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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国中外合作经营企业法实施细则          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

in the total amount of investment and production and operation scale, approval shall be obtained from examination and approval authorities.

第四章 投资、合作条件

Chapter IV Investment & Conditions for Cooperation

第十七条 合作各方应当依照有关法律、行政法规的规定和合作企业合同的约定,向合作企业投资或者提供合作条件。

Article 17 Each party shall contribute its investment or cooperation input to the contractual JV according to laws, decrees and contractual JV contract.

第十八条 合作各方向合作企业的投资或者提供的合作条件可以是货币,也可以是实物或者工业产权、专有技术、土地使用权等财产权利。

Article 18 The investment or cooperation input contributed by all parties may be provided in cash or in kind or other property rights such as industrial property rights, technical know-how, land-use rights, etc.


Asset appraisal shall be conducted according to relevant laws and decrees if the investment or cooperation input of the Chinese party is State-owned assets.


In a contractual JV that is accorded by law the status of a Chinese legal person, the foreign party's investment shall generally be no less than 25 percent of the venture's registered capital.


In a contractual JV without the status of a Chinese legal person, specific requirements for investment or cooperation input contributed by each party shall be regulated by Moftec.

第十九条 合作各方应当以其自有的财产或者财产权利作为投资或者合作条件,对该投资或者合作条件不得设置抵押权或者其他形式的担保。

Article 19 The investment or cooperation input contributed by each party shall be the property or property right under its ownership, and shall not be mortgaged or set as any other from of guarantee.

第二十条 合作各方应当根据合作企业的生产经营需要,依照有关法律、行政法规的规定,在合作企业合同中约定合作各方向合作企业投资或者提供合作条件的期限。

Article 20 The contractual JV contract shall set down time limit for all parties to contribute investment or cooperation input according to laws and decrees to meet the venture's operation and production requirements.


In case a party fails to contribute the investment or cooperation input according to the contractual JV contract, the administrative authorities for industry and commerce shall set a time limit for it to fulfill its obligations;


if the aforesaid party still fails to fulfill its obligations upon expiration of the time limit, the examination and approval authorities shall withdraw and nullify the venture's approval certificate, and the administrative authorities for industry and commerce shall revoke the business license and make an annunciation.

第二十一条 未按照合作企业合同约定缴纳投资或者提供合作条件的一方,应当向已按照合作企业合同约定缴纳投资或者提供合作条件的他方承担违约责任。

Article 21 The party that fails to contribute investment or cooperation input according to the contract JV contract shall be liable for breach of contract to the other party that has made the contribution according the contract.

第二十二条 合作各方缴纳投资或者提供合作条件后,应当由中国注册会计师验证并出具验资报告,由合作企业据以发给合作各方出资证明书。出资证明书应当载明下列事项:

Article 22 An accountant registered in China shall verify the investment or cooperation input contributed by the parties and issue a verification certificate by which the contractual JV shall issue investment certificates to all parties. The investment certificates shall include the following items:


(1) Name of the contractual JV;


(2) Establishment date of the JV;


(3) Name or each party;


(4) Contents of the investment or cooperation input contributed by each party;


(5) Dates of contribution of the investment or cooperation input by each party;


(6) Serial number and issuing date of the investment certificate.


Copies of the investment certificates shall be put on the record of the examination and approval authorities, and administrative authorities for industry and commerce.

第二十三条 合作各方之间相互转让或者合作一方向合作他方以外的他人转让属于其在合作企业合同中全部或者部分权利的,须经合作他方书面同意,并报审查批准机关批准。

Article 23 In case one party intends to transfer all or part of its rights with the venture to the other party or to the third party, written consent shall be obtained from the other party of the venture, and application shall be filed with the examination and approval authorities.


The examination and approval authorities shall decide whether to approve the application or not within 30 days after receiving transfer documents.

第五章 组织机构

Chapter V Organizational Institution

第二十四条 合作企业设董事会或者联合管理委员会。董事会或者联合管理委员会是合作企业的权力机构,按照合作企业章程的规定,决定合作企业的重大问题。

Article 24 A contractual JV shall set up a board of directors or a joint management committee, which is the power organ of the venture and shall make decisions on major issues pertaining to the venture according to the articles of association.

第二十五条 董事会或者联合管理委员会成员不得少于3人,其名额的分配由中外合作者参照其投资或者提供的合作条件协商确定。

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