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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国仲裁法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     


Arbitration Law of the People's Republic of China


Chapter I General Provisions

第一条 为保证公正、及时地仲裁经济纠纷,保护当事人的合法权益,保障社会主义市场经济健康发展,制定本法。

Article 1 This Law is formulated in order to ensure that economic disputes shall be impartially and promptly arbitrated, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the relevant parties and to guarantee the healthy development of the socialist market economy.

第二条 平等主体的公民、法人和其他组织之间发生的合同纠纷和其他财产权益纠纷,可以仲裁。

Article 2 Disputes over contracts and disputes over property rights and interests between citizens, legal persons and other organizations as equal subjects of law may be submitted to arbitration.

第三条 下列纠纷不能仲裁:

Article 3 The following disputes shall not be submitted to arbitration:


1. disputes over marriage, adoption, guardianship, child maintenance and inheritance;


and 2. administrative disputes falling within the jurisdiction of the relevant administrative organs according to law.

第四条 当事人采用仲裁方式解决纠纷,应当双方自愿,达成仲裁协议。没有仲裁协议,一方申请仲裁的,仲裁委员会不予受理。

Article 4 The parties adopting arbitration for dispute settlement shall reach an arbitration agreement on a mutually voluntary basis. An arbitration commission shall not accept an application for arbitration submitted by one of the parties in the absence of an arbitration agreement.

第五条 当事人达成仲裁协议,一方向人民法院起诉的,人民法院不予受理,但仲裁协议无效的除外。

Article 5 A people's court shall not accept an action initiated by one of the parties if the parties have concluded an arbitration agreement, unless the arbitration agreement is invalid.

第六条 仲裁委员会应当由当事人协议选定。

Article 6 An arbitration commission shall be selected by the parties by agreement.


The jurisdiction by level system and the district jurisdiction system shall not apply in arbitration.

第七条 仲裁应当根据事实,符合法律规定,公平合理地解决纠纷。

Article 7 Disputes shall be fairly and reasonably settled by arbitration on the basis of facts and in accordance with the relevant provisions of law.

第八条 仲裁依法独立进行,不受行政机关、社会团体和个人的干涉。

Article 8 Arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the law, independent of any intervention by administrative organs, social organizations or individuals.

第九条 仲裁实行一裁终局的制度。裁决作出后,当事人就同一纠纷再申请仲裁或者向人民法院起诉的,仲裁委员会或者人民法院不予受理。

Article 9 The single ruling system shall be applied in arbitration. The arbitration commission shall not accept any application for arbitration, nor shall a people's court accept any action submitted by the party in respect of the same dispute after an arbitration award has already been given in relation to that matter.


If the arbitration award is canceled or its enforcement has been disallowed by a people's court in accordance with the law, the parties may, in accordance with a new arbitration agreement between them in respect of the dispute, re-apply for arbitration or initiate legal proceedings with the people's court.

第二章 仲裁委员会和仲裁协会

 Chapter II Arbitration Commissions and Arbitration Association

第十条 仲裁委员会可以在直辖市和省、自治区人民政府所在地的市设立,也可以根据需要在其他设区的市设立,不按行政区划层层设立。

Article 10 Arbitration commissions may be established in the municipalities directly under the Central Government, in the municipalities where the people's governments of provinces and autonomous regions are located or, if necessary, in other cities divided into districts. Arbitration commissions shall not be established at each level of the administrative divisions.


The people's governments of the municipalities and cities specified in the above paragraph shall organize the relevant departments and the Chamber of Commerce for the formation of an arbitration commission.


The establishment of an arbitration commission shall be registered with the judicial administrative department of the relevant province, autonomous region or municipalities directly under the Central Government.

第十一条 仲裁委员会应当具备下列条件:

Article 11 An arbitration commission shall fulfil the following conditions:


1. it must have its own name, domicile and Articles of Association;


2. it must possess the necessary property;


3. it must have its own members;


and 4. it must have arbitrators for appointment.


The articles of association of the an arbitration commission shall be formulated in accordance with this Law.

第十二条 仲裁委员会由主任一人、副主任二至四人和委员七至十一人组成。

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