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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国食品卫生法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     


    第十二条 食品容器、包装材料和食品用工具、设备必须符合卫生卫生标准和管理办法的规定。

Article 12 Containers, packagings, utensils and equipment used for food must conform to the hygiene standards and the hygiene control regulations.


Article 13 The raw materials for making containers, packagings, utensils and equipment used for food must meet hygiene requirements. The finished products should be easy to clean and disinfect.

    第五章 食品卫生标准和管理办法的制定


    第十四条 食品,食品添加剂,食品容器,包装材料,食品用工具、设备,用于清洗食品和食品用工具、设备的洗涤剂、消毒剂以及食品中污染物质、放射性物质容许量的国家卫生标准、卫生管理办法和检验规程,由国务院卫生行政部门制定或者批准颁发。

Article 14 The administrative department of public health under the State Council shall formulate or approve and promulgate the national hygiene standards, hygiene control regulations and inspection procedures for food, food additives, the containers, packagings, utensils and equipment used for food, the detergents and disinfectants used for washing food or utensils and equipment used for food, and the tolerances for contaminants and radioactive substances in food.

    第十五条 国家未制定卫生标准的食品,省、自治区、直辖市人民政府可以制定地方卫生标准,报国务院卫生行政部门和国务院标准化行政主管部门备案。

Article 15 If the State has not formulated hygiene standards for a certain food, the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the Central Government may establish local hygiene standards for that food and report them to the administrative department of public health under the State Council and the competent standardization administration department under the State Council for the record.

    第十六条 食品添加剂的国家产品质量标准中有卫生学意义的指标,必须经国务院卫生行政部门审查同意。

Article 16 Norms of significance to the science of health to be included in the national quality standards for food additives must be examined and approved by the administrative department of public health under the State Council.


Appraisals on the safety for use of agricultural chemicals, such as pesticides and chemical fertilizers, shall be examined and approved by the administrative department of public health under the State Council.


Veterinary hygiene inspection procedures for slaughtered livestock and poultry shall be formulated jointly by the relevant administrative departments under the State Council and the administrative department of public health under the State Council.

    第十七条 各级人民政府的食品生产经营管理部门应当加强食品卫生管理工作,并对执行本法情况进行检查。

Article 17 The departments in charge of control of food production or marketing of the people's governments at various levels shall strengthen control of food hygiene and oversee the implementation of this Law.


The people's governments at various levels shall encourage and support efforts to improve food processing technology so as to promote the improvement of hygienic quality of food.

    第十八条 食品生产经营企业应当健全本单位的食品卫生管理制度,配备专职或者兼职食品卫生管理人员,加强对所生产经营食品的检验工作。

Article 18 Enterprises engaged in food production or marketing shall improve their own system for food hygiene control, appoint full-time or part-time workers to control food hygiene and strengthen inspection of the foods they produce or market.

    第十九条 食品生产经营企业的新建、扩建、改建工程的选址和设计应当符合卫生要求。其设计审查和工程验收必须有卫生行政部门参加。

Article 19 The selection of sites and the designs for construction, extension or renovation projects of enterprises engaged in food production or marketing shall meet hygiene requirements, and the administrative department of public health must participate in the examination of those designs and in the inspection and acceptance of finished projects.

    第二十条 利用新资源生产的食品、食品添加剂的新品种,生产经营企在造投入生产前,必须提出该产品卫生评价和营养评价所需的资料,利用新的原材料生产的食品容器、包装材料和食品用工具、设备的新品种,生产经营企业在投入生产前,必须提出该产品卫生评价所需的资料。上述新品种在投入生产前还需提供样品,并按照规定的食品卫生标准审批程序报请审批。

Article 20 Before starting production of new varieties of food or food additives with new resources, the enterprises engaged in their production or marketing must submit the data required for evaluation of the hygiene and nutrition of such products; before starting production of new varieties of containers, packagings, utensils or equipment used for foods, with new raw or processed materials, the enterprises engaged in their production or marketing must submit the data required for evaluation of the hygiene of such products. Before the new varieties mentioned above are put into production, it shall also be necessary to provide samples of the varieties and the matter shall be reported for examination and approval in accordance with the specified procedures for examining and approving food hygiene standards.

    第二十一条 定型包装食品和食品添加剂,必须在包装标识或者产品说明书上根据不同产品分别按规定标出品名、产地、厂名、生产日期、批号或者代号、规格、配方或者主要成分、保存期限、食用或者使用方法等。食品、食品添加剂的产品说明书,不得有夸大或者虚假的宣传内容。

Article 21 Any standardized packaged food or food additive must, according to the requirements for different products, have the name of the product, the place of manufacture, the name of the factory, the date of manufacture, the batch number (or code number), the specifications, the formula or principal ingredients, the date of expiration for guaranteed quality, the method of consumption or use, and other such information indicated in the label of the package or the product description. The product description for any food or food additive shall not contain exaggerated or false advertising.


The label of the food package must be clearly printed and

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