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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国价格管理条例          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     


Regulations of the PRC on Price Control

    第一条 为了贯彻执行国家的价格方针、政策,加强价格管理,保持市场价格的基本稳定,安定人民生活,保障经济体制改革的顺利进行,促进社会主义有计划商品经济的发展,制定本条例。

Article 1 These Regulations are formulated to implement State price guidelines and policies, tighten price control, maintain the basic stability of market prices, ensure the smooth implementation of economic reform and improve the development of a socialist planned commodity economy.

    第二条 价格管理应当在保障国家利益的前提下,保护生产者、经营者和消费者的合法经济利益,正确处理中央、地方、部门、企业相互之间的经济利益关系。

Article 2 As long as State interests are protected, price control efforts shall safeguard the legitimate economic interests of producers, sellers and consumers and enable the correct handling of economic interests among the central government, local governments, departments and enterprises.

    第三条 国家对价格管理采取直接管理和间接控制相结合的原则,实行国家定价、国家指导价和市场调节价三种价格形式。

Article 3 The State shall adopt the principle of combining direct price administration and indirect price control, whereby three types of prices, namely a State stipulated price, a State guided price and a market adjusted price, are implemented.

    第四条 国家对价格工作实行统一领导、分级管理。

Article 4 The State shall implement a system of uniform leadership and graded control with regard to price control matters.


Commodity price control organizations, (hereinafter referred to as commodity price departments) of people's governments at the various levels, the competent departments of people's governments at the various levels, as well as price control organizations and employees of enterprises and public institutions shall strictly abide by State laws, regulations and policies on prices and shall effectively conduct price control and supervision.

第二章 价格的制定和管理


    第五条 本条例所指的价格包括:

Article 5 Prices referred to in these Regulations include:


(i) various commodity prices;


(ii) rates of fees for various service items (hereinafter referred to as service fee rates).

    第六条 商品价格构成包括生产商品的社会平均成本、税金、利润以及正常的流通费用。

Article 6 The price of a commodity shall be made up of the average production cost of the commodity, as well as tax, profits, and normal circulation costs.

    第七条 制定、调整实行国家定价和国家指导价的商品价格,应当接近商品价值,反映供求状况,符合国家政策要求,并且遵循下列原则:

Article 7 The determination and adjustment of the price of a commodity which is subject to State stipulated prices or State guided prices shall be approximately the same as the value of the commodity, and shall reflect supply and demand conditions, meet State policy requirements and comply with the following principles:


(i) maintain a reasonable relative price relationship between the various commodity prices;


(ii) provide explicit quality levels or grade criteria and implement quality pricing;


(iii) implement reasonable purchase and sale price differentials, wholesale and retail price differentials, regional price differentials and seasonal price differentials, on the precondition of a reduction of the number of marketing stages through which goods must pass and a reduction of costs incurred in this circulation of goods.

    第八条 国家定价是指由县级以上(含县级,以下同)各级人民政府物价部 门、业务主管部门按照国家规定权限制定的商品价格和收费标准。

Article 8 State stipulated prices refer to commodity prices and service fee rates determined by the commodity price departments and the competent departments of the various people's governments at county level and above in accordance with their area of jurisdiction as stipulated by the State.


State guided prices refer to commodity prices and service fee rates determined by enterprises within the guidelines prescribed by the commodity price departments and the competent departments of the various people's governments at county level and above in accordance with their area of jurisdiction as stipulated by the State, through the setting of a fundamental price fluctuation range, a rate differential, a profit rate, a ceiling price and a minimum reserve price.


Market adjusted prices refer to commodity prices and service fee rates determined by producers and sellers.

    第九条 实行国家定价、国家指导价的商品分工管理目录、收费项目分工管 理目录,由国家物价部门和国家物价部门授权省、自治区、直辖市人民政府物价部门制定、调整。


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