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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国拍卖法(英语两个版本)          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

第十九条  拍卖人对委托人交付拍卖的物品负有保管义务。

Article 19 An auctioneer has the obligation of taking care of articles submitted by the trustee for auction.

Article 19. An auction house has the obligation of taking care of artifacts submitted by the seller for auction.

第二十条  拍卖人接受委托后,未经委托人同意,不得委托其他拍卖人拍卖。

Article 20 Upon accepting trust, an auctioneer shall not trust other auctioneers for auction unless approved by the trustee.

Article 20. Having accepted an item for auction, an auction house shall not delegate the sale to another auction house unless approved by the seller.

第二十一条  委托人、买受人要求对其身份保密的,拍卖人应当为其保密。

Article 21 Should a trustee or a buyer ask to keep secret of his or her identity, the auctioneer shall keep secret for him or her.

Article 21. Should a seller or a buyer ask that his or her identity be kept secret, the auction house shall maintain confidentiality.

第二十二条  拍卖人及其工作人员不得以竞买人的身份参与自己组织的拍卖活动,并不得委托他人代为竞买。

Article 22 An auctioneer and other personnel shall not, in the capacity of bidders, participate in the auction activity organized by them, and shall not trust others to bid for them.

Article 22. An auction house or its personnel shall not bid in their own auctions and shall not ask others to bid for them.

第二十三条  拍卖人不得在自己组织的拍卖活动中拍卖自己的物品或者财产权利。

Article 23 An auctioneer shall not auction his or her own articles or property rights in the auction activity organized by him or her.

Article 23. An auction house shall not auction its own articles or property rights in the auction activity organised by it.

第二十四条  拍卖成交后,拍卖人应当按照约定向委托人交付拍卖标的的价款,并按照约定将拍卖标的移交给买受人。

Article 24 After an auction is completed, the auctioneer shall, as agreed upon, pay the sum of money of the auction targets to the trustee, and shall, as agreed upon, transfer the auction targets to the buyer.

Article 24. After an auction is completed, the auction house shall pay the sale proceeds to the seller, and shall transfer the auctioned item to the buyer, in accordance with the terms of sale.

第二节  委托人

Section 2 Trustees

Section Two: The Seller

第二十五条  委托人是指委托拍卖人拍卖物品或者财产权利的公民、法人或者其他组织。

Article 25 An trustee means a citizen, a legal person or an organization trusting the auctioneer to auction his or her articles or property rights.

Article 25. A seller means the natural person, legal person or other organisation appointing the auction house to auction his or her artifacts or property rights.

第二十六条  委托人可以自行办理委托拍卖手续,也可以由其代理人代为办理委托拍卖手续。

Article 26 Trustees may independently handle trust auction procedures, and may also ask their agents to handle trust auction procedures for them.

Article 26. Sellers may handle auction procedures themselves, and may also ask their agents to handle auction procedures for them.

第二十七条  委托人应当向拍卖人说明拍卖标的的来源和瑕疵。

Article 27 An trustee shall state the source and drawbacks of his or her auction targets to the auctioneer.

Article 27. A seller shall state the provenance and defects of items consigned for auction to the auction house.

第二十八条  委托人有权确定拍卖标的的保留价并要求拍卖人保密。

Article 28 An trustee has the right to set the retentive price of an auction target to the auctioneer.

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