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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国信托法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

Section 3 The Beneficiary

  第四十三条 受益人是在信托中享有信托受益权的人。受益人可以是自然人、法人或者依法成立的其他组织。

Article 43 The beneficiary is the person who enjoys the beneficial right of the trust. The beneficiary may be a natural person, a legal person or other organizations established according to law.


The trustor may be the beneficiary, and may also be the only beneficiary of the same trust.


The trustee may be the beneficiary, but must not be the only beneficiary of the same trust.

  第四十四条 受益人自信托生效之日起享有信托受益权。信托文件另有规定的,从其规定。

Article 44 The beneficiary enjoys the beneficial right of the trust since the day on which the trust takes effect. If there are otherwise provisions in the trust documents, those provisions shall be followed.

  第四十五条 共同受益人按照信托文件的规定享受信托利益。

Article 45 The joint beneficiaries enjoy trust benefits according to the terms of the trust documents.


If there are no relevant provisions in the trust documents concerning the distribution proportion or the methods of distributing the trust benefits, each beneficiary shall enjoy the trust benefits according to equal proportions.

  第四十六条 受益人可以放弃信托受益权。

Article 46 The beneficiary may waiver the beneficial right of the trust.


The trust shall terminate if all of the beneficiaries waivers their beneficial rights of the trust.


If some of the beneficiaries waivers the beneficial rights of the trust, the attribution of the abandoned beneficial right of the trust shall be determined in the following order:


1) Persons prescribed in the trust documents;


2) Other beneficiaries;


3) The trustor or its heritor;

  第四十七条 受益人不能清偿到期债务的,其信托受益权可以用于清偿债务,但法律、行政法规以及信托文件有限制性规定的除外。

Article 47 The beneficiary who is not able to pay off matured debts may use his beneficial right of the trust to pay off his debts, except that there are restrictive provisions in laws, regulations or the trust documents.

  第四十八条 受益人的信托受益权可以依法转让和继承,但信托文件有限制性规定的除外。

Article 48 The beneficial right of the trust of the beneficiary may be transferred and inherited according to law, except that there are restrictive provisions in the trust documents.

  第四十九条 受益人可以行使本法第二十条至第二十三条规定的委托人享有的权利。

Article 49 The beneficiary may enjoy the rights of the trustor prescribed in Articles 20 to 23.


If the beneficiary has objections to the trustor when exercising the rights mentioned above, he may apply to the people's court for ruling.


If the trustee conducts any of the acts listed in the first clause of Article 22 and any of the joint beneficiaries applies to the people's court for withdrawing the disposition, the ruling of cancellation made by the people's court shall be of equal effect to all of the joint beneficiaries.

  第五章 信托的变更与终止

Chapter 5 Chang and Termination of Trust

  第五十条 委托人是唯一受益人的,委托人或者其继承人可以解除信托。信托文件另有规定的,从其规定。

Article 50 The trustor or the heritor thereof may rescind the trust if the trustor is the only beneficiary. If there are otherwise provisions in the trust documents, those provisions shall be followed.

  第五十一条 设立信托后,有下列情形之一的,委托人可以变更受益人或者处分受益人的信托受益权:

Article 51 Under one of the following circumstances, the trustor may change the beneficiary or dispose of the beneficial rights of the trust of the beneficiary after the trust is established:


1) The beneficiary seriously infringes upon the rights of the trustor;


2) The beneficiary seriously infringes upon the rights of any of the other joint beneficiaries;


3) With the approval of the beneficiary; and


4) Other circumstances prescr

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