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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国拍卖法(英语两个版本)          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

Article 35. A bidder has the right to know the defects of an item to be auctioned, to examine the item and consult relevant auction data.

第三十六条  竞买人一经应价,不得撤回,当其他竞买人有更高应价时,其应价即丧失约束力。

Article 36 Once the bidding price is announced, a bidder shall not withdraw it. When other bidders providing higher bidding prices, his bidding price shall no longer be valid.

Article 36. Once a bid is made, a bidder shall not withdraw it. If another bidder makes a higher bid, the previous bid shall no longer be valid.

第三十七条  竞买人之间、竞买人与拍卖人之间不得恶意串通,损害他人利益。

Article 37 Bidders shall not viciously collaborate with other bidders and auctioneers shall not do so with auctioneers to damage the interests of others.

Article 37. Bidders shall not maliciously collaborate with other bidders or the auctioneer to damage the interests of others.

第四节  买受人

Section Four Buyers

Section Four: The Buyer

第三十八条  买受人是指以最高应价购得拍卖标的的竞买人。

Article 38 A buyer means a bidder who purchases an auction target with the highest bidding price.

Article 38. A buyer means a bidder who purchases an item at auction with the highest bid.

第三十九条  买受人应当按照约定支付拍卖标的的价款,未按照约定支付价款的,应当承担违约责任,或者由拍卖人征得委托人的同意,将拍卖标的再行拍卖。

Article 39 A buyer shall pay the sum of money for an auction target as agreed upon. Whoever fails to pay such a sum as agreed upon shall bear the liabilities of breaking a contract, or with the approval of the trustee, the auctioneer may re-auction the auction target.

Article 39. A buyer shall pay the sum of money for the item as agreed upon. If the buyer fails to pay the agreed price, it shall bear the liabilities of breaking a contract or, with the approval of the seller, the auction house may re-auction the item.


In the case of re-auctioning an auction target, the original buyer shall pay the commission himself or herself and the trustee shall pay for the auction for the first time.

In the case of re-auctioning, the original buyer shall pay the commission for the first auction.


Should the price of a re-auction be lower than the price of the original auction price, the original buyer shall pay for the balance.

Should the price on re-auction be lower than the price achieved at the original auction, the original buyer shall pay the difference.

第四十条  买受人未能按照约定取得拍卖标的的,有权要求拍卖人或者委托人承担违约责任。

Article 40 Should a buyer fail to obtain an auction target as agreed upon, he or she has the right to demand that the auctioneer or the trustee bear the liabilities of breaking a contract.

Article 40. Should a buyer fail to obtain an item as agreed upon, he or she has the right to demand that the auction house or the seller bear the liabilities of breaking a contract.


Should a buyer fail to take back an auction target as agreed upon, he or she shall pay the storage costs arising thereafter.

Should a buyer fail to remove an item as agreed upon, he or she shall pay the storage costs arising thereafter.

第四章  拍卖程序

Chapter IV Auction Procedures

Chapter IV Auction Procedures

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