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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国森林法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     


The trees planted by a collectively owned organization shall be owned by itself.


The trees that a rural citizen has planted in the front and at the back of the house, in his private farm plot and in his private forest segment shall be owned by him. The trees that an urban citizen and/or worker has planted in the courtyard of a self-owned house shall be owned by him.


If the collective or private individual contract for the state-owned and collectively owned waste mountains and land suitable for tree planting, the trees planted after the contract shall be owned by the contracting collective or private individual; if the contract has other provisions, those contractual provisions shall be followed.

  第二十八条 新造幼林地和其他必须封山育林的地方,由当地人民政府组织封山育林。

Article 28 With regard to of newly planted seedling forests and other places that need to be sealed off for cultivation purposes, the local people's government shall organize the effort to seal off the mountain for forest cultivation.

第五章 森林采伐

Chapter Five Forest Cutting

  第二十九条 国家根据用材林的消耗量低于生长量的原则,严格控制森林年采伐量。国家所有的森林和林木以国有林业企业事业单位、农场、厂矿为单位,集体所有的森林和林木、个人所有的林木以县为单位,制定年采伐限额,由省、自治区、直辖市林业主管部门汇总,经同级人民政府审核后,报国务院批准。

Article 29 In compliance with the principle that the consumption of timber shall be lower than the growth, the State shall impose strict controls over the annual forest cutting volume. In the formulation of the annual cutting quotas, the state-owned enterprise, institution, farmland, factory or mine shall be calculated as a unit for state-owned forests and trees, and the county as a unit for collectively used forests and trees and the privately owned trees. The competent forestry authorities at the provincial, autonomous region and directly- administered municipality shall compile a summary sheet, which shall be submitted to the State Council for approval after the examination of the people's government at the same level.

  第三十条 国家制定统一的年度木材生产计划。年度木材生产计划不得超过批准的年采伐限额。计划管理范围由国务院规定。

Article 30 The State shall formulate a unified annual timber production plan. The annual timber production plan shall not exceed the approved annual cutting quota. The scope of mandatory administration shall be stipulated by the State Council.

  第三十一条 采伐森林和林木必须遵守下列规定:

Article 31 The following provisions shall be observed in the course of forest and forest tree cutting:

  (一) 成熟的用材林应当根据不同情况,分别采取择伐、皆伐和渐伐方式,皆伐应当严格控制,并在采伐的当年或者次年内完成更新造林;

1) For mature timber stands, the approaches of selection cutting, clear cutting and shelterwood cutting shall be applied respectively in light of different situations. Clear cutting shall be put under strict controls and the reforestation shall be completed in the same or next year of the cutting;

  (二) 防护林和特种用途林中的国防林、母树林、环境保护林、风景林,只准进行抚育和更新性质的采伐;

2) Among the protection forests and forests with special uses, the national defense forest, the parent stand, the environmental protection forest and the scenic beauty forest can only permit cutting for cultivation and reforestation purposes;

  (三) 特种用途林中的名胜古迹和革命纪念地的林木、自然保护区的森林,严禁采伐。

3) Among the forests with special uses, the trees in sites of historical interests and revolutionary commemoration and the forest in the natural protection area shall forbid cutting.

  第三十二条 采伐林木必须申请采伐许可证,按许可证的规定进行采伐;农村居民采伐自留地和房前屋后个人所有的零星林木除外。

Article 32 To cut trees, it shall be necessary to apply for the cutting license and conduct the cutting according to the provisions of the license; this does not cover the cutting by rural citizens of the isolated trees in their private farm plots and surrounding their houses.


When state-owned forestry enterprises, institutions, government authorities, mass organizations, troops, schools and other state-owned enterprises and institutions apply for tree cutting, the local competent forestry authorities above the county level shall, in line with relevant stipulations, examine the application and issue the cutting license.


For the reforestation-oriented cutting of protective forests alongside the railways and roads and in cities and townships, the competent authorities shall examine the application and issue the cutting license in conformity with relevant stipulations.


For the rural collective economic organizations to cut trees, the competent forestry authorities at the county level shall examine the application and issue the cutting license in conformity with relevant stipulations.


For rural citizens to cut the trees in their private forest segments and in the collectively owned forests they have contracted, the competent forestry authorities at the county level or the people's government at the township level which has been duly authorized shall examine the application and issue the cutting license.


The cutting of bamboo groves that are mainly aimed at bamboo wood shall be governed by the stipulations of the above articles.

  第三十三条 审核发放采伐许可证的部门,不得超过批准的采伐限额发放采伐许可证。

Article 33 The authorities in charge of examining and issuing cutting licenses shall not issue the cutting licenses in excess of the annual cutting quota.

  第三十四条 国有林业企业事业单位申请采伐许可证时,必须提出伐区调查设计文件。其他单位申请采伐许可证时,必须提出有关采伐的目的、地点、林种、林况、面积、蓄积、方式和更新措施等内容的文件。

Article 34 When a state-owned forestry enterprise or institution applies for the cutting license, it shall

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