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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国广告法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     


4. Other contents prohibited by law and administrative decrees.

第十八条 禁止利用广播、电影、电视、报纸、期刊发布烟草广告。

Article 18 Advertisements of tobacco are prohibited to be published through broadcast, films, television, newspaper or periodicals.


It is prohibited to post tobacco advertisements in any waiting rooms, cinemas and theatres, meeting halls, sports sites and gyms and other public places.


An advertisement for tobacco should carry the indication of "Smoking is harmful to your health".

第十九条 食品、酒类、化妆品广告的内容必须符合卫生许可的事项,并不得使用医疗用语或者易与药品混淆的用语。 

Article 19 The contents of advertisements for goods, wines and cosmetics should conform to the requirements as set by health departments and not use any medical terms or terms easily to confuse the goods with medicines.

 第三章   广告活动 


第二十条 广告主、广告经营者、广告发布者之间在广告活动中应当依法订立书面合同,明确各方的权利和义务。 

Article 20 In carrying out advertising activities, advertisers, advertising agents and advertisement publishers shall sign written contracts to define the rights and obligations of each other.

第二十一条 广告主、广告经营者、广告发布者不得在广告活动中进行任何形式的不正当竞争。 

Article 21 In carrying out advertising activities, advertisers, advertising agents and advertisement publishers should not engage in any form of unfair competition.

第二十二条 广告主自行或者委托他人设计、制作、发布广告,所推销的商品或者所提供的服务应当符合广告主的经营范围。 

Article 22 The commodities or services to be advertised should be fully covered in the business scope of the advertisers no matter the advertisements are designed, produced and published by the own effort of the advertisers or by others under the entrustment of the advertisers.

第二十三条 广告主委托设计、制作、发布广告,应当委托具有合法经营资格的广告经营者、广告发布者。 

Article 23 Advertisers shall entrust the designing, production and publishing of advertisements to advertising agents and publishers that are lawful for their operation.

第二十四条 广告主自行或者委托他人设计、制作、发布广告,应当具有或者提供真实、合法、有效的下列证明文件:

Article 24 In designing, producing and publishing advertisements by own efforts of the advertisers or others under entrustments by the advertisers, the advertisers shall have or provide the following true, legal and valid documents of certification:


1. Business licenses and other documents certifying production and management qualifications;


2. Certificates for the contents of advertisements about commodity quality issued by quality inspection organizations; and


3. Other documents certifying the truthfulness of the contents of the advertisements.


If the publishing of advertisements requires the examination by relevant administrative departments in charge according to the provisions of Article 34 of this law, relevant documents of approval shall be provided.

第二十五条 广告主或者广告经营者在广告中使用他人名义、形象的,应当事先取得他人的书面同意;使用无民事行为能力人、限制民事行为能力人的名义、形象的,应当事先取得其监护人的书面同意。 

Article 25 In using the names or images of others for advertising, the advertisers or advertising agents shall get the prior written approval of the persons concerned. If the names or images or persons without the capabilities of civil acts or whose capabilities of civil acts are limited are used, the advertisers shall get the prior written approval of their guardians.

第二十六条 从事广告经营的,应当具有必要的专业技术人员、制作设备,并依法办理公司或者广告经营登记,方可从事广告活动。

Article 26 An advertising agent shall have the necessary professional staff and advertisement making equipment and gone through the company or advertising management registration before carrying out advertising activities.


In handling advertising business, broadcasting and television stations, newspapers and periodicals and publishing units shall designate special departments to handle such business and go through the procedures for the registration of concurrently handling advertising business.

第二十七条 广告经营者、广告发布者依据法律、行政法规查验有关证明文件,核实广告内容。对内容不实或者证明文件不全的广告,广告经营者不得提供设计、制作、代理服务,广告发布者不得发布。 

Article 27 Advertising agents or publishers shall examine relevant documents and verify the contents of advertisements according to law and administrative decrees. Advertising agents shall not provide services in the designing and production of advertisements and in agency business for advertisements whose contents are not factual or the documents of certification for which are incomplete and advertisement publishers shall not publish the advertisements thereof.

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