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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国消防法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     


Fire Control Law of the People's Republic of China

  第一条 为了预防火灾和减少火灾危害,保护公民人身、公共财产和公民财产的安全,维护公共安全,保障社会主义现代化建设的顺利进行,制定本法。

Article 1 This law is formulated in the purpose of preventing fire and reducing fire damage, safeguarding citizen's personal security, public property and civil assets, upholding public security and ensuring the smooth construction of the socialist modernization.

  第二条 消防工作贯彻预防为主、消防结合的方针,坚持专门机关与群众相结合的原则,实行防火安全责任制。

Article 2 Fire control work shall follow the policy of devoting major efforts into prevention and combining fire prevention with fire fighting, and shall adhere to the principle of combining the efforts of both specialized organizations and the masses and carry out responsibility system on fire prevention and safety.

  第三条 消防工作由国务院领导,由地方各级人民政府负责。

Article 3 The State Council shall led and the people's governments at all levels be responsible for fire control work.


The people's government at all levels shall bring fire control work in line with the national economy and social development plan, and ensure that fire control work fit in with the economic construction and social development.

  第四条 国务院公安部门对全国的消防工作实施监督管理,

Article 4 The public security department of the State Council shall monitor and administer the nationwide fire control work;


the public security organs of local people's governments above county level shall monitor and administer the fire control work within their administrative region and the fire control institutions of public security organs of the people's government at the same level shall be responsible for the implementation.


Fire control work for military facilities, underground parts of mines and nuclear power plant shall be monitored and administered by their competent units.


For fire control work on forest and grassland, in cases there are separate regulations, the separate regulations shall be followed.

  第五条 任何单位、个人都有维护消防安全、保护消防设施、预防火灾、报告火警的义务。

Article 5 Any unit and individual shall have the obligation of keeping fire control safety, protecting fire control facilities, preventing fire disaster and reporting fire alarm.


Any unit and adult shall have the obligation to take part in organized fire fighting work.

  第六条 各级人民政府应当经常进行消防宣传教育,提高公民的消防意识。

Article 6 The people's government at all levels shall carry out regular fire control propaganda and education and strengthen citizens' awareness on fire control.


Administrative department on education and labor shall put fire control knowledge into teaching and training.


Competent departments in journalism, publishing, broadcasting, movie and television sector shall have the obligation to conduct propaganda and education on fire control safety.

  第七条 对在消防工作中有突出贡献或者成绩显著的单位和个人,应当予以奖励。

Article 7 Units and individuals who make prominent contribution or achievements in fire control work shall be awarded.

第二章 火灾预防


  第八条 城市人民政府应当将包括消防安全布局、消防站、消防供水、消防通信、消防车通道、消防装备等内容的消防规划纳入城市总体规划,并负责组织有关主管部门实施。

Article 8 Urban people's governments shall bring the fire control plan into the overall urban planning, including fire control safety layout, fire control station, fire control communication, fire truck passageway and fire control equipment, etc, and take the charge of organizing relevant departments for its implementation.


In case public fire control facilities and equipage are insufficient or do not fit in with actual demand, efforts should be made on expansion, rebuilding, allocation and purchase or technical reform.


Science research and promotion on fire control work should be reiterated and advanced fire control technology and equipage should be adopted.

第九条 生产、储存和装卸易燃易爆危险物品的工厂、仓库和专用车站、码头,必须设置在城市的边缘或者相对独立的安全地带。

Article 9 Existing factories and warehouses and specialized depots and wharves for production, storage, loading and unloading of inflammable and explosive dangerous goods, shall be established at urban border area or independent safety zone.


Filling and loading stations, supply stations and pressure regulating stations for inflammable and explosive gas and liquid shall be set up in an appropriate location and shall conform to the requirements on prevention of fire and explosion.


For existing factories and warehouses and specialized depots and wharves for production, storage, loading and unloading of inflammable and explosive dangerous goods, and filling and loading stations, supply stations and pressure regulating stations for inflammable and explosive gas and liquid, in case they do not co

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