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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国引渡法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     


 (1)the People's Republic of China has criminal jurisprudence over the offence indicated in the request and criminal proceedings are being instituted against the person or preparations are being made for such proceedings; or


 (2)extradition is incompatible with humanitarian considerations in view of the age, health or other conditions of the person sought.


 Section 2 Submission of the Request for Extradition


 Article 10 The request for extradition made by the Requesting State shall be submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China.


 Article 11 The Requesting State shall present a letter of request for extradition which shall specify:


 (1)the name of the requesting authority;


 (2)the name, sex, age, nationality, category and number of identification documents, occupation, characteristics of appearance, domicile and residence of the person sought and other information that may help to identify and search for the person;


 (3)facts of the offence, including the time, place, conduct and outcome of the offence; and


 (4)legal provisions on adjudgement, measurement of penalty and prescription for prosecution.


 Article 12 A letter of request for extradition submitted by the Requesting State shall be accompanied by:


 (1)where extradition is requested for the purpose of instituting criminal proceedings, a copy of the warrant of arrest or other document with the same effect; where extradition is requested for the purpose of executing criminal punishment, a copy of legally effective written judgment or verdict, and where part of punishment has already been executed, a statement to such an effect; and


 (2)the necessary evidence of the offence or evidentiary material.


 The Requesting State shall provide the photographs and fingerprints of the person sought and other material in its control which may help to identify that person.


 Article 13 The letter of request for extradition and other relevant documents submitted by the Requesting State in accordance with the provisions of this Section shall be officially signed or sealed by the competent authority of the Requesting State and be accompanied by translations in Chinese or other languages agreed to by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China.


 Article 14 The Requesting State shall make the following assurances when requesting extradition:


 (1)no criminal responsibility shall be investigated against the person in respect of the offences committed before his surrender except for which extradition is granted, nor shall that person be re-extradited to a third state, unless consented by the People's Republic of China, or unless that person has not left the Requesting State within 30 days from the date the proceedings in respect of the offence for which extradition is requested are terminated, or the person completes his sentence or is released before the sentence expires, or after leaving the country the person has returned of his own free will; and


 (2)where after submitting the request for extradition, the Requesting State withdraws or waives it, or it is a mistake for the Requesting State to submit such a request, the Requesting State shall bear the responsibility for the harm thus done to the person.


 Article 15 Where there is no extradition treaty to go by, the Requesting State shall make a reciprocity assurance.


  Section 3 Examination of the Request for Extradition


 Article 16 Upon receiving the request for extradition from the Requesting State, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall examine whether the letter of request for extradition and the accompanying documents and material conform to the provisions of Section 2 in Chapter II of this Law and the provisions of extradition treaties.


 The Higher People's Court designated by the Supreme People's Court shall examine whether the request for extradition made by the Requesting State conforms to the provisions of this Law and of extradition treaties regarding conditions for extradition and render a decision on it.


The decision made by the Higher People's Court is subject to review by the Supreme People's Court.


 Article 17 Where two or more states request extradition of the same person for the same or different conducts, the order of priority of the request for extradition shall be determined upon considering the factors such as the time when those requests for extra

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