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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国中外合作经营企业法实施细则          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

Article 25 The board of directors or joint management committee shall consist of no fewer than three members. Distribution of the number of directors of the board or members of the committee shall be decided upon through consultation by all parties with reference to the proportion of investment or cooperation input.

第二十六条 董事会董事或者联合管理委员会委员由合作各方自行委派或者撤换。

Article 26 Appointment and replacement of the directors of the board or members of the committee shall be made separately by respective parties of the venture.


Ways of appointing the chairman, deputy-chairman of the board or the director, deputy-director of the committee shall be regulated in the articles of association.


Where the Chinese or foreign party is appointed as the chairman of the board or director of the committee, the other party shall be the deputy-chairman or deputy-director.

第二十七条 董事或者委员的任期由合作企业章程规定;但是,每届任期不得超过3年。

Article 27 Term of office for the director of the board or the member of the committee shall be regulated in the articles of association, each term shall not exceed three years.


Upon expiration of a term, the director of board or committee member may renew his or her term provided his/her party continues the appointment.

第二十八条 董事会会议或者联合管理委员会会议每年至少召开1次,由董事长或者主任召集并主持。

Article 28 The board of directors or joint management committee shall convene at least one meeting each year, called and presided over by the chairman of the board or the director of the committee.


In case the chairman or the director is unable to call the meting due to special reasons, he or she shall authorize the deputy-chairman of the board or deputy-director of the committee or other director of the board or committee member to call and preside over the meeting.


A meeting of the board of directors or joint management committee may be convened upon a proposal by more than one-third of the directors of the board or the committee members.


A meeting of the board of directors or joint management committee should be participated by more than two-thirds of the directors of the board or committee members. In case a director of the board or committee member is unable to attend the meeting, a proxy shall be appointed in writing to participate and vote.


A resolution of the meeting shall be passed by at least half or the total members of the board or committee.


The director of the board or committee member who fails to attend the meeting either in person or through a proxy without a reasonable excuse shall be regarded as having attended the meeting and abstained from voting.


Notice shall be given to all members of the board or the joint management committee 10 days prior to a meeting of the board of directors or joint management committee.


A resolution of the board of directors of joint management committee may also be made in the form of correspondence.

第二十九条 下列事项由出席董事会会议或者联合管理委员会会议的董事或者委员一致通过,方可作出决议:

Article 29 Unanimous agreement is required of all the members of the board of directors or joint management committee for making any resolution on the following matters:


(1) Modification of the articles of association;


(2) Increase or decrease of the registered capital;


(3) Dissolution of the JV;


(4) Assets mortgage of the JV;


(5) Merger, split-up or change of organization from of the JV;


(6) Other matters that require unanimous agreement of the meeting of the board or joint management committee for a resolution.

第三十条 董事会或者联合管理委员会的议事方式和表决程序,除本实施细则规定的外,由合作企业章程规定。

Article 30 Rules of procedure and voting procedures of the meeting of board or joint management committee shall be regulated in the venture's articles of association except for the those regulated in this detailed rules.

第三十一条 董事长或者主任是合作企业的法定代表人。

Article 31 The chairman of the board or the director of the committee is the legal representative of the venture.


In case the chairman or director is unable to exercise the duty under certain circumstances, the deputy-chairman or deputy-director or other member of the board or joint management committee shall be authorized to represent the venture in external affairs.

第三十二条 合作企业设总经理1人,负责合作企业的日常经营管理工作,对董事会或者联合管理委员会负责。

Article 32 The contractual JV shall appoint the general manager, to be in charge of the daily operation and management of the venture and accountable to the board of directors or joint m

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