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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国信托法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

5) Developing medical and sanitation undertakings;


6) Developing environment protection undertakings and maintaining the environment; and


7) Developing other public undertakings of the society.

  第六十一条 国家鼓励发展公益信托。

Article 61 The state encourages the development of public trusts.

  第六十二条 公益信托的设立和确定其受托人,应当经有关公益事业的管理机构(以下简称公益事业管理机构)批准。

Article 62 The establishment of a public trust and the appointment of trustees shall be subject to the approval of the regulatory agency of relevant public undertakings (hereinafter referred to as regulatory agency of public undertakings for short).


One must not conduct activities in the name of public trust without the approval of the regulatory agency of public undertakings.


The regulatory agency of public undertakings shall give support to the activities of public trust.

  第六十三条 公益信托的信托财产及其收益,不得用于非公益目的。

Article 63 The trust property of public trust and its proceeds must not be used for non-public purposes.

  第六十四条 公益信托应当设置信托监察人。

Article 64 There shall be trust supervisors for public trusts.


The trust supervisor shall be prescribed in the trust documents. If there are no relevant provisions in the trust documents, the regulatory agency of public undertakings shall appoint the trust supervisor.

  第六十五条 信托监察人有权以自己的名义,为维护受益人的利益,提起诉讼或者实施其他法律行为。

Article 65 The trust supervisor has the right to institute an action or carry out other legal acts in his own name in order to protect the interests of the beneficiary.

  第六十六条 公益信托的受托人未经公益事业管理机构批准,不得辞任。

Article 66 The trustee of a public trust must not resign without the approval of the regulatory agency of public undertakings.

  第六十七条 公益事业管理机构应当检查受托人处理公益信托事务的情况及财产状况。

Article 67 The regulatory agency shall inspect how the trustee handles the public trust affairs and the status of the property.


The trustee shall make at least one report on the handling of public trust affairs and the status of the property each year, and submit to the regulatory agency of public undertakings for approval after being recognized by the trust supervisor, and the trustee shall make public announcement of the report.

  第六十八条 公益信托的受托人违反信托义务或者无能力履行其职责的,由公益事业管理机构变更受托人。

Article 68 The regulatory agency of public undertakings shall change the trustee if the trustee of public trust violates the trust obligations or doesn't have the capacity to perform his duties.

  第六十九条 公益信托成立后,发生设立信托时不能预见的情形,公益事业管理机构可以根据信托目的,变更信托文件中的有关条款。

Article 69 After a public trust is established, the regulatory agency of public undertakings may change relevant clauses of the trust documents on the basis of purposes of the trust if any of the circumstances that can't be anticipated when the trust is established happens.

  第七十条 公益信托终止的,受托人应当于终止事由发生之日起十五日内,将终止事由和终止日期报告公益事业管理机构。

Article 70 If the public trust terminates, the trustee shall report the causes of termination and the date of termination to the regulatory agency of public undertakings within 15 days since the causes of termination happen.

  第七十一条 公益信托终止的,受托人作出的处理信托事务的清算报告,应当经信托监察人认可后,报公益事业管理机构核准,并由受托人予以公告。

Article 71 If the public trust terminates, the liquidation report on the handling of trust affairs made by the trustee shall be reported to the regulatory agency of public undertakings for ratification after the trust supervisor recognizes, and the trustee shall make public announcement.

  第七十二条 公益信托终止,没有信托财产权利归属人或者信托财产权利归属人是不特定的社会公众的,经公益事业管理机构批准,受托人应当将信托财产用于与原公益目的相近似的目的,或者将信托财产转移给具有近似目的的公益组织或者其他公益信托。

Article 72 If there is not a person who has the right to own the trust property or it is the unspecified public that have the right to own the trust property when the public trust terminates, the trustee shall utilize the trust property for the former purposes of public interests or similar purposes, or transfer the trust property to the public organization that has similar purposes or other public trusts with the approval of the regulatory agency of public undertakings.

  第七十三条 公益事业管理机构违反本法规定的,委托人、受托人或者受益人有权向人民法院起诉。

Article 73 The trustor, the trustee or the beneficiary has the right to raise an action at the people's court if the regulatory agency violates the provisions of this Law.

  第七章 附则

Chapter 7 Supplementary Provisions

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