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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

demands by a consumer for repair, redoing, replacement, return, making up the quantity of a commodity, refund of a commodity purchase price or service fee or claims for compensation have been delayed deliberately or rejected without reason; or


(9) in other circumstances whereby the rights and interests of consumers, as provided by laws and regulations, are harmed.

  第四十一条 经营者提供商品或者服务,造成消费者或者其他受害人人身伤害的,应当支付医疗费、治疗期间的护理费、因误工减少的收入等费用,造成残疾的,还应当支付残疾者生活自助具费、生活补助费、残疾赔偿金以及由其扶养的人所必需的生活费等费用;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

Article 41 A business operator that causes bodily injuries to a consumer or other party in providing a commodity or a service must pay expenses such as medical treatment expenses and nursing expenses during treatment period and income lost due to absence from work. Where physical disability is caused, expenses such as assistance expenses for the tools of disabled people, living subsidies, disability compensation funds and living expenses necessary for the dependents of the disabled must also be paid. Where a criminal offence is constituted, criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the Law.

  第四十二条 经营者提供商品或者服务,造成消费者或者其他受害人死亡的,应当支付丧葬费、死亡赔偿金以及由死者生前扶养的人所必需的生活费等费用;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

Article 42 A business operator that causes the death of a consumer or other party in providing a commodity or a service shall pay expenses such as funeral costs, death compensation funds and the living expenses necessary for the persons that depended on the victim while alive. Where a criminal offence is constituted, criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law.

  第四十三条 经营者违反本法第二十五条规定,侵害消费者的人格尊严或者侵犯消费者人身自由的,应当停止侵害、恢复名誉、消除影响、赔礼道歉,并赔偿损失。

Article 43 A business operator found to have violated Article 25 of this Law by violating the human dignity or personal freedom of a consumer must stop the violation, restore the reputation of the consumer, eliminate the effects of the violation and offer an apology and compensation for any losses incurred.

  第四十四条 经营者提供商品或者服务,造成消费者财产损害的,应当按照消费者的要求,以修理、重作、更换、退货、补足商品数量、退还货款和服务费用或者赔偿损失等方式承担民事责任。消费者与经营者另有约定的,按照约定履行。

Article 44 A business operator that causes damage to the property of a consumer in providing a commodity or a service must assume civil liability by means of repair, redoing, replacement, return of goods, making up the quantity of a commodity, refund of payment for the commodity and the service fee or compensation for losses, at the request of the consumer. Where the consumer and business operator have a separate agreement, such agreement shall be implemented.

  第四十五条 对国家规定或者经营者与消费者约定包修、包换、包退的商品,经营者应当负责修理、更换或者退货。在保修期内两次修理仍不能正常使用的,经营者应当负责更换或者退货。

Article 45 For a commodity of which the guaranteed repair, replacement and return are specified by the State or by an agreement between a business operator and a consumer, the business operator must be responsible for the repair, replacement or return. Where a commodity still cannot be used properly after being repaired twice within the guaranteed maintenance period, the business operator must be responsible for replacement or return.


Where a consumer requires a business operator to repair, replace or return a large commodity of which the repair, replacement or return is guaranteed, the business operator must bear reasonable expenses such as freight.

  第四十六条 经营者以邮购方式提供商品的,应当按照约定提供。未按照约定提供的,应当按照消费者的要求履行约定或者退回货款;并应当承担消费者必须支付的合理费用。

Article 46 A business operator that provides a commodity by mail order must provide such commodity in accordance with the agreement. If the business operator fails to do so in accordance with the agreement, it must, at the request of the consumer, implement the agreement or refund payment and bear reasonable expenses needed to be paid by the consumer.

  第四十七条 经营者以预收款方式提供商品或者服务的,应当按照约定提供。未按照约定提供的,应当按照消费者的要求履行约定或者退回预付款;并应当承担预付款的利息、消费者必须支付的合理费用。

Article 47 A business operator that provides a commodity or a service for advance payment must provide such service or commodity in accordance with the agreement. If the business operator fails to do so in accordance with the agreement, the business operator must, at the request of the consumer, implement the agreement or refund the advance payment and bear the interest on the advance payment and reasonable expenses needed to be paid by the consumer.

  第四十八条 依法经有关行政部门认定为不合格的商品,消费者要求退货的,经营者应当负责退货。

Article 48 Where a consumer demands the return of a commodity that has been verified not to be up to standard by the relevant administrative department in accordance with the law, the business operator must be responsible for the return of such commodity.

  第四十九条 经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为的,应当按照消费者的要求增加赔偿其受到的损失,增加赔偿的金额为消费者购买商品的价款或者接受服务的费用的一倍。

Article 49 A business operator that practices fraud in providing a commodity or a service must, at the request of the consumer, increase the compensation for losses incurred by such consumer. The amount of the increase in compensation shall be the price of the commodity purchased or the fee for the service received by the consumer.

  第五十条 经营者有下列情形之一,《中华人民共和国产品质量法》和其他有关法律、法规对处罚机关和处罚方式有规定的,依照法律、法规的规定执行;法律、法规未作规定的,由工商行政管理部门责令改正,可以根据情节单处或者并处警告、没收违法所得、处以违法所得一倍以上五倍以下的罚款,没有违法所得的,处以一万元以下的罚款;情节严重的,责令停业整顿、吊销营业执照:

Article 50 Where penalty imposing authorities and procedures are specified by the Product Quality Law of the Peoples' Republic of China or any other relevant laws and statutory regulations in any of the following circumstances involving a business operator, such laws and statutory regulations shall be implemented. Where circumstances are not specified in laws and statutory regulations, the administrations for industry and commerce shall order the matter to be rectified and may, depending on the circumstances, impose one or several of the following penalties: issuance of a warning, confiscation of the illegal income and/or imposition of a fine of between one and five times the amount of the illegal income; where no illegal income is obtained, a fine of less than RMB 10,000 yuan shall be imposed; where the circumstances are serious, the business operator shall be ordered to cease business operation for reorganization and have its business licence revoked:


(1) where a commodity produced or sold fails to meet the requirements for the protection and safety of person and property of the consumer;


(2) where a commodity is adulterated or mixed with improper elements, a fake commodity is passed off as a genuine commodity, a commodity of poor quality as a quality commodity or a sub-standard commodity is used in imitation of the standard commodity;


(3) where a commodity pronounced obsolete by formal State decrees is produced, or an expired or deteriorated commodity is sold;


(4) where the place of origin of a commodity is fabricated; the factory name or address of another party is fabricated or used without authorizati

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