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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国信托法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

ibed in the trust documents.


The trustor may rescind the trust under one of the circumstances listed in items 1, 3, and 4 of the above clause.

  第五十二条 信托不因委托人或者受托人的死亡、丧失民事行为能力、依法解散、被依法撤销或者被宣告破产而终止,也不因受托人的辞任而终止。但本法或者信托文件另有规定的除外。

Article 52 The trust shall not terminate because the trustor or the trustee dies, loses civil capacity, disbands according to law, or is canceled or declared bankrupt according to law, neither shall the trust terminate because the trustee resigns, unless there are otherwise provisions in this Law or the trust documents.

  第五十三条 有下列情形之一的,信托终止:

Article 53 The trust shall terminate under any of the following circumstances:


1) Any of the causes for termination as prescribed in the trust documents happens;


2) The existence and continuance of the trust go against the purposes of the trusts;


3) The purposes of the trust have already been realized or cannot be realized at all;


4) The parties of the trust agree so after negotiation;


5) The trust is withdrawn; or


6) The trust is rescinded.

  第五十四条 信托终止的,信托财产归属于信托文件规定的人;信托文件未规定的,按下列顺序确定归属:

Article 54 The trust property shall belong to the person prescribed in the trust documents when the trust terminates; if there are no relevant provisions in the trust documents, the attribution of the trust property shall be determined in the following order:


1) The beneficiary or its heritor;


2) The trustor or its heritor.

  第五十五条 依照前条规定,信托财产的归属确定后,在该信托财产转移给权利归属人的过程中,信托视为存续,权利归属人视为受益人。

Article 55 After the attribution of the trust property is determined according to the preceding article, the trust is deemed as existing and continuing during the process when the trust property is transferred to the person who has the right to own the property, and the person is deemed as the beneficiary.

  第五十六条 信托终止后,人民法院依据本法第十七条的规定对原信托财产进行强制执行的,以权利归属人为被执行人。

Article 56 If the people's court enforces the original trust property according to the provisions of Article 17 of this Law after the trust terminates, the person who has the right to own the trust property is the person against whom the order is to be executed.

  第五十七条 信托终止后,受托人依照本法规定行使请求给付报酬、从信托财产中获得补偿的权利时,可以留置信托财产或者对信托财产的权利归属人提出请求。

Article 57 After the trust terminates, the trustee may, when exercising the rights to get remuneration and get compensation from the trust property according to the provisions of this law, retain the trust property or make claims to the person who has the right to own the trust property.

  第五十八条 信托终止的,受托人应当作出处理信托事务的清算报告。

Article 58 The trustee shall make a liquidation report on the handling of the trust affairs if the trust terminates.


If the beneficiary or the person who has the right to own the trust property has no objection to the liquidation report, the liabilities of the trustee of the matters listed in the liquidation report shall be relieved, unless the trustee did unreasonably.

  第六章 公益信托

Chapter 6 Public Trust

  第五十九条 公益信托适用本章规定。本章未规定的,适用本法及其他相关法律的规定。

Article 59 The provisions of this chapter apply to public trusts. If there are no relevant provisions in this chapter, the provisions of this Law and other relevant laws shall apply.

  第六十条 为了下列公共利益目的之一而设立的信托,属于公益信托:

Article 60 A trust established for any of the following purposes of public interests is a public trust:


1) Helping poor people;


2) Helping disaster victims;


3) Assisting the disabled;


4) Developing education, technology, culture, art and physical education undertakings;


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