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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国广告法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     


9. Other contents that are forbidden by laws and administrative decrees.

第八条 广告不得损害未成年人和残疾人的身心健康。 

Article 8 An advertisement should not have any content that is injurious to the physical and mental health of underage persons or handicapped persons.

第九条 广告中对商品的性能、产地、用途、质量、价格、生产者、有效期限、允许或者对服务的内容、形式、质量、价格、允诺有表示的,应当清楚、明白。

Article 9 An advertisement should make distinct and clear the specifications, place of origin, uses, quality, price, manufacturer, validity period or promises, if any, of commodities or the contents, forms, quality, price or promises, if any, of the services offered.


Whereas a gift is attached to a commodity or services supplied, the advertisement concerned should clearly define the kind and quality of the attached gift.

第十条 广告使用数据、统计资料、调查结果、文摘、引用语,应当真实、准确,并表明出处。 

Article 10 Data, statistics, survey results, excerpts or quotations addressed in an advertisement should be true and accurate, with the sources clearly indicated.

第十一条 广告中涉及专利产品或者专利方法的,应当标明专利号和专利种类。

Article 11 If an advertisement involves patented products or patented methods, the patent number and patent category should also be clearly defined.


An advertisement should not lie about the patent right of any product that has not factually obtained the patent right.


It is prohibited to advertise any patent applications that have not been granted, the patent rights or patents that have been terminated, cancelled or invalid.

第十二条 广告不得贬低其他生产经营者的商品或者服务。 

Article 12 An advertisement should not have any content that denigrates the commodities or services of other producers or operators.

第十三条 广告应当具有可识别性,能够使消费者辩明其为广告。

Article 13 An advertisement should be able to be clearly recognizable as a kind of advertisement.


Mass media should not in any way publish an advertisement in the disguise of a news report whenever an advertisement is published in mass media, for not to mislead consumers, a clear indication should be shown to distinguish it from non-advertising information.

第十四条 药品、医疗器械广告不得有下列内容:

Article 14 An advertisement for medicines or medical apparatuses should not in any way contain the following:


1. Any unscientific assertions or assurances in terms of efficiency or uses;


2. Treatment efficiency or curative rate;


3. Comparisons with other medicines or medical apparatuses in efficacy or safety;


4. Titles or images of medical research institutes, academic institutions, medical organizations or experts, doctors or patients; and


5. Other contents that are prohibited by laws and administrative decrees.

第十五条 药品广告的内容必须以国务院卫生行政部门或者省、自治区、直辖市卫生行政部门批准的说明书为准。

Article 15 The contents of an advertisement for a medicine should be based on the indications approved by the public health administrative department of the State Council or by the public heath administrative department of a province, autonomous region or municipality under the directy administration of the central government.


An advertisement for therapeutical medicines that must be applied under the guidance of doctors as required by the State should include the words of "To seek doctor's advice in the purchasing and application".

第十六条 麻醉药品、精神药品、毒性药品、放射性药品等特殊药品,不得作广告。 

Article 16 No advertising is allowed for such special purpose drugs as anesthetics, psychotropic drugs, toxic drugs and radioactive drugs.

第十七条 农药广告不得有下列内容:

Article 17 An advertisement for any farm chemicals should not contain the following;


1. Any absolute assertions of safety, such as toxic-free or harmless;


2. Any unscientific assertions or assurances in terms of effectiveness;


3. Written or oral language or pictures that violate the procedures for the safe use of farm chemicals; and

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