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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国价格管理条例          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

ty which has revealed an illegal pricing act shall be pursued for any legal liability in accordance with the law.

    第二十八条 物价检查人员必须依法办事。对滥用职权、贪污受贿、徇私舞弊、玩忽职守的,依照国家有关规定给予处分;情节严重,构成犯罪的,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任。

Article 28 A commodity price surveillance officer shall perform his duties in accordance with the law. Disciplinary action shall be taken, in accordance with relevant State regulations, against an officer who abuses office powers, commits bribery and corruption, gives special favours to relatives and friends or neglects his duty and, in a serious case which constitutes a crime, criminal liability shall be pursued by the judicial organs in accordance with the law.

    第二十九条 下列行为属于价格违法行为:

Article 29 The following acts shall be considered to be acts of illegal pricing:

    (一)不执行国家定价收购、 销售商品或者收取费用的;

(i) failing to implement State stipulated prices when purchasing or selling commodities or charging a service fee;


(ii) violating price guidelines for State guided prices when determining or adjusting commodity prices or service fee rates;


(iii) forcing grades or prices up or down;


(iv) violating regulations by selling production materials which are within the plan at a higher price which applies only to items outside the plan;

    (五)将定量内供应城镇居民 的商品按议价销售的;

(v) selling at a negotiable price rationed commodities which are supplied to urban and township residents;


(vi) violating regulations by selling commodities at an excessive price made up through various distributors;


(vii) imposing indiscriminate charges for unauthorized items;

    (八)采取以次充好、短尺少秤、降低质量等手段,变相提 高商品价格或者收费标准的;

(viii) increasing commodity prices and service fee rates indirectly by means of substituting quality commodities with substandard commodities, giving short measures, lowering quality standards and other unacceptable means;


(ix) creating monopoly pricing by reaching an agreement between enterprises or industries;


(x) failing to abide by the application system which governs price increases;


(xi) failing to use price labels in accordance with the regulations;


(xii) disclosing State price secrets;


(xiii) performing any other act which violates price laws, regulations or policies.

    第三十条 对有前条行为之一的,物价检查机构应当根据情节按照下列规定处罚:

Article 30 Where any of the acts stated in the previous Article occur, the price surveillance organ shall, depending on the circumstances, impose the following penalties:


(i) issue a notice of criticism;


(ii) order the violator to return the illicit gains to the buyer or user;


(iii) confiscate any illicit gains that cannot be returned;


(iv) issue a fine;


(v) request the administration of industry and commerce to suspend the business license of the offender;

    (六)对企业、事业单位的直接责任人员和 主管人员处以罚款,并可以建议有关部门给予处分。

(vi) issue a fine to the person held directly responsible and the person in charge if the offender is an enterprise or a public institution, and recommend to the relevant department that certain administrative action is taken.


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