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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国民事诉讼法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

e party they represent; however, modification or waiver of claims or admission of the claims of the other party or pursuing a compromise with the other party by the representatives shall be subject to the consent of the party they represent."


The judgments or written orders rendered by the people's court shall be valid for all those who have registered their rights with the court.


Such judgments or written orders shall apply to those who have not registered their rights but have instituted legal proceedings during period of limitation of the action.

第五十六条 对当事人双方的诉讼标的,第三人认为有独立请求权的,有权提起诉讼。

"Article 56 If a third party considers that he has an independent claim to the object of action of both parties, he shall have the right to bring an action."


"Where the outcome of the case will affect a third party's legal interest, such party, though having no independent claim to the object of action of both parties, may file a request to participate in the proceedings or the people's court shall notify the third party to participate. "


A third party that is to bear civil liability in accordance with the judgment of the people's court shall be entitled to the rights and obligations of a party in litigation.

第二节 诉讼代理人

Section 2 Agents ad Litem

第五十七条 无诉讼行为能力人由他的监护人作为法定代理人代为诉讼。

Article 57 Any person with no legal capacity to engage in litigation shall have his guardian or guardians as statutory agents to act for him in a lawsuit.


"If the statutory agents try to shift responsibility as agents ad litem upon one another, the people's court shall appoint one of them to represent the person in litigation."

第五十八条 当事人、法定代理人可以委托一至二人作为诉讼代理人。

"Article 58 A party to an action, or statutory agent may appoint one or two persons to act as his agents ad litem."


"A lawyer, a near relative of the party, a person recommended by a relevant social organization or a unit to which the party belongs or any other citizen approved by the people's court may be appointed as the party's agent ad litem."

第五十九条 委托他人代为诉讼,必须向人民法院提交由委托人签名或者盖章的授权委托书。

"Article 59 When a person appoints another to act on his behalf in litigation, he must submit to the people's court a power of attorney bearing his signature or seal."


The power of attorney must specify the matters entrusted and the powers conferred.


"An agent ad litem must obtain special powers from his principal to admit, waive or modify claims, or to compromise or to file a counterclaim or an appeal."


A power of attorney mailed or delivered through others by a citizen of the People's Republic of China residing abroad must be certified by the Chinese embassy or consulate accredited to that country.


"If there is no Chinese embassy or consulate in that country, the power of attorney must be certified by an embassy or a consulate of a third country accredited to that country that has diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China, and then transmitted for authentication to the embassy or consulate of the People's Republic of China accredited to that third country, or it must be certified by a local patriotic overseas Chinese organization."

第六十条 诉讼代理人的权限如果变更或者解除,当事人应当书面告知人民法院,并由人民法院通知对方当事人。

"Article 60 A party to an action shall inform the people's court in writing if he changes or revokes the powers of an agent ad litem, and the court shall notify the other party of the change or revocation."

第六十一条 代理诉讼的律师和其他诉讼代理人有权调查收集证据,可以查阅本案有关材料。

"Article 61 A lawyer who serves as an agent ad litem and other agents ad litem shall have the right to investigate and collect evidence, and may have access to materials pertaining to the case. "


The scope of and rules for consulting materials pertaining to the case shall be specified by the Supreme People's Court.

第六十二条 离婚案件有诉讼代理人的,本人除不能表达意志的以外,仍应出庭;

"Article 62 In a divorce case in which the parties to the action have been represented by their agents ad litem, the parties themselves shall still appear in court in person, unless they are incapable of expressing their own will. "


A party who is truly unable to appear in court due to a special reason shall submit his views in writing to the people's court.

第六章 证 据

Chapter VI Evidence

第六十三条 证据有下列几种:(一)书证;(二)物证;(三)视听资料;(四)证人证言;(五)当事人的陈述;(六)鉴定结论;(七)勘验笔录。

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