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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国拍卖法(英语两个版本)          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

Article 28. A seller has the right to set a reserve price.


Should the auction of state-owned assets require the evaluation according to law or in accordance with State Council provisions, such assets shall be evaluated by an evaluation agency established according to law and the retentive price of an auction target shall be set in line with the evaluation result.

Should the auction of state-owned assets require an evaluation according to law or in accordance with State Council provisions, such assets shall be evaluated by an evaluation agency established according to law and the reserve price shall be set in line with the evaluation result.

第二十九条  委托人在拍卖开始前可以撤回拍卖标的。委托人撤回拍卖标的的,应当向拍卖人支付约定的费用;

Article 29 Before an auction begins, an trustee may withdraw his or her auction targets. Should a trustee withdraw his or her auction targets, he or she shall pay costs as agreed upon to the auctioneer.

Article 29. A seller may withdraw an artifact from auction before the auction begins. If a seller does so, he or she shall pay costs as agreed upon to the auction house.


In the absence of an agreement, he or she shall pay the auctioneer reasonable costs paid for an auction.

In the absence of an agreement, he or she shall pay the auction house's reasonable costs.

第三十条  委托人不得参与竞买,也不得委托他人代为竞买。

Article 30 Trustees shall not participate in bidding or trust others to providing bidding for them.

Article 30. Sellers shall not bid or ask others to bid for them for their own items.

第三十一条  按照约定由委托人移交拍卖标的的,拍卖成交后,委托人应当将拍卖标的移交给买受人。

Article 31 Should an auction target be transferred as agreed upon, after the auction is completed, the trustee shall transfer the auction target to the buyer.

Article 31. After the auction is completed, the seller shall transfer the auctioned item to the buyer.

第三节  竞买人

Section three Bidders

Section Three: The Bidder

第三十二条  竞买人是指参加竞购拍卖标的的公民、法人或者其他组织。

Article 32 A bidder means a citizen, a legal person or an organization participating in bidding for auction targets.

Article 32. A bidder means a natural person, a legal person or other organisation participating in the bidding at an auction.

第三十三条  法律、行政法规对拍卖标的的买卖条件有规定的,竞买人应当具备规定的条件。

Article 33 should laws and administrative decrees spell out stipulations on buying and selling requirements for auction targets, any bidder shall meet the prescribed requirements.

Article 33. Should laws and administrative decrees stipulate buying and selling requirements for items at auction, a bidder shall comply with the prescribed requirements.

第三十四条  竞买人可以自行参加竞买,也可以委托其代理人参加竞买。

Article 34 Bidders may participate in bidding on their own, or may trust their agents to participate in bidding for them.

Article 34. Bidders may bid themselves, or may appoint agents to bid on their behalf.

第三十五条  竞买人有权了解拍卖标的的瑕疵,有权查验拍卖标的和查阅有关拍卖资料。

Article 35 A bidder has the right to know the drawbacks of an auction target, to check the said auction target and consult relevant auction data.

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