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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国森林法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

41 In case that the approved annual cutting quota is exceeded in the issuance of the tree cutting licenses or the authorization is exceeded in the issuance of the tree cutting licenses, tree transport documentation, export approval documentation and import and export permit certificates in violation of the provisions of this law, the competent forestry authorities of the people's government at a higher level shall order corrective action and give administrative punishments to those directly responsible executives and employees.


If the relevant competent forestry authorities of the people's government have not ordered corrective action, the competent forestry authorities under the State Council may directly handle the case; if a criminal offense is found to exist, the legal responsibilities shall be investigated and dealt with.

  第四十二条 违反本法规定,买卖林木采伐许可证、木材运输证件、批准出口文件、允许进出口证明书的,由林业主管部门没收违法买卖的证件、文件和违法所得,并处违法买卖证件、文件的价款一倍以上三倍以下的罚款;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

Article 42 In case that the tree cutting license, timber transport documentation, export approval documentation and import and export permit certificate are traded in violation of the provisions of this law, the competent forestry authorities shall confiscate the unlawfully traded certificates and documentation and illegal income, and impose a fine amounting to between one time and three times the payment for the unlawfully traded certificates and documentation; if a criminal offense is committed, the legal responsibilities shall be investigated and dealt with.


In case of forging the tree cutting license, timber transport documentation, export approval documentation and import and export permit certificate, the legal responsibilities shall be investigated and dealt with.

  第四十三条 在林区非法收购明知是盗伐、滥伐的林木的,由林业主管部门责令停止违法行为,没收违法收购的盗伐、滥伐的林木或者变卖所得,可以并处违法收购林木的价款一倍以上三倍以下的罚款;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

Article 43 In case of knowingly purchasing trees unlawfully or wantonly cut in forest districts, the competent forestry authorities shall order the termination of the law-breaking activities, confiscate the illegally purchased trees unlawfully or wantonly cut or income from selling such trees, and may impose a fine amounting to between one time and three times the payment for the illegally purchased trees; if a criminal offense is found to exist, the legal responsibilities shall be investigated and dealt with.

  第四十四条 违反本法规定,进行开垦、采石、采砂、采土、采种、采脂和其他活动,致使森林、林木受到毁坏的,依法赔偿损失;

Article 44 In case that land reclamation, rock quarrying, sand quarrying, soil extracting, seed collecting, resin tapping and other activities are conducted in violation of the provisions of this law, as a result of which the forests and trees are damaged, the compensation in damages shall be paid;


the competent forestry authorities shall order the termination of the law-breaking activities and the reseeding of trees between one time and three times the number of trees damaged and may impose a fine amounting to between one time and five times the value of the trees damaged.


In case that firewood cutting and grazing in seedling forests and forests with special uses have led to the destruction of forests and trees in violation of the provisions of this law, the compensation in damages shall be paid; the competent forestry authorities shall order the termination of the law-breaking activities and the reseeding of trees between one time and three times the number of trees damaged.


In case of refusal to re-seed trees or tree reseeding not in line with the relevant stipulations of the State, the competent forestry authorities shall do the reseeding on behalf of the law-breakers who shall pay for all the necessary expenses therein.

  第四十五条 采伐林木的单位或者个人没有按照规定完成更新造林任务的,发放采伐许可证的部门有权不再发给采伐许可证,直到完成更新造林任务为止;情节严重的,可以由林业主管部门处以罚款,对直接责任人员由所在单位或者上级主管机关给予行政处分。

Article 45 Should tree cutting organizations or private individuals fail to finish the reforestation task in line with the provisions, the authorities which have issued the cutting license shall have the right to issue no more cutting licenses to them until they have completed their reforestation tasks; in case of acts serious in nature, the competent forestry authorities may impose a fine and give administrative punishments to the employer or competent authorities at a higher level of those directly responsible persons.

  第四十六条 从事森林资源保护、林业监督管理工作的林业主管部门的工作人员和其他国家机关的有关工作人员滥用职权、玩忽职守、徇私舞弊,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;尚不构成犯罪的,依法给予行政处分。

Article 46 In case that the staff members of the competent forestry authorities and other state authorities engaged in the protection of forest resources and forestry supervision and administration abuse their powers, neglect their duties and play favoritism, if a criminal offense is committed, the legal responsibilities shall be investigated and dealt with; and, if a criminal offense is not committed, administrative punishments shall be given.


Chapter Seven Supplementary Articles

  第四十七条 国务院林业主管部门根据本法制定实施办法,报国务院批准施行。

Article 47 The competent forestry authorities under the State Council shall, according to this law, formulate the implementing methods, which shall be implemented after submission to and approval of the State Council.

  第四十八条 民族自治地方不能全部适用本法规定的,自治机关可以根据本法的原则,结合民族自治地方的特点,制定变通或者补充规定,依照法定程序报省、自治区或者全国人民代表大会常务委员会批准施行。

Article 48 If the provisions of this law cannot be fully applicable to ethnic minority autonomous regions, the autonomy authorities may, in line with the principles of this law and based upon the characteristics of ethnic minority autonomous regions, formulate contingent or supplementary provisions, which shall be implemented after submission to and approval of the provincial or autonomous government or the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress in conformity with legal procedures.

第四十九条 本法自1985年1月1日起施行。

Article 49 This law shall go into effect as from January 1, 1985.

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