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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国合伙企业法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

lace of operation;


(ii) the purpose and business scope of the partnership;


(iii) the names and domiciles of the partners;


(iv) the method for, amount of, and time limit for, making capital contribution by each partner;


(v) the method for profit distribution and loss allocation;


(vi) the conduct of partnership affairs;


(vii) participation and withdrawal from the partnership;


(viii) dissolution and liquidation of the partnership;


(ix) liability for breach of contract.


The partnership agreement may prescribe a term for the partnership and the method for the resolution of dispute among the partners.

第十四条  合伙协议经全体合伙人签名、盖章后生效。合伙人依照合伙协议享有权利,承担责任。

Article 14 The partnership agreement shall become effective upon the signature or impressing of chops thereon by all the partners. The partners shall have the rights and bear the liabilities as prescribed in the partnership agreement.


The partnership agreement may be amended or supplemented after agreement is reached by all the partners after consultation among them.

第十五条  申请合伙企业设立登记,应当向企业登记机关提交登记申请书、合伙协议书、合伙人身份证明等文件。

Article 15 For the application for registration for the establishment of the partnership, the registration application, partnership agreement, the identification documents of the partners, etc., shall be submitted to the enterprise registration authority.


Where approval by the relevant authorities is required by law or administrative regulations, the approval document shall also be submitted when applying for establishment registration.

第十六条  企业登记机关应当自收到申请登记文件之日起三十日内,作出是否登记的决定。对符合本法规定条件的,予以登记,发给营业执照;对不符合本法规定条件的,不予登记,并应当给予书面答复,说明理由。

Article 16 The enterprise registration authority shall make its decision to grant registration or not to grant registration within 30 days of the receipt of the documents for establishment registration. For an application meeting the conditions prescribed herein, registration shall be granted, and a business license shall be issued; for an application failing to meet the conditions prescribed herein, registration shall not be granted, and a written response explaining the reason(s) for denial shall be issued.

第十七条 合伙企业的营业执照签发日期,为合伙企业成立日期。

Article 17 The date of issue of the business license for the partnership shall be the date of establishment thereof.


Prior to the issue of a business license for the partnership, no partner may conduct business in the name of the partnership.

第十八条  合伙企业设立分支机构,应当向分支机构所在地的企业登记机关申请登记,领取营业执照。 

Article 18 Where the partnership applies to establish a branch, the partnership shall apply to the enterprise registration authority of the place where the branch will be located for registration, and a business license shall be issued.

第三章 合伙企业财产 

Chapter Three: Partnership Property

第十九条  合伙企业存续期间,合伙人的出资和所有以合伙企业名义取得的收益均为合伙企业的财产。

Article 19 In the duration of the partnership, the capital contribution made by the partners and the income received in the name of the partnership shall all be property of the partnership.


Partnership property shall be jointly managed and used by all the partners in accordance herewith.

第二十条  合伙企业进行清算前,合伙人不得请求分割合伙企业的财产,但本法另有规定的除外。

Article 20 Prior to liquidation of the partnership, the partners may not request for the division of partnership property, except otherwise provided herein.


Where the partners transfer or dispose of partnership property on their own prior to the liquidation of the partnership, the partnership may not assert such transfer or disposal as a defense to claims by third persons who are in good faith and are without knowledge of such transfer or disposition.

第二十一条  合伙企业存续期间,合伙人向合伙人以外的人转让其在合伙企业中的全部或者部分财产份额时,须经其他合伙人一致同意。

Article 21 In the duration of the partnership, transfer of his share of property in the partnership by a partner to a person other than a partner, whether in whole or in part, shall be subject to unanimous consent by all the partners.


In the event of transfer of share of property in the partnership between the partners, whether in whole or in part, the other partners shall be notified.

第二十二条  合伙人依法转让其财产份额的,在同等条件下,其他合伙人有优先受让的权利。

Article 22 Where a partner is to transfer his share of property in accordance with the law, the other partners shall have the preemptive right of purchase under the same conditions.

第二十三条  经全体合伙人同意,合伙人以外的人依法受让合伙企业财产份额的,经修改合伙协议即成为合伙企业的合伙人

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