的一切单位和个人,必须接受医疗保健机构、卫生防疫机构有关传染病的查询、检验、调查取证以及预防、控制措施,并有权检举、控告违反本法的行为。

Article 7. Any unit or individual on the territory of the People's Republic of China must respond to inquiries by medical care and health institutions and anti-epidemic agencies on infectious diseases and accept their examinations and investigations for certification as well as their preventive and control measures, and shall have the right to inform the authorities or file charges against any violation of this Law.

    第八条 对预防、控制传染病做出显著成绩和贡献的单位和个人,给予奖励。

Article 8. Units and individuals who have made remarkable achievements in or contributions to the prevention and control of infectious diseases shall be awarded.

第二章 预 防


    第九条 各级政府应当开展预防传染病的卫生健康教育,组织力量消除鼠害和蚊、蝇等病媒昆虫以及其他传播传染病的或者患有人畜共患传染病的动物的危害。

Article 9. Governments at various levels shall carry out health education on the prevention of infectious diseases and organize people for the elimination of the hazards of rodents and vector insects like mosquitoes and flies as well as other animals that transmit infectious diseases or suffer from infectious diseases common to human beings and animals.

    第十条 地方各级政府应当有计划地建设和改造公共卫生设施,对污水、污物、粪便进行无害化处理,改善饮用水卫生条件。

Article 10. Local governments at various levels shall establish or reconstruct public health facilities in a planned way, take necessary measures for the innocent treatment of sewage, wastes and feces, and improve the hygienic condition of drinking water.

    第十一条 各级各类医疗保健机构应当设立预防保健组织或者人员,承担本单

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