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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国森林法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

The specific methods shall be formulated by the State Council.

  第十六条 各级人民政府应当制定林业长远规划。国有林业企业事业单位和自然保护区,应当根据林业长远规划,编制森林经营方案,报上级主管部门批准后实行。

Article 16 The people's government at various levels shall formulate long-term forestry plans. State-owned forestry enterprises, institutions and natural protection zones shall, according to the long-term forestry plans, formulate their forestry operation programs, which shall be implemented after submission to and approval of the competent authorities at a higher level.


The competent forestry authorities shall guide rural collective economic organizations and state-owned farms, pasture lands, industrial enterprises and mines in the formulation of their forest operation programs.

  第十七条 单位之间发生的林木、林地所有权和使用权争议,由县级以上人民政府依法处理。

Article 17 A dispute between organizations in connection with the ownership and the use right of trees and woodlands, it shall be up to the people's government above the county level to resolve it according to the law.


A dispute between private individuals or between a private individual and an organization in connection with the ownership of trees and the use right of woodlands, it shall be up to the people's government at the county or township level to resolve it according to the law.


Should the parties concerned refuse to accept the resolution decision of the people's government, they may, within one month upon receipt of notification, bring a suit before the people's court.


Before the dispute regarding the rights of trees and woodlands is resolved, no party shall cut trees in dispute.

  第十八条 进行勘查、开采矿藏和各项建设工程,应当不占或者少占林地;必须占用或者征用林地的,经县级以上人民政府林业主管部门审核同意后,依照有关土地管理的法律、行政法规办理建设用地审批手续,并由用地单位依照国务院有关规定缴纳森林植被恢复费。

Article 18 Prospecting, mining and various construction projects shall not occupy or occupy as little as possible woodlands; in case of necessary occupancy or expropriation of woodlands, upon examination and approval of the competent forestry authorities under the people's government above the county level, the examination and approval formalities for land needed for construction shall be gone through in line with relevant land administration laws and administrative regulations; and the land-use organization shall pay forest vegetation recovery expenses in line with the relevant provisions of the State Council.


The forest vegetation recovery payments shall be used for designated purposes; the competent forestry authorities shall use them, according to relevant stipulations, for afforestation, recovery of forest vegetation; the area of afforestation shall not be smaller than the area of forest vegetation reduced as a result of woodlands occupied or expropriated.


The competent forestry authorities at a higher level shall periodically urge and inspect the competent forestry authorities at a lower level in the organization of afforestation and recovery of forest vegetation.


No organization and private individual shall divert the forest vegetation recovery payments. The competent auditing authorities of the people's government above the county level shall strengthen their supervision of the situation in connection with the use of the forest vegetation recovery payments.

第三章 森林保护

Chapter Three Forest Protection

  第十九条 地方各级人民政府应当组织有关部门建立护林组织,负责护林工作;根据实际需要在大面积林区增加护林设施,加强森林保护;督促有林的和林区的基层单位,订立护林公约,组织群众护林,划定护林责任区,配备专职或者兼职护林员。

Article 19 The local people's government at various levels shall organize competent authorities to establish a forest protection organization to take charge of the work of forest protection; add forest protection facilities and enhance forest protection in light of actual needs; and urge grass-roots organizations with forests and in forest districts to conclude forest protection covenants, mobilize the masses to protect forests, delimit forest protection responsibility zones, and provide full-time or part-time forest protection personnel.


Forest protection personnel may be appointed by the people's government at the county or township level. The main duties and responsibilities of a forest protection person are to patrol and protect forests and stop activities that damage forest resources.


In case of damages to forest resources, the forest protection person shall have the right to request the local competent authorities to resolve the issue.

  第二十条 依照国家有关规定在林区设立的森林公安机关,负责维护辖区社会治安秩序,保护辖区内的森林资源,并可以依照本法规定,在国务院林业主管部门授权的范围内,代行本法第三十九条、第四十二条、第四十三条、第四十四条规定的行政处罚权。

Article 20 The forest public security authorities, established in line with the relevant provisions of the State, shall be responsible for the maintenance of social security and order in their jurisdiction, protect the forest resources in their jurisdiction and, in line with the provisions of this law, within the scope of the mandate from the competent forestry authorities under the State Council, act on their behalf in the exercise of the administrative punishment rights as specified in Articles 39, 42, 43 and 44 of this law.


The armed forest police forces shall implement the tasks of forest fire prevention and fighting given by the State.

  第二十一条 地方各级人民政府应当切实做好森林火灾的预防和真诚救工作:

Article 21 The local people's government at various levels shall make earnest efforts to do well in the prevention and fighting of forest fires:

  (一) 规定森林防火期,在森林防火期内,禁止在林区野外用火;因特殊情况需要用火的,经过县级人民政府或者县级人民政府授权的机关批准;

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