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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国中外合作经营企业法实施细则          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

anagement committee.


The general manager shall be appointed and dismissed by the board of directors or joint management committee.

第三十三条 总经理及其他高级管理人员可以由中国公民担任,也可以由外国公民担任。

Article 33 The general manager and other high-ranking management personnel may be Chinese or foreign citizens.


Members of the board of directors or joint management committee may concurrently hold the positions general manager and other high-ranking personnel of the venture upon appointment of the board of directors or joint management committee.

第三十四条 总经理及其他高级管理人员不胜任工作任务的,或者有营私舞弊或者严重失职行为的,经董事会或者联合管理委员会决议,可以解聘;给合作企业造成损失的,应当依法承担责任。

Article 34 In case of incompetence, graft or serious dereliction of duty on the part of the general manager or other high-ranking management personnel, the board of directors or joint management committee may resolute to dismiss them. If any loss is incurred to the venture, the person concerned shall be liable to the loss according to law.

第三十五条 合作企业成立后委托合作各方以外的他人经营管理的,必须经董事会或者联合管理委员会一致同意,并应当与被委托人签订委托经营管理合同。

Article 35 If a contractual JV chooses to entrust a third party to operate and manage the venture after its establishment, unanimous agreement of the board of directors or joint management committee is needed, and an entrustment operation and management contract with the entrusted party needs to be signed.


The JV shall then report for approval to the examination and approval authorities the resolution of the board or committee, the signed entrustment operation and management agreement, together with credit certificate of the entrusted party. The relevant authorities shall decide whether to approve the entrustment or not within 30 days from receiving relevant documents.

第六章 购买物资和销售产品

Chapter VI Material Purchase & Product Sales

第三十六条 合作企业按照经批准的经营范围和生产经营规模,自行制定生产经营计划。

Article 36 A contractual JV makes the production and operation plans by itself according to the approved business scope and operation scale.


The government authorities shall not force a venture to carry out any production and operation plan worked out by any governmental authority.

第三十七条 合作企业可以自行决定在中国境内或者境外购买本企业自用的机器设备、原材料、燃料、零部件、配套件、元器件、运输工具和办公用品等(以下简称“物资”)。

Article 37 A contractual JV may decide by itself, from in or outside the Chinese territory, the purchase of machinery, equipment, raw materials, fuel, parts, accessories, components, means of transportation and office facilities, etc. (hereinafter referred to as materials) for its own use.

第三十八条 国家鼓励合作企业向国际市场销售其产品。

Article 38 The State encourages a contractual JV to sell its products on the world market.


A JV may either sell the products on the world market by itself or entrust foreign sales agencies or foreign trade companies in China to sell on commission.


The product prices of a contractual JV are subject to the venture's own decision according to law.

第三十九条 外国合作者作为投资进口的机器设备、零部件和其他物料以及合作企业用投资总额内的资金进口生产、经营所需的机器设备、零部件和其他物料,免征进口关税和进口环节的流转税。

Article 39 Customs duty and import intermediary tax shall be exempted on the import of machinery, equipment, parts and other materials serving as the contribution of the foreign party, and machinery, equipment, parts and other materials for production and operation requirements with fund allocated from the total amount of investment of the venture.


In case the aforesaid duty -free materials are approved to be resold within China or put on sale on the domestic market, relevant taxes shall be levied or made up according to law.

第四十条 合作企业不得以明显低于合理的国际市场同类产品的价格出口产品,不得以高于国际市场同类产品的价格进口物资。

Article 40 A contractual JV shall not export products at prices notably lower than the reasonable prices of similar products on the world market, nor import at prices notably higher than that of similar products on the world market.

第四十一条 合作企业销售产品,应当按照经批准的合作企业合同的约定销售。

Article 41 Product sales of a contractual JV shall abide by the stipulations of the approved contractual JV contract.

第四十二条 合作企业进口或者出口属于进出口许可证、配额管理的商品,应当按照国家有关规定办理申领手续。

Article 42 To import or export products that are subject to license and quota control, a contractual JV shall go through the application formalities for license and quota in accordance with relevant State regulations.

第七章 分配收益与回收投资

Chapter VII Income Distribution and Investment Recovery Article 43

第四十三条 中外合作者可以采用分配利润、分配产品或者合作各方共同商定的其他方式分配收益。

The foreign and Chinese parties may distribute their income by distributing the profits, products or by other methods agreed upon by all parties.


In case of income distribution by distributing the products or by other methods, the amount of taxes due shall be calculated according to relevant tax laws.

第四十四条 中外合作者在合作企业合同中约定合作期限届满时,合作企业的全部固定资产无偿归中国合作者所有的,外国合作者在合作期限内可以申请按照下列方式先行回收其投资:

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